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MT Zehvor

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Posts posted by MT Zehvor

  1. Woah. No way am I reading that many pages. :P I did see a similar rule on the first page, though, about not revealing allied roles, but I assume this rule is broader, and applies to revealing (allegedly revealing? only truthful revealing? speculating on?) any team's roles after one is dead.

    That rule was actually added on ex post facto. One of the Mafians (who got lynched in an earlier round) decided to spread the names of his teammates to various other players. We ended up having to redistribute roles midgame in order to have any sort of competitive finish.



  2. "No role revealing if you're dead." 



    Does this mean a player's role is not revealed when he dies? Or just that dead people cannot reveal other people's roles? Is that intended to imply that dead people should be dead and not actively altering the course of the game? (If so, I applaud this rule development.)


    Having run the game that inspired the creation of this rule, I can safely say it's the latter.



  3. ...okay, you know what, since Lhik is doomed anyway - switching back to Shadowhawk (from Lhik, obviously), if still possible. 

    It's also going to be my last switch, promise. (though I didn't read anything about only one switch being allowed in the first post, anyway)



    Why would you do that


    If another person gets two votes now, Lhik can just bribe his way out of dying.



  4. Sounds intriguing.


    Little more detail perhaps? :P


    EDIT: After learning that no more detail is feasible due to spoiler issues, I'll accept vagueness. My vote goes to MoC hosting the next game. Let some of these new kids get in on the hosting action.





    "It has been months since the extremely successful Baterra siege during the final stages of the Tournament of Champions. Tuma and the Skrall stood no chance against the sudden surprise attack.


    Meso and his deeds were praised by many of the Baterra; statues of him in varying degrees of triumph now litter the landscape.


    He is now leader of the Baterra Republic of Mesoness, whatever Skralls remained after the decimation were quickly subjected to servitude. Meso of course being the king, has numerous Skrall servants. As we speak he's sitting on a throne of live Skrall, and using two glued together Skrall as a table. Life is simple for them.


    The decimation was messy business. It's not that the Baterra had to go throughout the land and kill Skrall one by one. As soon as it became obvious that Meso claimed power, many Skrall killed themselves in order to escape the onslaught of endless poetry.


    iBrow was one of the only Skrall to escape servitude and suicide. He and a very small number of remaining Skrall escaped deep into emergency tunnels dug into the earth. Essentially becoming "mole people".


    There is literally no hope of them ever coming back up to retake the surface.


    And what about MoC you might ask? You all know very well what happened to myself..."


    MoC: Of course you all would know, you were there and I've told you this story millions of times.


    MoC who is currently wearing a 4ft grass beard stares at the pine cones, pet rocks, and metal bits all seated on stumps and all wearing googly eyes.


    However the inanimate objects do not answer. Because that is all that they are.


    Inanimate objects.


    The End.





  6. Yay that worked out in a way that made sense. =P

    (Now will the next game have a Baterra as a role? =P)

    I'm not a huge fan of sequely games, so there probably won't be any "next game." I'm honestly not sure what would be done with it if there was one, anyway. The last Glatorian, the last Skrall, and three Vorox team up to take down the Baterra?



  7. that was unexpected.

    And did Meso's votes even count? As he knew every role, it would be unfair somewhat...

    but still, if I hadn't have died somehow, we would have won...maybe.

    Meso's votes did count, yes. That said, since he switched back and forth between voting for each side, depending on which was in the lead, I don't think it skewed it towards one side or the other (although maybe I'm just biased as host).



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