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Blog Entries posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. GreenBioGuy
    I was just barely able to enter! (from my perspective, that is). Normally I'm not a push-it-to-the-limits kind of guy. But then BZPower's server had to go and get busy on me... Anyway, here's my entry!

    Yay for mini tanks! I hope to get the topic up sometime tomorrow. Sheesh I didn't have much time for these guys; only two days! Well, I'm satisfied with the result at any rate. The tanks are quite compact and all of the connection points for the liftarms within them are put together in some rather un-conventional ways. Perhaps I can upload some inner-workings pics tomorrow...
    It will be interesting to see how this contest goes...
    Until the polls!
  2. GreenBioGuy
    Whoopdy-do and all that good stuff for placing 2nd! Yay!
    My, I had absolutely no expectations to make it as far as I did in BBCC #56; I am pleasantly surprised. Thanks everyone who voted for me!
    Also, I'm not a bit surprised at the results; I knew that 55555's motorcycle was going to win the first time I saw it, not to mention I feel that he deserved it.
    lol, I'm glad to have gotten the place I did; in all of the past contests when I've placed in the finals, I've gotten 5th! (I was considering that if it happened again I would re-name myself Mr. 5th)
    Now to wait and see what the prizes will be...
  3. GreenBioGuy
    Very, very, busy.
    Two things: School, and my non-profit "Dollar for a Drink" are taking up all of my time. I built a bit with LEGO last weekend (I think.....) and it's coming fine. I don't think I'll have anything built ANY time soon though. School is going great; I'm really enjoying Greek especially.
    Meh, I haven't blogged in so long, I don't know what to say. I haven't really been keeping up with BZP much this past week. Sure, I've seen the BrickFair coverage, as well as the fact that BBCC #55 is up. I'm at a very low point in terms of BZP/Bionicle interest. So don't expect much of me. I'm fading... fading... fading...
    But don't worry, I'm sure I'll pop back in sometime!
  4. GreenBioGuy
    I worked outside in the yard for 6.5 hours today...
    My legs feel completely drained of energy, but I feel very good about all I got done!
    Mowing, weed-eating (edge trimming), and hauling cut up wood (we had a huge tree fall in our yard)
    Now to work on my robot a little bit...
    Please send me mind waves of inspiration! I'm having a bit of trouble with the torso. >_<
  5. GreenBioGuy
    I'm wondering exactly how much of my Certavus entry must be custom. I've seen several other members (the good ones) make heavily customized body parts. I didn't do that because I felt that I wanted Certavus to look set like and yet still be very different from the other Glatorian. Ordinarily I would want a customized body/parts, but for this contest I'm thinking that it would be better to hold off.


  6. GreenBioGuy
    I reached 1000 posts today replying in my Certavus topic. .:Toa Velox:., Major Marvelous, and ChocolateFrogs, I responded to your comments in detail if you are interested in taking a look at what I said!

  7. GreenBioGuy
    For the first time, I'm operating on micro-scale, or medium-scale perhaps. I'm about 75% complete with one part of my entry; I'm thinking of having two units to do battle. Yes, they are not humanoid in any fashion; think small, treads, and blasters. Get the idea? Now, back to work.
  8. GreenBioGuy
    Hey all! It has been quite a while since I've posted an entry! Today I present a new MoC that I have recently finally gotten pictures taken of and posted. Here he is, Skotraxx:

