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Nathan Evo

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Blog Entries posted by Nathan Evo

  1. Nathan Evo
    Here, I am taking REQUESTS for things you want to ask me, TOA IGNITER! I will respond to your QUESTIONS in a manner worthy of the TOA INIKA.
    Now ask away, PIRAKA!
    NOTE: Answers from Toa Igniter may have mixed results if attempted in real life. May be dangerous if taken seriously.
  2. Nathan Evo
    So I looked at this and thought "Why wasn't this canon?"
    Help join the cause to give Vezon an axe for a hand in the story serials! If Greg can magically make old deceased characters alive again, he can at least make this alternte set portrayal exist.
    And by the way, it won't be a shield, it will actually be the blade of an axe replacing his hand. Shields are so generic. Also, if this is confirmed, it will have to have existed for the past six years, starting with Kardas' first appearance.
    Toa Smoke Monster
    Ayel Hyland
  3. Nathan Evo
    I managed to buy Mata Nui and Ackar, and I have been saving money for Kaxium for months. I figured I'd review Ackar, since there was already a Mata Nui review.
    All pictures here were taken from my DSi and saved to my SD Card, which was how I uploaded these onto majhost. Now relax as I rant on about this set.
    Ackar's canister is almost exactly like the other Glatorian Legends with a different picture and a major color difference.

    Actual appearance may vary.
    Enough said.
    If you buy it, one thing you should notice is the Mata red! Glory, glory, Mata red!

    Much more to it than that, though. Ackar is a combination of new pieces we've never seen previously...

    ...and old pieces in new colors...

    ...and old junk we've seen before...

    I'm not so sure about that little rod, though. ALSO IRON MAN
    ...and these four Mahritoran blades in orange found in a Power Miners set and an Exo-Force set, I think.

    Half the fun of the set is building it. If you didn't have to build it, then it would most likely be a bootleg. Not sure how they'd get it into that canister...
    Anyway, the instruction booklet is obvious. It starts by saying not to dump your LEGO Bricks on the carpet and to organize your pieces, then the instructions, then the BIONICLE Action Figure Game, then some Lego Club advertisement in six different languages showing outdated sets. Easy.

    Whoops. Sorry, Lego.
    So first you do the most important step: you put the black pegs into the Inika torso. You cannot do anything until you put the black pegs into the Inika torso!
    Next you build the legs. Oh, and remember those two red axle joints?

    You use them on the feet. Nothing deeper than that.
    This set, along with some others, may bring back some memory of the Nuva in some ways.

    For one, this guy's wearing bell bottoms.
    I wish those pieces were a little less wobbly.
    Next, you build the arms, which are vital for a

    Falcon PAWNCH!
    A few obvious steps later, you get to the helmet.

    But wait- the actual helmet isn't transparent! IT'S A TRAP!

    Oh, and so long as we're talking heads, I AM IRON MAN
    After you finish, Ackar is ready for action. Start with a good, hearty IT'S A TRAP!

    Completed Set:
    First of all, he has gray hands. I think a line from one of my comedies should speak for itself: "...but we here at the LEGO Company believe an eye-searing color scheme is a good color scheme."
    With a color difference, he reminds me of Berix.

    As for his build, it kind of conflicts. I mean, he looks like a true Glatorian, with his Thornax launcher and sword...


    ...but then he stabs himself in the back with his bell bottoms.
    As for his size, not counting the blades on his arms, he's a little taller than Mata Nui.

    Oh, by the way, I found a way to resize the Ignika.

    Photoshop not included.
    Playing with Ackar is as fun as playing with most modern sets.

    Falcon PAWNCH!
    He has thirteen points of articulation- in other words, standard stuff. However, it is possible to get the most out of it.

    All in all, he's a good set, so if you don't hate the storyline or you're not a nostalgic set weenie, buy this thing. He has gray hands, but that can be fixed.

    So thanks for reading this review. This was a pain to make. Now comment on how you hate him and that I'm a bad reviewer. Or anything else. Just don't spam.

