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Status Updates posted by Stryker055

  1. Yadhtrib yppah, Fgerg!

    (Happy Birthday, GregF!)

  2. Yay! Ask Vezok 2!!

  3. Yay! You're back!

    (Sorry,I get bored)

    When will you post pics?

    And my mask is Dume's,if you have it.

  4. Yeah, I know. I'm content with a rating of 4. (Though I'd like to know who rated me so low...)

  5. Yeah, I remember you from your personal pic. :P

  6. Yeah, that can get confusing. :P

  7. Yeah, that's funny. Have you seen my latest epic?

  8. Yeah,he's just too busy.

  9. Yeah,I hate it.

    Thanks for understanding.

  10. Yeah,it means that too many people are trying to load the server.

  11. Yeah,that's better.Tahu should be a gnat because he's supposed to be all,like,big.

    It'll be funny.

  12. Yeah,that's it-I officialy don't like you

  13. Yeah,Welcome!

    I'm here if you need anything!

  14. Yeah. Boulevarde of Broken Dreams is pretty good, too.

  15. Yeah. Hardly use it, though.

  16. Yeah... I had my own epic to worry about, and the multiple authors thing was kinda getting to me and was really confusing. -_-

    (Yay!!! 2009!!!)

  17. Yep! Vezon should send it soon!

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