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Blog Entries posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. GreenBioGuy
    I am guessing that you were hoping to see a completed gun for display in this blog entry when you clicked the link, correct?
    Well, I'm sorry to say that though I have completed the MoC I have not been able to take pictures yet. I finished it just this afternoon. However, I gotta say that I've really impressed even myself this time around, and I can't wait to enter!
    The gun is a futuristic blaster-type gun. The barrel is at least a foot long, and then add on the handle (probably half a foot). The whole thing is fully operational, can hold up to 8 individual shots, and has a slick loading flap... thing. In addition the whole thing is extremely sturdy.
    Oh, and it's black, green and silver (of course! )
    I'm looking forward to showing it to you all, but I thought I would just write and say that I'd at least completed the MoC. (I need to use my blog for something, now don't I?)
  2. GreenBioGuy
    You read correctly: I'm not entering.
    It was a very tough decision, but I had to make it in the end. Simply put, I just wasted an entire school day trying to finish it up (I'm homeschooling, so I'm flexible). Ok, not the whole day, but most of it. The whole time, I just felt like I was hitting my head against a brick wall. I couldn't figure anything good out for the arms with the pieces I had left. I can't tell you how aggravating that felt. Just making no progress at all really...
    Considering the deadline is tomorrow, I just decided (with my parents help) to just drop it.
    Ultimately, in the grand scheme of things, this contest is not all that important. I don't want it to deprive me of sleep and my school work of quality (which is what it was starting to do). Canon story as a prize? Nice, but it won't improve me as a person. Neither will prototypes, for that matter...
    So... yeah. I can't wait to see how everyone else's turns out though!
    Oh, and don't try to convince me otherwise; I've made up my mind. Tomorrow is way too busy anyhow.
    Also, I am planning on finishing up the MoC in the future (but probably the summer). I might be able to get a WIP pic up over the weekend though. Heh, this is exactly what happened with Skotraxx.
  3. GreenBioGuy
    So, my dad and I went to see Star Trek today; and I've gotta say: I enjoyed it quite a bit!
    I don't have alot of time here, but I will say that if you like complicated plots, futuristic spaceships and blast fights, as well as blackholes and time warps, you'll love this movie! The story was pretty neat, and the action was superb. There were quite a few intense on-the-edge-of-your-seat moments (even though I wasn't on the edge of my seat, lol)
    I won't even try to explain the plot line to you; it would take up a bit of space (lol)
    The only part I didn't like was one adult-themed scene near the beginning, but I just slipped my ball cap down over my face and it was fine.
    Besides that one scene, the whole movie was spectacular, and if it hadn't been for a slightly crummy speaker in the theater it would have been a near perfect movie experience. Ah well.
    I would probably give it a 8 out of 10 rating. Definitely worth watching again!
    Oh, and I haven't seen any of the original movies, so I didn't have them to compare it too...

  4. GreenBioGuy
    Well, hello everyone! It's been two weeks now since I last blogged, and I can't let my blog pass into the second page of my favorites list now can I?
    So anyways, my last blog post was written just before I left to go on my youth group's mission trip and I thought I would blog about how that went. If you want to skip down to the section where I talk about what's been going on since then (I talk about the Wii and Brawl there), or down to where I talk about Bionicle/BZPower, then feel free to do so. I've marked them.
    The Mission Trip:
    The trip began at 9:00 on Monday morning where we met at our church. Unlike many mission trips where you leave and go somewhere far overseas, we were on a mission to the downtown of our city. We would be working with RIFA, which stands for Regional Inter-Faith Association, and they are the main outreach organization in Jackson I believe. Proceeding to the headquarters, we met with Shawn who is one of the coordinators for repairs outreach. Our job would be to re-paint the outside of an elderly lady's house, which was about 100 years old and was in good need of repair. So basically, the whole week was comprised of scrapping of old pain, applying a coat of primer, letting that dry, and then applying one coat of paint. I know that sounds simple and easy, but it wasn't; the whole process took us the whole week, and there were 15-20 of us on the trip. Oh, and not to mention that the heat index hovered around 100+ degrees (the worst day was Tuesday, when the heat index hit 115 degrees)
    Interestingly, I was on a ladder most of the time due to my being one of the oldest in the group. This is funny due to the fact that my family has for a long while been allergic to ladders. You look confused. Yes, well that's because it's an inside joke! Hahahahaha...ha.....ha... oh whatever. My dad fell off of a ladder several years ago (I was present) and was in the hospital for a good while. Ever since then my mom has been overly protective of my dad and ladders. He's only been on one once since then (it was actually last weekend). Thus, it has become a pretty big joke in our family that we are all allergic to extension ladders. Oh, and btw, I'm not actually scared of them in the slightest; I made sure that it was set up properly (Which was something we failed to do when my dad fell. He was at too large of an angle with the ground on a slightly sloped gritty driveway which = bad setup) No, I didn't fall!