  4. Nathan Evo
    Yup, I've. . . considerably come to a point where I can upload my latest Chimoru revamp onto majhost. This is here so you can download it in case Dark709 doesn't add it to the front page.
    Quick secret: I thought up of this when I did the tri-shade Chimoru and thought "What would be overdoing it?" So I made the idle pose for the Matoran and this happened.
    Use as you like and give credit where credit's due.
    Update 3/4/09: I've PMed the whole thing to Dark. Now I'm waiting for approval. If he approves, I'll be able to revamp his expressions. Next update in the meantime is the alternate green-and-lime Matoran color schemes.
    Update 3/9/09: I have permission from Dark to revamp the expressions. They will come in next update along with some new masks. For now, the next update is the original green color scheme on Matoran and Metruan bodies as well as some installments by Philbert and VTK.
    Update 3/20/09: The expressions are finished, as well as new masks. I've also corrected Gatotak's name mispronouncication.
    Update 3/29/09: Since I did them in the three-shade kit, I have been at war with these sprites. They are proof Dark did not "whip these up in at most a week". They were a brutal pain to make in the three shade kit and they were a pain to make now. The full Toa Nuva spritesheet is now finished. In addition, a new fan-made mask spinny is up.
    Update 4/19/09: After a large hiatus, I have decided that the next update involves "Chickmoru", Mercenus' (right?) female Matoran spritesheet. Also, now, you can find the new walking poses for Chickmoru as well as my 360 Kakama Nuva and Akaku in two-shade. You can also find the original Chimoru colors in six-shade. I'm working on some comics I need a six-shade Rahkshi on, so it'll be next.
    Update 4/26/09: I recently recieved a PM from Mercenus telling me not to use anything of his due to the leak of Chimoru 2.0, but since I don't have it he said I could continue with what I was doing, which means the movie-style Makuta Teridax could be next. Additionally, the six-shade Rahkshi and Vahki are done. Also, a two-shade non-Gimplifried kraata has been added to the bonus section. Can't believe I didn't post the little guy earlier. I have him in three-shade as well, so I got him from there. Right now, I need to work on Dark's new uber-colorful Matoran spritesheet. It'll be a long, tough battle...
    Update ?/??/09: The new Matoran spritesheet is done.
    Update 5/6/09: Version 2.0 of the six-shade kit is up. This one is a lot bigger than the last one. Not to be confused with Mercenus's Chimoru 2.0, which I won't be doing for a long, long time. For now, just settle for VTK's Mctoran, Chimoru Alpha, and two versions of Mata Nui.
    Update 5/22/09: The Toa Inika and Matoran spinnies are up. I can't think of anything obnoxious or witty to say this time, so the Bohrok are next.
  5. Nathan Evo
    So a few years ago, I wrote a blog entry detailing the ten minifigs I felt were the personal best ever made by LEGO. Since then, however, there have been a few new minifigs I felt were worthy of making the list. As such, I've decided to make an updated list.

    2. Shaquille O'Neal

    3. Lumpy Space Princess

    ...yeah I lied there's only three everyone go home
  6. Nathan Evo
    I have returned, PIRAKA SCUM! And once again, I, TOA IGNITER, have hijacked PIRAKA VEZOK'S blog in order to start an ASK COLUMN to secretly find information on where you are keeping the TOA INIKA!
    So if you, the PIRAKA menace, are bold enough to challenge the great hero TOA IGNITER, then ask me QUESTIONS!
    (Disclaimer: If you take ask columns way too seriously, this ask entry is not for you. If you take dreaming about farm animals way too seriously, BZPower is not for you. Just sayin'.)
  7. Nathan Evo
    So, in case you haven't noticed, I haven't really been working on comics lately. That's because I started working on a brand new project a while back! I'm not going to say TOO much about it, but I will say this: it's going to be a little different from my usual works.
    It's not the best thing in the world, but I whipped up a quick poster just so you have a little idea what to expect:

