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Status Updates posted by ChocoLvr13

  1. And then it was taken....

    What now....

  2. I' entering. I can't decide between Viva La Vida or The Grim Rapper for my song.

  3. You enterin' BBC 51?

  4. Yep. I got the pics. But Iranu won. A new contest should be up soon, however.

  5. ...Much better than the last, if I may.

  6. Good luck to ya'!

  7. New Mocs, that's what's up.

  8. Aww. How cute! Truely adorable, MAcku!

  9. Did I give you the deadline?

  10. Just making sure. Server's been eating PMs lately.

  11. You got my PM, right?

  12. Alright. I'll definately get him in. I'm just waiting for the right time.

  13. They really are awesome. I might have to use one, sometime.

  14. Oh. MOCer. I thought 'Ehr' was pronounced like Errr.

  15. Dude...Awesome, Awesome Av and Banner.

  16. Thank you. Polar Bears are, like, my favorite animals.

  17. :)

    If I have to kill someone, he might be on the chopping list. Or Roodaka. Probably not, though. MAybe a Skakdi. there's lots of them.

  18. No! Solax didn't die yet!

  19. Hello again. Even if you don't read it, I have listed Xioc-Nui under Suggested Readings in Brutality.

  20. Did you see the pics.

  21. Soo... Have you heard about that Zesk kid? He basically made the OGD go down for an hour today.

  22. Thank you for voting CL13.

  23. How would you like it if we did somehting like that to you?

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