    Oh, and one of our leaders was involved in a minor car wreck the first day on our way from RIFA to the elderly lady's house. Due to that small delay we didn't start working until 1ish or something. Yay for adventures!
    And thus we worked from 9:00 AM to about 4:00 everyday (Mon. to Thurs.) What did we do in the evening do you ask? Well, we all took showers (that was an adventure in-and-of-itself; we were all sharing two showers in the house of a lady from church, and one day the girls took so long that the guys had to take a shower in the mop closet of all places!), we had a devotional time, and then... we played games! My favorite thing that we did was we had a dodge-ball tournament all week long, and although my team didn't win it was still alot of fun! The best part (and the worst part) were the girls vs. guys matches. You see, there were 10-12 girls, and only four guys. The worst part is this: when you catch the ball not only the person who threw it is out, but your whole team gets back into play. Thus, we would whittle the girl's team down to one or two individual and then they would inevitably catch it, bringing all of the girls in who had been sitting on the sideline for a while. This happened innumerable times the first night, and the guys got extremely drained of energy (the girls had time to recharge) Sadly to say (and to our shame) the girls beat us three times in a row. Sad day. And then they beat us again the next night! Well, we were determined to arise victorious, so we ended up going all-out the last night and we creamed them five times in a row! Hehe. I don't know if it was due to our finally adopting a strategy or because our adrenaline was going crazy (or both) but we licked 'em good. Oh yes, we did! (no offense ladies)
    We also played other games such as Sardines in a Can, Mafia, and Underground Church, which were all great fun! Still, the dodge-ball was the best.
    By the end of the week (as could be expected) we were absolutely worn out. It didn't help that we went to bed at 11:30 and we got up at 7:30. Ah well. I loved it anyways, and I think that it was a great learning/growing time for all of us. The week went wonderfully, and I highly enjoyed being able to be a servant to others. Interestingly, we made faster progress than Shawn was expecting, and we were able to do the lady's porch as well!
    Since then:
    Now back to "normal" life, I have been catching up on rest (which I believe I attained today), playing the Wii with my sis, doing yardwork from when I was gone (the yard was a jungle) and I'm in the process of moving from rest mode to productivity-in-the-summer mode. Today I made up a schedule for myself; next week I am going to start on several projects. I have some catch-up school work to do, I am going to start preparation for the next season in Dollar for a Drink (my non-profit organization which is raising money for wells in Sudan) and I am going to start working in earnest on a trilogy of mine which has been floating around in my head for years now. In addition to these things, there are numerous other small things to do which needed to be accounted for as well. Thus, I made a schedule for myself today which is going to fairly flexible but will at least give me some structure to my week, something which has been lacking since our return from D.C. I am a creature of habit and I just can't go throughout a day without some sort of plan effectively.
    At any rate, Brawl has been sweet. My sister and I unlocked all of the characters Tuesday I think, which was just two weeks after we got it (and I was gone for four days in the middle of that). The reason for getting them so quickly is all thanks to the Subspace Emissary; which, in my opinion, is an excellent adventure mode. My current top three favorite characters are: Lucario, Lucas, and Sonic. If I'm going for the kill, I'll pick Lucario due to his excellent air attacks (down A to be exact) and the fact that his attack strength attains a super boost when he reaches 167%. I'm just now starting to like Lucas alot; I still need to master his barrage of long range attacks, but both his up and down A smashes are devastating. Although he's not my best, I enjoy playing as Sonic just for the fun of it; He's so fast and light. The only problem is that all of his moves are so similar; he takes a bit of time to get used to. Meta Knight is pretty neat too, I love his recovery and speed attacks.
