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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Phyoohrii

  1. And it turns out you're considered a new member. Weird...

  2. And so the dynasty is over. Really like to talk to you sometime CG.

  3. And that Kanaya is amazing.

  4. At least none of them are saying Rest in Pieces.

    Not sure about closing his box, but if that's the only way...

  5. At the rate things are going, probably going to stay that way for ages. :P

  6. Aw darn. You found me.

  7. Aw. I missed it this time. D=

  8. Better than Than.

  9. Binary is for the on/off minded.

  10. Birthday Greetings!

  11. Bleh, I wanna know what your Rank is right now but you had to be a COT Judge. :P

  12. Bloody absense of PM system. Gragh.

    Anywho, just popping by to say you got the part. Good on ye'. :)

  13. By my reckoning, at the rate people are posting among those that are close to that mark, the next person to get that rank who will be able to reveal what it is is me. :P

    And I'm a long way off. :\

  14. Cause of a loss of a friend.

  15. Cause they mine! And they good!

  16. Certainly not what I would have expected. Dunno why.

  17. Certainly the highlight for me this year was advanced Graphic Design. Probably the added freedom of being able to do what I wanted to do helped. Probably a reason why I was put off art early on, when you were required to do certain things and such.

  18. Checked out any of the masks recently? They've been good! I think...:P

  19. Comment away, I guess!

  20. Congrats for getting 1000 posts! =D

    Finally. =P

  21. Congraturations, Nukaya! :D

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