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Status Updates posted by H8terFisternator

  1. :P I had a pigeon ***** on my head walking to the library for a project.
  2. ? I need some questions answered so please help!!!!!

  3. (it was a slipknot verse in people= (fill it in but don't say it XD)

  4. *appluads* Very funny commetns, by the way since the pm system is down I need


    US Copper Huna

    Contaminated Hau Nuva Striped Forehead (code 3-01)

    and the Toys R Us

    Mask Case

  5. *chuckles* I'm just the guy that saw you viewing my profile..


  6. *smiles briefly* You seem very happy :) but....I wish I was....

  7. *Tries to break the chains* .........I can't live like this no more. My spirit has to let go.

  8. Ah k I'll check it out when I got time, oh and thanks for joining my topic.

  9. Ah okay, I'm on it. Cause people were talking bout sexuality and I want all problems allowed so I'll work on it now.

  10. Ah okay, nice personal picture by the way.

  11. Ah trying to hide what you really are with provokes and saying all this junk well, if you'd like to start cursing why don't you curse about something else? Or is that all you have? Instead of talking about other people, talk about your own ##### up self.

  12. Ah well I see you starting topics already :)

  13. Albino Slug, its the best album out there all the songs are good and I mean ALL

  14. All you really do is be a puppet in the show we call the masquerade

  15. All, albino slug is da best album tho.

  16. alot of stuff, what about you.

  17. an anime girl with large sunglasses, jet black clothes and a giant shruiken on her back.

  18. An example of you following others is trying to prove me wrong by getting your poems up right after mine. Thats shows you following others, so isn't it the truth that you aren't what you truly are? Or is it your destiny to be lost and be molded into a statue of what others concieve you in their eyes.

  19. ANSWER MY PM! LoL pleaaaaaaase.

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