    Today I unlocked Spear Pillar, Hanenbow, and Mario Bros. My three favorite levels would have to be: Frigate Orpheon (of course that may just be due to the music), Spear Pillar, and Final Destination. The Pirate Ship is pretty neat too.
    What's my overall take on the game? It's superb as far as "upgrades" go. Sure, it's the same game as the first Smash Bros. at heart, but the producers did an excellent job of expanding it and taking Melee to a whole new level. I love the game, and the addition of new characters, the smash ball, and many new features make for a truly addictive and fantastic game!
    Is there anyone else out there who's a Brawl fan? If so, we may have to exchange codes and play! (Providing I semi-know you of course)
    Now, on to the last (yes, I mean it) topic I wanted to blog about, and it'll be brief.
    First of all, I debating whether I should renew my Brickmaster subscription. Let me ask this right up front though: can you get Bionicle comics with the regular magazine? If so, then I probably won't subscribe... I just don't think it's worth it anymore.
    Secondly, I realize that I missed most of the voting, but I'm pleased with how BBCC #54 turned out! I'm not surprised at all at how the Semis went (and I just had to get stuck with Roa!) Ah well. I can't wait to see the prizes, and I can't wait (ok, perhaps I can) until the next contest. It's probably just as well that it's not until August. I wonder what the theme will be though.... Also, apologize if I came across as copying Arpy; I truly wasn't. That's just what popped out of my head! I will grant Dandezille for the inspiration of the treads though.
    And finally, I am planning on placing a larger-ish order from the you-know-which site soon. I really need to expand my collection of small (half-width) liftarms and other small bits. Building in micro-scale (and on a larger scale with my incomplete robot) has really showed me that I need more of those, and not just in black either. I hope to get to work on my latest idea for a white/purple mech/robot thing.
    So anyways, that's what's been going on in my life. If you read the whole thing, then I congratulate you!
    My how the fingers can run...
  5. GreenBioGuy
    Seriously. Don't believe me? Head over to Apple's website and check it out. The new iPhone G3 is twice as fast as its predecessor, is thinner, and on top of that, the price has been cut in half. This new edition is starting at 8 Gigabytes for $200 bucks. Wowee. Don't forget that the iPhone is a full iPod (music and movie playing gadget), a web browser (it can do e-mail too, and has full wireless technology), and (of course) it's a phone. Sweetness. I would really like to get one eventually, but we shall have to see.
  6. GreenBioGuy
    Hey all! It has been quite a while since I've posted an entry! Today I present a new MoC that I have recently finally gotten pictures taken of and posted. Here he is, Skotraxx:

    Here is a link to the topic: Click!
    By the way, can some one remind me how to embed a link in an image?
    In my personal life, I am doing very well, and school is going nicely (I'm loving chemistry!). I don't want to take the time to add more, so I think that I will stop there.
  7. GreenBioGuy
    My family and I are heading out early tomorrow morning for Chicago, where we will be attending a conference over the weekend (just Saturday actually). The conference is on the book "Do Hard Things"; written by Alex and Brett Harris who will also be the main speakers. The book is challenging teens to overcome the low expectations in our culture today and to rise up and make a difference in the world. The whole thing is also Christian driven, just to let you know. If you want to find out more about the book and their organization "The Rebelution" just Googlize it.
    We will spend Friday traveling, Saturday is the conference, Sunday we will just hang out in Chicago, and Monday we will travel home. In addition, it is not my plan to spend any time on the Computer (or at least online) so don't expect any activity from me (not that I've been on that much anyways).
  8. GreenBioGuy
    I guess I can has!
    Well, I'm a avid Mac user, but there comes a time when one would like to have your old PC games to play all portable-like on your laptop, so I went and downloaded Windows XP onto my Mac using Boot Camp (yes, you can do that; nifty, huh?). The copy of XP is the one my family has downloaded on our iMac downstairs in the school-room (I home-school, for you people who haven't read my Bio content block), and we rarely ever use it.
