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Blog Entries posted by GregF

  1. GregF
    Just some quick news --
    -- A lot of people on here have been talking about a set they have seen with a Hydraxon mask on it and suggesting that is the 2008 BrickMaster exclusive set. It's not. No images of the BM exclusive set are on the net (I've looked), but I do have an image of it and it does not have a Hydraxon mask. The item number for this set is #20005 and we aren't even showing BMs what it looks like yet. The March issue will show what the May and July sets will look like, but the BIONICLE set is not until September.
    -- I will be appearing at the Butler & Dimmock Library on Main St. in Coventry, CT on Wednesday, April 16 at 2 pm. I'm going to to be talking about BIONICLE and they are also talking about doing some contests, though that is not firmed up yet.
    -- Will be back at Comic-Con again this year, looks like -- July 24-27, at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, CA.
    -- Some 2009 set designs are now final, some are still in the process of being worked on. New script is out in Billund now, looks good.
  2. GregF
    Yay, I am on vacation for a week ... Seven days of baseball, Playstation baseball, and WoW ...
    Finished Bionicle Legends #8 on Easter Sunday, so am going to try not to do any LEGO writing this week, other than answering questions on BZP. (Yes, I will still be here.)
    Had a good day today -- went up to Renbrook School in West Hartford and spoke to a few classes of fifth graders. One of the students there (who is also a BZP member, I believe) had sent me a letter a while back as part of a class project. When I saw where the school was (not very far from me), I wrote back and told him if his school would like, I would drop in for a talk.
    So today was the first of two visits for me there -- great looking school, nice bunch of kids, good mix of questions from them. Next week I speak to the fourth graders. The school seemed very pleased I did not ask them for money to come visit -- I told them it's for young people, I don't expect to get paid to do something like this for them. (They did give me a nice gift, though, which was sweet of them -- restaurant gift cards.) The school personnel were really appreciative and nice to me, and that makes it a pleasure to do things like this. Really recharges my batteries, you know?
    Anyway -- after this little break, it is on to EXO-FORCE #7 and BIONICLE Legends #9. In the meantime, my Draenai hunter is up to level 25 and has a chalice and some tainted wood to find, so I better get back to that
  3. GregF
    As promised, here is some info on Vamprah (Chirox and a better Antroz write-up to come later in the week):
    Vamprah (8692)
    Quote: Vamprah does not speak.
    Weapons: Tridak pod with shadow leeches; claws; knife-sharp wings
    Personality: Vamprah is the true hunter among the Makuta, who delights in silently stalking his prey. Even his allies are uncomfortable around him. Thanks to his mask power and his own experiments, he now literally feeds on the hopes and dreams of others. Vamprah hates to see a hunt end too soon and will often toy with his prey before feeding.
    Mask: Kanohi Avsa, Mask of Hunger -- allows Vamprah to drain his choice of light, energy or positive emotions from a target at a distance. His preference is always the latter, but he will drain energy when in combat.
  4. GregF
    As I finish off the first three Chapter Ones, a quick preview of the winter serials --
    #1 - At the end of last year's Gali Nuva Blog, we learned how Tahu and Kopaka had been sent on a mission by the Order of Mata Nui to quell a series of active volcanoes on a southern islands. Now, the Order sends a bizarre team -- Brutaka, Roodaka, Makuta Spiriah, Vezon, Carapar and Takadox -- on a suicide mission to that same island to save a potential wild card in the conflict to come -- the original leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta!
    #2 - Makuta Mutran remembers the past history of the Brotherhood. Learn new secrets about the BOM and its Plan, as well as more about events like the Matoran Civil War and the exploits of Brotherhood members elsewhere in the universe.
    #3 (biocast) -- Takanuva journeys to Karda Nui through the unpredictable power of Brutaka's mask, only to wind up somewhere very different indeed -- a pocket dimension where Toa Nidhiki allied himself with Toa Tuyet (during the events of "The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet") and killed Lhikan. Tuyet's power led the Toa down a dark path of oppression and murder, leaving the survivors of the Brotherhood and the Dark Hunters as the only force left to fight for freedom in the universe!
  5. GregF
    Just to update you on the new serial -- the first chapter is done, and Bink will be posting it as soon as he can (he is traveling for work, so it may be later this week). This chapter features three new Toa -- Psionics, Lightning, and Iron -- and a new villain.
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