    Here is a link to the topic: Click!
    By the way, can some one remind me how to embed a link in an image?
    In my personal life, I am doing very well, and school is going nicely (I'm loving chemistry!). I don't want to take the time to add more, so I think that I will stop there.
  9. GreenBioGuy
    Just wanted to remind you guys (and gals!) to vote in my blog for the two MoCists that you would like to see compete in the BZPower MoCist Duels contest, held here in my blog. The voting can be found here.
    Go ahead and vote if you haven't already! The voting ends monday morning (CST).
  10. GreenBioGuy
    In light of recent events, I would like to request that no one judge me for an honest mistake. Yes, I broke the rules, but not on purpose. I have learned the lesson, and I am taking my medicine the way I should, so please don't rub it in my face. That doesn't help. I personally still want to participate in future contests and the community here, so please do not let this incident make yourself biased against me. I want to move on and have a great time with you guys (and gals!) I apologize for causing a problem, and may the best MoC win BBCC #52!
    An optimistic ~GreenBioGuy~
  11. GreenBioGuy
    Well hello BZP people out there! I am shocked to see that it has been nearly a month since my last blog entry! I think that it is high time for an update!
    Ok, let's see... to start off with, the main reason that I have not been blogging (or doing much else around here) is because a) I have been doing other more important things and B) I hit one of my BZP low spots (I go in spurts of being real active and then not).
    I have just finished checking up on all of the news and reading the new serials. Very nice. I have also been voting in the S&T #4 this morning (just the MoC polls, I may have time to do the others some other time). I have also been keeping up with BBCC #50, and I am still patiently awaiting for all of the entries to be submitted (can someone remind me of when the voting begins?). Aside from S&T #4 and BBCC #50, are there any other big goings on that I should know about around here? Any really good blog contests or entries to read? Now I will tell you, I have been keeping up with all of my favorite blogs and such, and I have been reading the news consistently, I just haven't been commenting or posting that much. Oh, and I updated my avatar/banner theme. What do you think?
    In terms of MoCing, prior to a week ago or so ago, I had not done much at all for at least a month. I never did get around to entering S&T #4 and the MoC that I was planning on entering into Bone's blog contest never did get finished. I had built the lower half of the creature (the legs and lower torso), but then I hit a serious MoCist's block. In other words, I couldn't get an idea for either the arms or the upper torso. So, as could be expected, he just sat in my WIP box for a month. And then about a week ago I got motivated again to start building again. Thus, I pulled out my WIP and started tinkering. Lo and behold, I now have a pretty good torso and upper arms. No, he's not done yet, but you can expect to see him up on the forums within the next week or two. He was going to be a winged wolf that could stand on it's hind legs, but that may change. Color scheme is black and silver.
    As to sets, I am not buying them anymore. Simply put, I am now wanting to spend my money on things that are more worth my while. Sure, I may get an occasional canister set every now and again, but for the most part, I shall only get new sets if I win them.
    But what about my real life? Well, the main thing that has happened lately is that I turned 16! Yay! I got a nice new desk and desk chair (one of those that spin around and roll of wheels!) I also got Brisingr (the third book in the Inheritance Cycle) for pre-order, the latest Redwall book for pre-order from the same location, and the new card game, Elementeo. It is quite fun and creative, and I would recommend it to any science/chemistry lovers.
    I have also doing some work for my dad outside in the effort of paying him back for my new laptop that I got at the beginning of the summer. I'm almost there! Unfortunately, the weather has been horribly hot and humid, so... yeah. Not fun. However, fortunately, it rained the day before yesterday, and as a result the weather has cooled down significantly. You know, it's really bad when you get excited about 85 degree weather! I am looking forward to getting outside this afternoon...
    As to what else I have been doing, I have two projects going on. The first is I am (or should be) working on a trilogy that I am writing. Mainly I am just doing outline and thinking on the plot and storyline. The other project has to do with starting a ministry that shall be raising money for water wells in Sudan Africa. If anyone would be praying for this, that would be great (I hope that doesn't violate any BZP rules... )
    Pertaining to the subject of entertainment, I got the new LEGO Indiana Jones game a few weeks ago! And yes, it is truly a great game. The features and actions far out-strip LEGO Star Wars. The collectibles are a little more simple though (there are no gold bricks or the like). But besides that, I love the game. The story mode movies are quite funny, and the characters are just as good. So yeah, it's good.
    I have also seen Batman: Dark Knight. To start off with, I give it six out of five start on acting and plot. This movie is targeted more towards a good storyline (a very complex one at that, which I love) than mind-blowing graphics and fighting scenes. The movie just might be my favorite one this summer. Sure, it's dark, but it really adds to the movie. Oh, and the Joker is like the ultimate bad-guy. The thing that makes him so bad is because he is not interested in money, power, or fame; but rather destruction and chaos, as a truly evil baddie should be. And as I said, the storyline is complex. It just keeps on going, but in a good way. So, if you haven't seen it yet, then I would encourage you to do so!
    I shall wrap this up with asking you guys if you would be interested in my holding another MoCist Duels contest. This time, however, there would be only one round per duel. I am still unsatisfied with the result of the last one... Anyway, if enough of you want to do it, then I shall fire it up right away!
    I also noticed that my blog rating has shot down significantly. It's 4.0 now. It used to be one of the higher rated ones amongst my favorite blogs list. Who did it? :angry: Jk... however, it would be nice to get it back up... (hint hint ) I guess that I deserve it, what with my recent absence of activity. Ah well...
    I guess that's about all... Until next time!
  12. GreenBioGuy
    Darth Vader!

