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Blog Entries posted by Trijhak

  1. Trijhak
    If you were a 40-million foot tall robot which had several much smaller biomechanical beings inside, what would you do other than getting exiled by a power-hungry gaseous(?) being that somehow manages to possess you?
  2. Trijhak
    Did everyone else see the announcement LEGO just made? From the second half of 2015 onwards, all constraction sets are to be edible. Colour will correlate to flavour, so we'll end up with cherry-flavoured Tahu sets, Blueberry-flavoured Gali sets, Chocolate flavoured Pohatu sets, et cetera.
    A bold move, indeed. Apparently, this to increase safety amongst the younger range of Constraction fans. Well, I can't wait to taste the new Skull sets and the sets of next year!
    I hope nobody's done this before, or I'm a fool
  3. Trijhak
    No, BZP. Pressing enter does not mean I want to submit the post.
    Pressing backspace also doesn't mean I want to go back a page. Who seriously thought that was a good idea, making backspace both a shortcut for going back a page as well as removing letters? Argh.
  4. Trijhak
    They're totally going to reveal Jar-Jar as the super-rare bonus constructable figure that's valued really highly because his torso is made out of SOLID GOLD MIXED WITH PURE ANNOYANCE
    And while I'm doing this whole font and colour thing in my blog..
    This Colour With Trebuchet MS (Unbolded)
    This Colour With Courier New (Unbolded)
    I feel that the dark green with Trebuchet MS is much easier on the eyes and thus easier to read than the red-orange Courier New, especially when neither are bold. I may be biased since #1a6134 is my favourite colour. I also feel that the green is more... calming?... than the orange, which kind of seems to be... aggressive?... can colours inspire feeling? I know I'd much rather read a paragraph of #1a6134 than #cc3300.
    Speaking of typing...

    Why do you type in whatever font-colour combination you type in?

  5. Trijhak
    Since everybody else is doing it, I guess I might as well do one of these things despite less than 0.05% of BZPers knowing who I am.
    Ask me any question, and I will answer as best as I can.
  6. Trijhak
    Does anyone else suddenly get moments of massive anxiety and start worrying about everything that it gets so hard to focus on anything else?
    Everyone's judging you, there are problems with everything you have that you need to fix, your problems are eternal and cannot be fixed, you're a burden to everyone else... that kind of thing.
  7. Trijhak
    Bye BIONICLE, see you whenever you (probably won't) return for G3.
    Though it's not the end of the world. In the end, it's just a line of LEGO sets. Still disappointing. Didn't they say it'd last until 2017?
    Who put a curse on the year of 2016?
  8. Trijhak
    Well, FFFO just ended.
    I hope that wasn't as much of a trainwreck as my last game. Might as well post my own thoughts
    Interesting thing: everybody died at least once. Lasted five nights and four days. Best nights were the ones where 4 or more people died.
    You all killed my favourite role the first night, the Trickster. Second favourite role was the Wraith, probably because it was the first role I created for the game.
    Day rounds seemed to go much slower than nights. Day rounds in general didn't really fit the game. When everybody is Mafia it turns out there's not much incentive to vote. Would remove diplomats if I did FFFO again. Similarly, not much use for suspect lists. Spies could be better served by acting as detectives instead of getting a suspect list.
    Didn't feel that much of a trainwreck to me, but I was the host so of course I'm biased.
    Fire Mafia and Ice Mafia were the first to go, followed by the Jungle and Water Mafias. After nearly being eliminated the Earth Mafia won the game.
  9. Trijhak
    I'm surprised the HF universe didn't end up in a situation where the HF went unchecked and starting producing increasingly dangerous and insane 'Heroes' who, instead of protecting, destroyed everything out of a misguided notion of being heroic due the fact that villains exist, and with some absolutely brilliant AI logic, that means existing must mean you are a villain. Obviously doesn't apply to heroes, of course, because heroes aren't villains.
    Unless... every being we saw in HF was produced by the Hero Factory, unaware that they've already SLAUGHTERED ALL THE ORGANIC LIFE AND ARE CONTINUING ON AS IF NOTHING IS WRONG. Did you ever see anything that looked organic in the HF universe? I didn't...
  10. Trijhak
    BZPower is likely going to be older than many of the fans of the new incarnation of BIONICLE.
    It will have existed for their entire lifetimes. Of course, if they do a search for BIONICLE... won't it get a bit confusing with the old incarnation and the new incarnation?
  11. Trijhak
    The more I look at the protectors of [ELEMENT], the more I like them.
    They just look so good for their size. The Protectors of Jungle and Stone especially.
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