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~Lord Zahaku~

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Blog Comments posted by ~Lord Zahaku~

  1. Member- ~Zahaku~

    Category 1.1 - Nevik (nay-VIK)

    Category 1.2 - Marcoz (MAR-koz)

    Category 1.3 - Treyon (tray-YAWN)

    Category 1.4 - Veyrohk (VAY-rock)

    Category 1.5 - Silurak (se-LOO-rahk)

    Category 1.6 - Jirahl (jey-RAL)

    Category 1.7 - Zehric (zay-RIK)



    P.S- Decided against of doing one for Umbra's species seeing how he is a one of a kind.

  2. I'm currently in the process of securing prizes for the massive contest that will be open to all BZPower Members, which we plan to begin discussing via PM in the very near future, meanwhile the C.I.R.C.L.E.-exclusive project will likely be revealed to our membership sometime thereafter, once all the details are in order.


    Alright, look foward to hearing about it.



  3. What!?! No! I cant turn into a weak Turaga, I haven't took control yet! <_<

    To show just how wise we are, the "TURAGA COUNCIL" has decided to keep our friends close, and our enemies closer. :sly:


    Ahh.... yes smart. Unfortunatlely for you, I now have a greater position of power to manipulate from. :evilgrin:



    Yes, but remember, Ausar, Kohila and I are still your superiors. :P Think of it like Turaga Dume's seniority over the Turaga Metru, if you will. We can and will prevent any unruly uprisings or attempts at insubordination and quash them with swift justice and benevolent Staff of Veto usage. :sly:


    Also, I vote "Aye" to all new articles. Congratulations on out two new Turaga, Choco and Zahaku, and to all the newly-promoted Toa and Matoran. Although I must confess, with a bigger Turaga Council and such a large Toa team nowadays, the Matoran tribe is getting smaller and we may want to consider getting new members! :lol:



    Hmm..... Staff of Veto. :evilgrin: I have a new plan!



  4. What!?! No! I cant turn into a weak Turaga, I haven't took control yet! <_<

    To show just how wise we are, the "TURAGA COUNCIL" has decided to keep our friends close, and our enemies closer. :sly:


    Ahh.... yes smart. Unfortunatlely for you, I now have a greater position of power to manipulate from. :evilgrin:



  5. That's great news. Thanks, Ausar!

    Actually it's Kohilå that deserves the thanks. As a member of both groups this is really his hard work paying off. :fonz:


    When will we find out about this major upcoming project?

    The project will be revealed once all the details are ironed out, but it is essential that all of The C.I.R.C.L.E. members understand that we'll be bound by a "Non-Disclosure Agreement" that will prevent us from openly talking about this project and others until it is time for them to be revealed.


    Let me know if there are any other questions.


    Well, Im even more intrested now and I cant wait to find out what it is.

    And Well done Kohila!



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