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MT Zehvor

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Posts posted by MT Zehvor

  1. You have no proof of that. Therfore it's an opinion.

    It's more of a belief than an opinion. Opinion is entirely subjective personal preference; i.e. peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are better than ham sandwiches, or Metroid is better than Zelda. Belief, meanwhile, is a fact that you think is true, and, were it to be proven true, no one could argue against it, i.e. I believe in God, or I believe that Bionicle will return in 2015.



  2. Thank you for understanding the message I was trying to get across, MT. What does the MT even stand for? Makuta Teridax? Mighty Tuma? Mafia Turaga? My Teeth? Perhaps the Mafia can get to the bottom of this mystery by examining you up close with their unique methods of dealing with things, such as killing people that don't even exist in the game, like the Legendary Pupwa. Or maybe that one guy that we've all ignored until now is about to become important? The one who is apparently bad and big? What's up with them? What can they do? Why am I not dead yet? How did Pupwa get killed? 


    I think we should solve all of these mysteries.

    I'm looking forward to it.




    I'm leaving for a week for summer camp. I would appreciate it if you lot did not kill me in the meantime.


    Also, I'll throw in a vote for Pupwa to host 0.7 as long as it's not written in 'Slenderman note scribble font' and not capitalized every word.




    Don't worry, I won't.


    If no one objects, Just make the thread for me. No sub titles, just Mafia 0.7


    Well, Unit's gone for the week, so you might want to ask someone else. :P



  4. ...Right, Burnmad's dead. 


    Fortunately, I didn't appear on the suspect list when he died. Would've been prime lynching material. Now Kaiser's going to die, and it's all my fault. Should have stayed on the Kuanwagon. But guilty people don't vote themselves, and guilty people don't sacrifice themselves. Thus eliminating Kuan and Kaiser, and you appear to have already eliminated Mesonak and Eljay, leaving Pulse. Right, go ahead and kill Pulse, he's the guilty one. I advocate you lynch Pulse the next time he shows up, although I, Trijhak, am definitely not Pulse and not guilty.






  5. I'm leaving for a week for summer camp. I would appreciate it if you lot did not kill me in the meantime.


    Also, I'll throw in a vote for Pupwa to host 0.7 as long as it's not written in 'Slenderman note scribble font' and not capitalized every word.




    I second this.



  6. I am very disheartened. After all these Mafia games, I thought you all would trust me by now. It is very shocking to see my brothers and sisters turn against me.


    And besides, killing right after the previous night is not my play style.

    You seem awfully insistent on assuring us that it isn't your play style.


    And besides, you may not necessarily be the killer for this round; the RNG could have just put you in a bad spot (as it's obviously been doing).



  7. I'll save that one person the trouble and say that this Kuan bandwagon is suspicious even though I started it.

    Why, thank you. :P


    Though I do owe Burn an apology for suspecting him last round.


    I'll vote Zakaro for the moment and see where this ends up going.


    EDIT: So I need your guys help on this, if anyone remembers the botched last round.


    The suspects for last round were Meso, LJ, Burn, Kaiser, and one other person. As both Meso and LJ voted for SV at the last second, and Burn is obviously innocent, that means that either Kaiser or that one other person who I can't remember is guilty.


    For some reason I'm thinking it was Ehks, but I'm not 100% sure on that.



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