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Nathan Evo

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Status Updates posted by Nathan Evo

  1. i dont liek salids i liek pork hcops

  2. Noobot says:

    ohqrge9iuh9puvhequihequhvweifbhvpequubhpiojb f

  3. I actually updated my computer. I'm prepared.

  4. Actually, no. . . It just seems kinda rude in the interests field. . . Unless you're a Ko-Matoran. Not trying to offend any Ko-Matoran out there.

  5. Don't know about that. Hard to decide when you haven't been on in so long, though.

    Also, good to see you again.

  6. Not only is he not related to Dokuma, he's also not related to him for three months!

  7. zomg im gonna bolkc vaakmtak!!1!! no wiat i dont watn 2!!11!1! no wiat! no waet!! no...

  8. It isn't in a topic.

  9. Okay, on #1: Wow. A good example would be me; Gerlicky! I'm working on my resolution last year, whic is to collect all 2007 sets despite a strange dislike of females and the fact that Takadox creeps me out.

  10. -JM-: What it its is it was originally going to be MisTiKa.

    Now it stands for Maximum Turbo K. The K now stands for zilch.

  11. I remeber how my cousin had a demo version of Lego Racers (the original). Something about it creeped me out, though I don't remeber what.

  12. You lousy traitor.

  13. i htougt it wuz "bewaer muy stignur tael!!11!!!!1!!" geus its speld da saem wya

  14. Actually, I'd sahy that Toon Link (from The Wind Waker) would be your favorite.

  15. Just as a confirmation (I already PMed this to Kahi) I actually misunderstood his reply and thought I was rejected. Still, like I said, there are still some elements in TMUtLG I'm nervous about releasing. I've worked on it for over a year and it was originally scheduled to be my own private little series.

  16. *turns on propane blowtorch while sleeping*

  17. Hmmm... Zephyr is more powerful than I thought...

    This calls for drasic measures!

    *changes "Bionicle Message Boards" to "Bionicle Massage Boards"*

  18. It is not a mission, it is a temporary base. That being said, you still must destroy a Wal-Mart containing a Burger King so McStarman Colea can raid it of its recipes.

  19. Well, there's nothing tape can't fix, right?

  20. Yep.

    But I'm still not sure.

  21. That's "lolz i liek pie" TO YOU!

  22. You know, sometimes you scare me. And then I have a stroke. And then I have to pay a load of money in medical bills all because you scared me.

    That's how amazing your banners are.

  23. By the way, VTK...

    (Has a ring to it, eh?)

    Satogo has a Giant, so I'm sure there's a way.

    Speaking of which, I wonder why he's always on MLN but never on BZP anymore...

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