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Talonaxes: Phantoka of ice

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Everything posted by Talonaxes: Phantoka of ice

  1. I like your avatar. Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula. Nice choice!

  2. Nice. another Volitak will come in handy for MOCs.
  3. Navada... I'm driving through there in a couple of months.

  4. No, I do not. I live in a small, dusty town in San Deigo, California.

  5. Happy Birthday Amphilus! Felow Stop-motion'er!

  6. I love that song. Zen can't stand it.

  7. Aha! Zen told me a wepon!(Poke) MOOOOOO!

  8. You Dare??!!! (poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke)

  9. Yello! Why you poke me? Me geting angry! Me poke you back! (Poke)

  10. Actully, A Pulsar is a nutron star that emets Columns of energy and spins very fast, and from Earths point of view, the light seems to pulse, thus the name pulsar. Thats what I thought

  11. Okay, thanks Empress Whenua.

  12. Could you please not spam?

    But if you like Barraki comedys I made one called Baby Barraki.

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