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Status Updates posted by ChocoLvr13

  1. Congrats on the marriage!

  2. Wow, you're farther than I am, and I started before you :( Good job, though.

  3. Hi!

    Welcome to Bzpower!

    Hapori Tohu

    is glad for another follower!

  4. Hi Macku!

    Wow. You're really good at drawing.

    The Mas of stealth is awsome

  5. Happy Birthday, ma'am!

    Hope it's a hapy one indeed!

  6. Answer-Great-Gret Uncle?

  7. Happy Birthday!

    Go Bink!

    Go Bink!


  8. Happy B-day and stuff

  9. That's an awsome revamp of jaller.

  10. Hey Roa, can i help with your movie?


  11. Wow, you're diffinatley the best drawer i've seen

  12. Well, chocolate kinda rules.

    Oh look at that i have chocolate in my name, come and visit my page.

  13. Choco RULES

    OVER ALL!!!!

  14. awsome, another dude with choco in his name.


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