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Status Updates posted by Stryker055

  1. No,I don't want those.

  2. Hello,Dark Mahri!

  3. I am Iranu- Shadow Master!

  4. That was back when I visited your page the first time! Why is this such a big deal? :P

  5. Well why don't you finish it?

  6. You know what I just realized? Your birthday was ten days ago.


    Happy belated Birthday!

  7. No,I mean my mom grounded me from PMing.

  8. Thanks:




    Weapon(s):Staff w/ Lesovikk blade


  9. Your Topic has been DELETED! What do you say to that?

  10. I got Protax's message.


  11. My comments have now become the Random Board.

  12. Hey,GF,can you PM me the sprite sheet you used for my GS comic?

  13. I don't know, it was days ago.

  14. Yeah. Hardly use it, though.

  15. But I am working on something that many of my few fans will have mixed feelings about...

  16. Cool!What's the surprise?

  17. I don't want the claws.

  18. People can PM me,but I can't PM back.

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