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Status Updates posted by ChocoLvr13

  1. They really are awesome. I might have to use one, sometime.

  2. Hey, Polar Bears are awesome!

  3. Don't be dissin' the polar Bears!

  4. Ach no! I loathe swimming. I've always hated being in water. It makes me feel trapped and contained. And I'm sorta-kinda-a bit-bad at it.

  5. That's an awsome revamp of jaller.

  6. Just making sure. Server's been eating PMs lately.

  7. Did you see the pics.

  8. Thanks. I try telling myself that too, but no one reads mine!

  9. Hmm, good choice, then.

  10. ...Iranu...Avohkii?

  11. The Fallen? Tee Hee.

  12. Aww. How cute! Truely adorable, MAcku!

  13. How ya' doing? Gotta say, you're quite the Mocer.

  14. I've noticed that. Many times.

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