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Gadunka's toothpaste

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Status Updates posted by Gadunka's toothpaste

  1. Awesome movies/videos

    SPIRIT!My fav was makuta giving his "what a wonderful world"

  2. Best name ever?

    thanks!! :D

  3. darth vader's ipod?cool sig!

  4. For the virus issue,my computer blocked several high risk attacks too......there may be some more viruses left...

  5. Hey, it's me.....just wondering if you've received my PMs since you haven't been replying.

  6. Heys, do you watch extreme ghostbusters?

  7. I liked "Katayru"

    better as yr username.Oh,well each to his own:D

  8. I see you've turned from a star wars fan to an indiana jones fan.:D

  9. I've been wondering,if labelling 2008 bionicle as "the final battle",won;that be inaccurate since bionicle is still due in the future?

  10. Man,you have got one long list of interests.Anyway,merry christmas

  11. pay no attention to my crab avatar :D

  12. Sooo.....excited about "the clone wars" coming soon?......I've got the lego IFT-T already and considering the LAAT due to monetary issues

  13. Why thanks :D

    Your's isn't bad either.(Though I don't really get the "NO you can't" thing

  14. Woo...I have returned after months of inactivity!

  15. YeaH,i REMEMBER YOU.....why the sudden comment,BTW?

  16. yeah,it's very dark in a tube and I've not been used for the past 10 years!!

  17. You can read my serial at my profile page. part 2 is done and posted BTW.

  18. you play mystery dungeon too??

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