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Status Updates posted by H8terFisternator

  1. Sure why not, Lamb of God is pretty cool as well. Linkin Park is eh iffy, Finger Eleven is pretty awesome tho. YEAH!!!!! Here we go again......

  2. Slipknot!!!!!!! If your 555 I'm..........

  3. you serious? XD I know everything since I'm.........

  4. Oh and well I'm taking this quite calmly your the one who's flaming.

  5. Is it because the only reason you bicker is for someone to talk to you? Well you don't have me to talk to since your not always right so just leave people alone and go talk to yourself.

  6. Ah trying to hide what you really are with provokes and saying all this junk well, if you'd like to start cursing why don't you curse about something else? Or is that all you have? Instead of talking about other people, talk about your own ##### up self.

  7. An example of you following others is trying to prove me wrong by getting your poems up right after mine. Thats shows you following others, so isn't it the truth that you aren't what you truly are? Or is it your destiny to be lost and be molded into a statue of what others concieve you in their eyes.

  8. All you really do is be a puppet in the show we call the masquerade

  9. Then I don't care for what words you have to say, I dont respect you if you don't respect me now if you love following others orders, why dont you follow my order and leave me alone. You think your this and that, being so agreeable and wise and all wisdom. But for the truth Your trying to be something your aren't. Saying oh your emo oh your cool, oh your a homie and all this junk. All

  10. you also dont knwo when your clearly not wanted.

  11. you clearly don't know when your not wanted so I'm ending this no more posting or what-not, if your being ignorant enough to keep insisting on posting then be that way but you wont be heard. So goodbye.

  12. I can change my age its like magic! Yesssss

  13. Thunderhorse the song is cool 2

  14. K checking em out, System of the down is er odd......like Cigaro O_o

  15. XD now I am one years old lolz

  16. So look up some Buckethead!

  17. Shredding=crazy guitar skills!

  18. Dude! The asian dude in dragonforce can shred! (Though he makes weird faces) Look up Buckethead, he can truly shred like crazy better than Yngwie Malmsteen. Look Buckethead up and tell me what you think of him.

  19. Oh and Dragonforce and Slipknot with Evanescene rules!

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