  8. Nathan Evo
    I was looking up my name in the Artwork III forum (Don't, it has some spammy posts of mine from yeeeeeears ago that I don't want you seein') and WOW.
    I found comics I've never even heard of or bothered to look at, and yet with the six-shade Chimoru or even the three-shade rendition, people are using my stuff.
    I've left a huge impact, and to all who use it, I'm touched. :blush:
    *Ruins the moment*
  9. Nathan Evo
    Joined DeviantArt or whatever it's called.
    Already I'm considering firing someone from TMU.
    On another note I'm also thinking about starting a DA-exclusive comic series there with the Toon kit.
  10. Nathan Evo
    Honestly I was kinda torn about writing this because obviously I'm going to be shot down, but I really want to get this off my chest.
    I don't WANT Bionicle to return.
    I know, it's likely not going to get the most positive feedback on a bonkles forum, but everything about this just feels... wrong.
    First off, if this happens, I shudder at the thought of the reactions. Primarily those of the bring-back-bonkles crowd- the whiniest, most obnoxious part of the fandom, now celebrating and dancing on Hero Factory's grave because they "won" by throwing temper tantrums over a toy line ending and LEGO took notice. I doubt that was the case. Besides, what are they going to do once New Bonkles ends?
    And then there's Hero Factory. I'm not calling it flawless- it was pretty far from that. Unresolved cliffhangers, a highly groanworthy TV program (honestly, can we even call it a show?), and, of course, the now-infamous Nathan Evo scene where he almost killed a bunch of babies just because one member of their species happened to be a criminal.
    That being said, Invasion from Below is possibly the worst place for the series to end- with an ending slopped together in the last twelve hours of production featuring the complete genocide of a species and yet another unresolved cliffhanger. I have to admit this doesn't really have much to do with bonkles, but if we could see at least one more Hero Factory wave that somewhat resembled an ending before bonkles' triumphant return or whatever the next constraction line is comes out, that'd be a lot better than what we have now. Unfortunately, given LEGO's track record, I sincerely doubt that'll happen.
    And lastly, possibly the biggest reason I don't want bonkles returning is because if it returns, it'll be, well, bonkles. Getting anything resembling 2001-2004 or any other period when bonkles was great is highly unlikely, and we'll likely get something more like the ending years of bonkles when the storyline was extra convoluted and Farshtey favoritism ran rampant. I don't know- the story serials were my least favorite part of bonkles.
    However, I will admit this: I will gladly accept bonkles' return if these conditions are followed:
    1. The Toa Mata/Nuva return, and resemble the Toa Mata/Nuva
    2. The storyline gives us some look at the story through the Matoran's point of view and doesn't portray them as worthless objects the Toa need to defend (assuming New Bonkles has Toa and Matoran)
    3. The Piraka return, because from any perspective, ironic or otherwise, they were a lot better than that big gold thing from the serials
    (addendum, actually, I'll just lock this entry because I don't feel like dealing with fallout. if a staff member informs me that for some reason this entry needs to be removed, I will gladly do so. otherwise, I'm sticking with my thoughts here)
  11. Nathan Evo
    Okay so this is kind of a story, I guess.
    See, I don't care about the Ninjago story at all. I just like the spinners.
    It's really unfortunate that they're never in stock for very long. And even worse is there are so many greedy scumbags out there buying them all up to sell them online for outrageous prices.
    I am NOT paying eighty-eight dollars for NRG Jay. Just sayin'.
  12. Nathan Evo
    So, I'm officially in possession of five of the new Hero Factory sets which I shouldn't even need to tell you are on the LEGO Shop@Home website because I'm willing to bet someone will report it to the news before this entry gets published, but anyway. Got Bulk, Rocka and Scarox on Christmas, and Pyrox and Bruizer today.
    So yeah. If you have any questions regarding them, feel free to ask. Also, no, I don't dream of farm animals.
    (and don't ask me if they're any good because being a HF set collector they all pretty much look the same to me)
  13. Nathan Evo
    Don't worry, this isn't graded. I just felt like conducting a little poll of sorts. Don't know if I'll use the results for anything, though.
    Anyway, aside from the Toa Mata, who is your favorite BIONICLE character?
  14. Nathan Evo
    Today I managed to obtain a super-rare Bionicle mask that, as far as I know, is completely one-of-a-kind. Sure, there are 14-karat Haus and Platinum Avohkiis, but those ain't got nothing on my BRAND NEW PURPLE IGNIKA

    (okay I took the photo with my phone so I'm sorry if it's gigantohuge)
  15. Nathan Evo
    got the Protectors of Earth and Stone
    the Earth one is a really solid set well worthy of accompanying Onua
    the Stone one is pretty lame in comparison, and no one will ever be able to convince me that burnt orange and transparent neon lime green is in any way a good color scheme, especially when blurry leaked images actually made them look more like the flatter transparent yellow
  16. Nathan Evo
    I spend a lot of time on the mobile edition of BZP. It cuts out a lot of details, like signatures and stuff, but it shows posts and that's all I really need, honestly.
    Well, for whatever reason today I switched over to the full version and found I had one of those nine-year Tahu masks by my profile. NINE YEARS.
    You know that feeling where time feels like a blur and you don't really care about your age and then WHAM it all catches up to you? Yeah. That's what I'm feelin'.
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