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Everything posted by SCAR

  1. oohh... I like this stuff, is the teacher and his academy gonna have an epic or did you already make one

  2. yeah well, it looks like he absorded a red one then found himself a sword that actually was fitting for his size

  3. wait a minute! You built Toa Kamas w/ maxilos suspension and you didn't tell me!

  4. Hmm... after Talvak built the Lazu for me, I tried my own, not as good, made my own tahtorak, had dragon that was incomplete and scrapped for mocs... dragon was the biggest

  5. Well now its Parugi, how about I just call u Reaper? :P

  6. well I put some other weapons on him. Him and Fennix will be the trigger happy duo.

  7. Yeah Haru fly away!

    hey xairos, does Botahn have a mata red hau or a gray? (that is all I have) :(

  8. SCAR


    hey, I asked this question a little while ago about Krakua, hurray! This is so awesome. 1) No. 2) Or they simply were told about the landscape from the Order member who did know before he was killed. 3) No, they knew why they had to die. 4) Member. 5) No, because they weren't on shore. Thanks Greg.
  9. yeah that would suck, then there would never be the contest between u & Talvak on mocs

  10. well mine does okay! *runs away crying* :P

  11. SCAR

    I just played maniac on the bubble wrap whoo hoo!!!!

  12. I wrote it on there! then I recorded it in audio to play every 30 seconds! I thought you were on my side!

  13. watch it Haru, I'v got a Mdak Blaster that says your name on it

  14. wait, what do u mean, u jokin or ru saying banned? I'm the Kelso, u hav to spell it out, just ask Levrok and Coran.

  15. SCAR

    haru, eki, haru... etc... when will the madness stop!? JK :)

  16. yay! question: will u post the villains before the epic?

  17. *Sticks Eki into boiling pot* Mwuhahahaha!

  18. could you make it 4 me?

  19. hey lego prices are goin up in the summer also

    gas... how I am I going to drive in the summer. (-_-)

  20. was up? And don't say the sky! heehee!

  21. *gasps* R U gettin in trouble Xairos? JK!

  22. *prepares to cook Eki* :evilgrin:

  23. gee, u eat Tlvak w/o inviting us Eki, I'm very mad at u!

  24. hey ur avy should be u spearing orattacking Keeto. : evilgrin :

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