    I would like to explain a few things first. I realize that it appeared as if the duelists were tied in the last round, but due to and oversight on my part, Roa didn't actually get the last vote, and thus, DV was one vote over Roa!

    On that note, I would like to present to DV his trophy ...

    There you go! Originally, the trophy was a little shinier and it was all circular, the corners were transparent. Sadly, the process of saving it as a .jpg sortof ruined it. I had saved it as a .bmp, which kept the transparency, but BZP wouldn't let me use that extension. If anyone has any tips for me on saving transparent images that BZP can use, then please let me know. DV, I am sorry, but it's the best I could do.

    The purpose of the trophy is to place in your blog. If you are going to do that, then please place the following code into a new content blog (titled whatever you want) Here is the code:

    (It links to the original MoCist Duels blog entry.) You don't have to use this, but I would really appreciate it if you did!

    This was a very close contest, and was alot more exciting that way!

    In the beginning, I was actually planning on reviewing all of the entries in detail, but I ran out of time and wasn't able to. Sorry.

    I would like to thank all of you who participated; without you, this would have been impossible. I am planning on having another contest (another duel) starting in August. In the meantime, I want to know what you guys thought of the contest. Here are some questions that I would appreciate if you took the time to answer (specifically the duelists):

    - Did you enjoy the contest?
    - Would you like to see it take place again?
    - What did you like/dislike about the contest?
    - What would you have changed?
    - How was my hosting of the contest?
    - How did I do on the trophy?
    - Do you have any suggestions for future contests?

    Congrats DV! I enjoyed watching you and Roa duel! It was quite fun!

    Also, I am sorry for making you have to build more Roa. Even though we didn't finish the tie-breaker, here is Roa's MoC anyway:

    A quote from Roa:

    More pics:
    back view
    belly view
    unfurling wings
    back view with wings extended

    Whew! I guess that wraps it up folks! And now, due to the fact that my stomach is growling for breakfast, I shall sign off for now!

    Edit: I changed the trophy to .png

  13. GreenBioGuy
    I am writing this blog entry to bring to your attention the fact that anyone can enter my blog contest now, and not just those who have won BBCC's in the past. I hope that this way more people can enter (there needs to be more, there aren't any yet!). So what are you waiting for? Scroll on down to the two blog entries before this one to sign up!
  14. GreenBioGuy
    Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated my blog with the winner of my contest, but the winner is Arpy! I have just been rather busy lately, and have not had the time to do this. I will get the trophy up as soon as I can.
  15. GreenBioGuy
    I went to Target this afternoon to pick up Gresh, but believe it or not they were sold out of him. :angry: Oh, and they had like three of every other canister set.
    BBCC #52 voting anyone? I'm numbah 10.
  16. GreenBioGuy
    Ok guys, here it is!!! B)