    Anywhoo, I attempted to install and play several of my Star Wars games including Lego Star Wars: The Video Game and Knights of the Old Republic. Unfortunately, neither of them would work due to an insufficient graphics card (something about pixel shader 1.1 support and insufficient 3D graphics). I made sure to update all of the latest drivers for Boot Camp and any Windows updates that I could, and yet it still wouldn't work. They work fine on the family iMac, and I am using a MacBook which came out at about the same time as the iMac I believe... way after these games were released for sure. Does anyone have any thoughts on a way that they could be made to work? I installed the latest version of DirectX... Perhaps my version of laptop just wasn't built for Star Wars gaming...
    However, I was able to download and play Myst IV: Revelation! I am assuming by looking at the requirements that my 10th Anniversary Myst Pack (Myst, Riven, and Exile included) will work fine as well. I am very happy with this because I haven't played these games in ages and will be quite fun to play again (I have beaten Riven and Exile, nearly beat Myst (don't know why I never finished) and only got partway though Revelation). I am thinking that my sister and I will play them through in order for the summer. Our vacation begins Friday!
  9. GreenBioGuy
    Well, today I'm on the member spotlight for the second time (that I recall) since joining. Heh, I need to update that pretty badly...
    Also: lol. I deserve what, exactly?
    In MoCing news, my latest project is coming along splendidly. Yessss....
  10. GreenBioGuy
    Hey guys! I just thought that I would run down a list of current events and/or things to do around here:
    - Enter Bone's Blog contest (I have begun on the entry, and yessss..... I am liking the idea very much)
    - Enter S&T contest #4 (I have a few ideas bouncing around)
    - Make a navigator block for my blog (any suggestions?)
    - Finish and post my Indiana Jones film review in my blog (I went to see it, and I will tell you right now, it was alot better than I was expecting, and I would highly recommend you going to see it too)
    - I have several blog entries that I would like to post, such as an official movie entry, a book entry, etc.
    - Go to all of my friends' blogs/profiles and check up on their latest stuff (I was gone on vacation for a little over a week)
    - Go over all latest PMs and reply to those that need to be
    - Look at, review, and post on Tahkeh's PBZP of myself as well as Toa Ausar's Epic
    - Begin working on the beginnings of a new blog contest (What is it about? Hint: "BZPower Duels")
    - Tweak avatar and tidy up sig
    This list is more for myself than you guys, but you are free to glimpse into my to-do list for BZPower at the moment.
    P.S. Would anyone mind rating my blog? I don't care if you don't like it and give it two stars or three, but I would really like to have some sort of rating up there.
  11. GreenBioGuy
    Smeag fixed the polls. Apparently, my poll got eaten by the server or something.
    Anyhow, here it is: clicky to vote for the G.B.G.!
    Thank you muchly in advance.
  12. GreenBioGuy
    Yesssss!!! I have FINALLY gotten Metus!

    Do you want to guess what shipping is for a little Agori on LEGO.com + tax? All told, the total would have been about $13, the price of the Glatorian themselves. Rest assured, I did not go by that route! Rather, my mom found him this morning in Target. And thus, she got him for me! (I still have to pay for him of course. )

    So anyway, I now have the helmet for Certavus. I've tried it on, and I gotta say: I like it. I'm hoping to have him up some time next week during the break. He still needs a few tweaks, and I also need to send pics to a few select friends here on BZPower to ask for their opinion...

  13. GreenBioGuy
    The member selection poll for the MoCist Duels contest is now up! Our contestants are:
    Dr. Keerahk
    Darth Vader
    Bundalings the Bunny
    Roa McToa
    ToM Dracone
    I decided to go ahead and post the poll, even though the deadline is not until tonight, due to the fact that I believe that everyone has entered that wanted to, and so... yeah, I posted up the poll. If someone wants to enter last minute, then that's fine.
    I further descided to place What? on the list even though he did not sign up in the entry form, simply because he had said that he wanted to participate in the original proposal for the contest. He just hasn't been as active around here apparently, and thus has not gotten my last PM that I sent to him.
