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Everything posted by SCAR

  1. Hey for the rider of my vine dragon, should I use Gresh or the summer 09 dude?

  2. *crush* you were saying? hehehehe!

  3. I accept your surrender. I'm almost done with my Vine Dragon

  4. what you mean me, the black hole is still affecting you, I just spent a few quiet days in the snow. Let us continue, let's separate the rubber by decreasing Gravity! Muwhahahaha!

  5. A big hug for Talvak, still writing tales of Kamas Nui?

  6. Gravity repulsion will just send it back at you.

  7. I can always come back through dimensions via blackholes.

  8. still can't handle a black hole! *oh no! you're breaking through!*

  9. Fortunately, not a lot lives in a black hole.

  10. black hole then... zombies sucked in and Xairos following them. Muwhahahaha!

  11. "Hmm, Black hole or supernova? You choose, either way I win!"

  12. I'm immune, not really but it won't get to me. Gravity remember?

    *Fires repulsive blast of anti- gravity*

  13. Xairos falls into blackhole while Scar waits for Talvak's response, ready to strike.

  14. Scar fears no one! *Creates a blackhole behind Xairos* Get out that rut!

  15. fill the protal with yu-gioh card :)

    well, lets see, hmmm... yeah I'm stuck.

  16. What are you gonna do? Your hands are ponted at your face! Haha!

  17. same theory applies, whoever is on the cards make an MoC of. Never played the game so I don't know what I would do.

  18. Well, as a Toa I am Thruka Toa of Gravity, *small sample of gravity used to crush Xairos* "Ah! now I can rest!" Oh, Talvak please review my Johmak and Lariska Topic before it dies! Six days left

  19. Hey Talvak, on MLN, I am Ancient28, don't delete me again!

    I need Thornax!

  20. read the story, theorize on it, and do as you please, heck make a yu gi oh character of bionicles, but if you lose interest, then you lose interest (would be a crying shame.)

  21. like star wars :>!

  22. wait till you meet the Krahu and the Order of Shadow. (\-/) muwhahaha!

  23. joking, that Im Teridax and im concernerd.

  24. so long as your happy- from concerned Teridax

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