    Clicketh to the topic: link portal
    Whew! I'm telling you, getting these things entered always takes alot longer than you think...
    Anyway, I hope that you enjoy it just as much as I do!
  17. GreenBioGuy
    Oh YES.
    I got the Metriod Prime Trilogy a few days ago as sortof an early Christmas present for the break (we start break two weeks before Christmas, so I wanted to have it in enough time to really enjoy it over the break).
    I started MP3 today; it's pretty sweet with the new Wii controls! I love it how Retro Studios integrated so many motion sensitive actions into the game. Also, the whole beginning sequence was epic awesome and tense with Ridley (I killed him with like... 3 seconds to spare), and then of course the part with the meteorite incoming with Samus saving the day! And now of course she's all decked out in her new PED suit for some Space Pirate smashing fun! B)
    Heh, and we've just gotten a brand new 42" Plasma Screen TV, so the Prime experience has been really sweet! lol, my parents got our old analogue TV like 20 years ago, so we were in need of an upgrade.
    I look forward to playing back through MP 1 and 2 as well...
    Are there any other Metroid fans out there?
    Also, as you can see, I've changed my avatar now to something a little more... suiting. Pardon the pun.
  18. GreenBioGuy
    Well, I'm home from DC! *waves frantically*
    Yep, it was a very tiring week, but totally worth it. Here are some highlights:
    - The museums. We visited many of the Smithsonians (yes, it's plural), and while I enjoyed some more than others, they were all very interesting. One thing which was very fun was we went to see Night at the Museum 2 at the IMAX theater at the Museum of Natural History! At first, I wasn't so sure of how the movie would be. However, at the end, I really wanted to see it again. The movie was very, very fun and enjoyable (if a little dorky at some parts, especially the beginning). Some of the scenes were very creative in how the directors worked in little jokes involving characters from the actual Smithonian museums as well as historical figures period. It was truly a fun family movie, and I highly recommend you seeing it. Anyways, we also saw the National Art Museum; that was really neat.
    - The monuments. These included the Washington monument (though not up close; not that that made a difference or anything though!), the Lincoln Memorial (my favorite), as well as the War Memorials. The World War II memorial was especially moving.
    - Tennessee Tuesday. You are probably wondering what this is. Well, basically put, every Tuesday the two Senators for Tennessee (Senators Alexander and Corker, I believe, who are both Republican) come to meet with anyone from Tennessee who would like to meet them. There are donuts, juice, and coffee (of course). There were actually quite a few people there, more than I was expecting. Anyway, you also get your picture taken with them after meeting them. This is also a time which they take to talk to their supporters about what there plans are; most of what Mr. Alexander had to say was about climate control stuff. My family was specifically wanting to talk to them about some concerns we have with where the International Law is heading (specifically pertaining to the subject of parental rights), as well as the need for a constitutional amendment protecting said rights (please do not turn this into a political argument). Sadly, they were to busy with other people. However, many of their representatives were there, and we had great success speaking with them about the subject! They were very attentive and responded well. It was neat to be involved in it all...
    I believe those are the main highlights of the trip. Oh, and we also rode the metro alot (which was fun) and walked approximately 30 miles over the course of the whole tripe (that includes Mt. Vernon and Williamsburg) ... good exercise!
    Other random stuffz:
    - My sis and I completed Myst IV: Revelation on Friday. We only had to look up one tiny hint in the course of the whole game. We had actually solved this one part, we just didn't know it. There was one particularly hart part (the one with Sirrus' frequency throne, if you've played it before) and we were about to give up and look it up online. My dad didn't want us to though, and so we kept at it. Eventually though, we solved it! Man, I love that feeling of being accomplished in solving something on your own! If you are not familiar with the Myst series but enjoy good quality mind stretching puzzle games with a plot to them (no action/fighting involved), then I would highly recommend Myst. You don't have to play them in order, but it's best that way due to the fact that they are linked according to plot. I will warn you though: the old one lack good graphics and controls (they were some of the first computer games every created). However, the puzzles are still there and strong, so it's still totally worth it! I know that you can get them in anniversary packs for less than buying them singly.
    - The Wii shipped yesterday, and the estimated arrival date is this Wednesday! Yayzorz! Brawl here we come!
    - The deadline for BBCC #54 is Tuesday! ... Ack! Ok, time to get to work. I plan on doing alot of building tomorrow, although I'm not sure of what I'm going to build. I don't want to do a humanoid though; I want something unique, something which will stand out and shine... something to beat the system. But what? I'll think of something though... hopefully. :blush:
    - I started playing Metroid Prime 2: Echoes today. Pretty sweet; I'm lovin' the gameplay and plot thus far: it's very sinister and mysterious. The multiplayer is pretty fun too; I just wish my sister was as into it as I am.
    Heh, I've got a ton of personal stuff going on too (catch-up school, driver's permit test, e-mail catch-up work, beginning to write my trilogy, among other things). Prayers would be welcome in this area.
    One big thing my family's got going is we are going to completely clean up, rearrange, and fix up our playroom (also known as the rec room, but with a "w" right now ) We are hoping to get a new (digital) TV soon, and we also want to make the room all around organized (it's a mess at the moment). That will be fun, but it will also take alot of time. The main thing that I need prayer for at the moment is that as I work towards making progress in many areas I will also have some good off-time (it is summer vacation after all) I need prayer for balance... I don't need to over-exert myself.
    I think that's all. Now to finish unpacking...
  19. GreenBioGuy
    ^^^ Click Here Please! ^^^
    So... what are you waiting for? Go check it out!
    We really would love for more people to sign up to be critics,
    and if you have a MoC you'd like reviewed, then please enter it onto the list!