    It is a pity that ~Blue Diamond~ or ChocolateFrogs could not join us, but I understand perfectly. I know what it feels like to be busy. Perhaps next time.
    So anyway, those are our contestants, but only two of them shall compete in the duel. Which two? Well, you guys shall have to decide that for yourselves! Anybody is welcome to vote in this poll. The purpose of this poll is to choose the two members which shall compete in the MoCist Duel. You may vote for as many of the members as you wish, but remember that only two of them shall continue on.
    In the case of a tie for 1st place, the two members that tied shall be the duelists. In the case of a tie for second, I guess that I shall just have to post up another shorter poll to choose between them, but it would only last for a day (unless you guys have any other suggestions).
    So, get over to the polls and vote! Er, please? The poll can be found here. New voting here.
  14. GreenBioGuy
    I have now been sent reply notifications to three topics which I have never laid eyes on, much less subscribed to. Here's the latest one: Something about sharpies
    Why am I randomly being subscribed to topics?
  15. GreenBioGuy
    Welcome to the second edition of... 

    Greetings everyone! I am pleased to present to you the second edition of the BZP MoCist Duels blog contest, brought to you by "The Emerald Apple" blog, and hosted by ~GreenBioGuy~.
    I am sure that most of you remember the rules from last time, but here they are again, with a few modifications (the largest of which is that there is only one round, as opposed to three, like last time):
    ~ New Rule!!! ANYONE can enter! Why the change? I guess that I just want more of you involved. Of course, only two of you shall be the duelists!
    ~ I shall post a separate blog entry that you shall use to enter the contest.
    ~ To enter, simply write your display name and the name of the contest(s) that you have won, as well as what place you achieved in that contest, in the designated blog entry.
    ~ Entry time begins now, and ends on August 18th, 11:59 P.M. (Central Standard Time)
    ~ Once all eligible members have submitted their names, I shall post up a separate poll in which all members shall vote on the two members which they would like to see compete within the duel. The poll shall last from August 19 to August 21.
    ~ Once the two duelists have been chosen, I shall post up the duel challenge in a new blog entry.
    ~ Within the challenge I shall list the criteria for the MoCs that the duelists shall be building.
    ~ The duelists then have 72 hours, or three days, to complete their MoCs. Once they have completed said MoCs, they shall then PM them to me, along with any information that goes with them.
    ~ Once I have received the two MoCs, I shall post them together in a new poll, providing that they conform to the rules.
    ~ All members shall then vote on the MoC that they feel is coolest/fits the criteria the best/ is the most creative etc. This poll shall last for about three days.
    ~ The winner is the member whose entry got the most votes!
    ~ As a prize, the winner shall receive a digital trophy which he/she may place in their blog, and they shall also be recognized as a MoCist Duels Champion.
    I am sure that you guys will conform to all of the basic rules just like in a BBC contest. Essentially, the rules here are the same as a BBC, including (unless otherwise noted) the rule for 25% maximum system pieces within the MoC. No cheating, flaming, complaining, etc. etc... Oh, and above all, you must have fun! I hope that this contest shall run smoothly, and that we shall all enjoy it enough to want to do it again!
    8/16/08 - Enter here
  16. GreenBioGuy
    Well guys, I have been having problems with majhost.com lately. The pictures would not show up in the forums and/or blogs. The funny thing about it though, is that there were a few that would. I myself have a Mac laptop. I tried it downstairs on our family Mac, and it still didn't work there. Then I tried it on the older family PC, and for somereason, it worked perfectly fine. Thus, I can safely conclude that it has something to do with Macs, or rather Maj's incompatability with them. Just thought I would let you guys know.
    I am about to write up the blog contest entry now...
  17. GreenBioGuy
    Yeeaaaah.... It says that there are 96 total votes, but the votes only add up to 31!
    You see, after Smeagol4 re-opened the polls the other day, I noticed that all of the votes in my poll had been deleted. I have no idea why, but this didn't happen with the other polls. Strange, no? I'm still winning, so I'm not upset about my standings in the contest, but I am annoyed for the sake of the other entrants; Ballom was in the process of catching up with 16 votes (I had 22). I guess it can't be fixed, but I wish something could be done about it...
    Thanks for getting the polls back up none-the-less Smeag!
