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Status Updates posted by FireDawn

  1. ... you know your fonts well.


  2. Okeydokey... thanks. :D

    (I think the font is entirely too fancy, Nih :P)

  3. And another thing: who thinks my new banner and avvie are too dark?

  4. There has not been a lot of progress in this comment box, has there.

  5. @Nih: Sooorry... but I honestly do hope I stay here.

    @Power: You know it.

  6. He fooled me.


  7. Powaaaah.


    I'm back?

  8. Imma try to come back.



  9. I believe you slapped me in one comment or another.

    So ha.

  10. You're PPic makes me feel fuzzy inside.



    Oh, Lego...

  11. I am so sorry! D:

    And TPTI makes my face sore. :P

  12. Yeah, kinda.

    I think I'm going to try to make a comeback, though.

    Maybe not RPing, but somehow.

  13. Ah, BZP has dropped a rung on my list of things that are important. Maybe I'll be more active later. :\

  14. Ack, I haven't been on BZP in forever.

  15. We never took down our duck avvies/sigs.




  16. Haha.

    I don't know how fond I am of that nickname. xD

    But thank you ! :D

  17. Yup, spider and scorpion. :D

    Could you perhaps send the link again? I losted it.

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