    ( ( ( ) ) )

  20. GreenBioGuy
    The Bionicle Based Creations Critics Club has recently been updated and edited. Toa Velox and I collaborated on how best to do this, and we have made several major changes:
    - Removed critic screening; in other words, anyone can join!
    - Added critic ranks. This (basically) is a way to encourage our critics to write better and better reviews. A critic will give a review, link to it in the "Critics" entry, and then the Curators will rate the review according to the quality of it in relation to the MoC in question. In other words: quality over quantity.
    Those are the main things, and we also did a bunch of little edits as well (grammar, content, etc.)
    We would still love it if you could join up! If you already write reviews in the BBC Forum, it would be great to have you. Event if you don't write reviews all that often, we would love to have you anyway!
    (Clickitty click the banner right here for a splendiforous tele-portal to the Club!)

  21. GreenBioGuy
    I am guessing that you were hoping to see a completed gun for display in this blog entry when you clicked the link, correct?
    Well, I'm sorry to say that though I have completed the MoC I have not been able to take pictures yet. I finished it just this afternoon. However, I gotta say that I've really impressed even myself this time around, and I can't wait to enter!
    The gun is a futuristic blaster-type gun. The barrel is at least a foot long, and then add on the handle (probably half a foot). The whole thing is fully operational, can hold up to 8 individual shots, and has a slick loading flap... thing. In addition the whole thing is extremely sturdy.
    Oh, and it's black, green and silver (of course! )
    I'm looking forward to showing it to you all, but I thought I would just write and say that I'd at least completed the MoC. (I need to use my blog for something, now don't I?)
  22. GreenBioGuy
    I'm just about done with the leg design, and I love it. Very sleekish and smooth!
    The color scheme is black with lime accents. <3
    Sorry, no WIP pic; I want to keep this one to myself until it's all complete.
    Also, this will be the first time I will have to go purchase parts separately for a specific MoC
    (at least I plan on it)
    Also also, moving text back to normal position; likey?
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