    Good luck to everyone in the contest!
  18. GreenBioGuy
    Name change to that? ^^^
    Also, Project Fusion is progressing very well. I do believe that the torso and arms are for the most part complete and I just need to duplicate the lower left leg and foot for the right side and then come up with a fluid upper leg design that is better than the current one. Still no idea when it'll be done though, much less pictures be taken. I'm considering doing WIP pics soon. If I get enough requests I probably will.
  19. GreenBioGuy
    I've turned around and now several people have gotten promotions around here in like... the weekend! O_o Velox is an OBZPC, and Bfahome is a Blog Assistant! Heh, and they each only have 1 year spinnies... Are there any other promotions I need to be aware of?
    At times I get to wishing that I had that sort of recognition (and I just might if I spent more time and energy around here), but the truth is, I have higher priorities. You know, stuff that will actually last me and make a difference in my adult life when the time comes. Heh, I can't get a degree in MoCing or even blogging, now can I? I want to invest my life in what lasts, and my teen years are the big springboard into the rest of life; thus, I need to spend them wisely.
    This is all not to say that all time spent on BZPower or MoCing BIONICLE is wasted time. I can grow in writing and social interaction, and I have learned some lessons around here, so it is a positive experience. In talking with a Union University professor last year, she said that building with LEGO period is a great way to increase your problem solving skills. She is an Engineering professor, which is what I am interested in going onto when I get to college. So... yeah.
    I know that this summer I will have alot more time on my hands, but at the same time, there are other things I'm gonna have to be doing with that time. Grrr, I fluctuate with my BIONICLE/BZP interest so much. It's rather annoying. XD I really enjoy hanging out here, but I've just gotta keep perspective. Not to mention I have other video game stuff with my sis. Now don't get me wrong, I am certainly planning on still spending time around here, I'm just gonna have to keep it regulated (especially up until school is out). Heh, I'm sure I'll have more time than I'm thinking this summer, but all the same...
    Arg. I always feel so silly "explaining" these things to you all, but that's what a blog is about, right? *humph* like any of you care... (there are about three of you or so that I believe might be interested in this info though, but for the rest of you, just ignore me) *ducks under desk*
  20. GreenBioGuy
    Well guys, the voting for the MoCist Duels contest is over, and our duelists are tied! How do you suggest I break the tie? Make the voting go on for a day longer? I am open to all suggestions!
    Oh, and I would like to thank all of you who have voted in the contest, I have gotten alot more participation than I was expecting!
  21. GreenBioGuy
    I made it into the FINAL FINAL Poll by just 2 votes!
    I'm not so sure that this is a good idea though (the extra poll, not my making it in ) It's liable that the results will change, in which case people will get upset and blah blah blah...
    Humph. BZPower has been rather annoying and stressful as of late.
    In other news, I got my second parts order in yesterday (you hit it right on the nose ~BD~, one week!), and the parts and in perfect condition and work wonderfully for the MoC. I have finished the legs, torso (for the most part), and the feet. I'm gonna work on the arms next. And then (in true GBG fashion) the head will be last.
    It's gonna be close for the entry period, but I'm sure I can pull it off.
  22. GreenBioGuy
    Oh YES.
    I got the Metriod Prime Trilogy a few days ago as sortof an early Christmas present for the break (we start break two weeks before Christmas, so I wanted to have it in enough time to really enjoy it over the break).
    I started MP3 today; it's pretty sweet with the new Wii controls! I love it how Retro Studios integrated so many motion sensitive actions into the game. Also, the whole beginning sequence was epic awesome and tense with Ridley (I killed him with like... 3 seconds to spare), and then of course the part with the meteorite incoming with Samus saving the day! And now of course she's all decked out in her new PED suit for some Space Pirate smashing fun! B)
    Heh, and we've just gotten a brand new 42" Plasma Screen TV, so the Prime experience has been really sweet! lol, my parents got our old analogue TV like 20 years ago, so we were in need of an upgrade.
    I look forward to playing back through MP 1 and 2 as well...
    Are there any other Metroid fans out there?
    Also, as you can see, I've changed my avatar now to something a little more... suiting. Pardon the pun.
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