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Nathan Evo

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Blog Entries posted by Nathan Evo

  1. Nathan Evo
    So, last week, I bought the Race Rider (LEGO Racers motorcycle). I built the chopper-style one and crammed Axalara Lewa on it (barely).
    I'm going to get another one this week so I can put Onua on it. Or Pohatu or Antroz.
  2. Nathan Evo
    This is from a topic on BIONICLE-based dreams. By now, it's ancient, and I've already shown this to a few people, but I really love pointing this one out.
    There's more to this- WAY more to this. I think I got up to like sixty "episodes" or something, and I don't even believe that's half of them. I also seriously doubt these are actual dreams.
  3. Nathan Evo
    Well, it's that old Yuletide season again. I must admit this stock was very prosperous, in the way of Bionicle sets. I managed to recieve Gresh, Nektann and Skrall, the three Stars I was missing, but...
    I also got ALL. SIX. MCTORAN.
    This is good. My Jaller's arm broke. I needed a backup.
  4. Nathan Evo
    Yes, this day (or a few days ago, actually. I would have reported this in my blog earlier if I weren't obsessed with Art Style: PiCTOBiTs) is the day that only comes once a year. I have been looking forward to this day for a long period of time.
    Sadly, this may be the last time I ever get out this early.
  5. Nathan Evo
    Y'know, I could waste everyone's time with some flowery speech about this, but right now my thoughts boil down to three main ideas:
    1. We're never getting remakes of the Piraka? Bummer.
    2. So, does this mean we're getting Hero Factory back? If so, we'd better have Evo and Bulk.
    3. Honestly, it's sad and all, but I got two new waves of the classic Toa out of it all, so I can't say it was all for nothing. I expected it to be a short run anyway, but, hey, glad it happened.
    Okay, 4. Better get some spare sets and put a Makuta together.
  6. Nathan Evo
    I put him together again today. I had him together only once, years ago. But, well, then I took him apart and left him in ruin for years.
    Anyway, I'm actually surprised at how well he holds up all these years. He's actually taller than Von Nebula, and Makuta has elbows (but, not to be outdone, Von Nebula has KNEES). Plus, no Inika or Piraka torsos.
    If you're a set collector and you have Makuta apart, PUT HIM BACK TOGETHER AGAIN. You'll be glad you did.
  7. Nathan Evo
    I'm disappointed. I thought the box would contain an unconscious Rick Astley, whom, upon awakening, would be forced to perform Never Gonna Give You Up for Six's amusement.
  8. Nathan Evo
    This doesn't involve the buttermilk pie. I only saw one on sale today and I didn't buy it. Ha ha.
    So today, they had "beef dippers". Not bad, actually. But then I ask for a disposable tray, and after that, they instantly stop listening to me. I was about to ask for no mashed potatoes or peas and carrots. They both looked horrible. What happens next? Two spoonfuls of each. Seriously. I bet they'd dump that fake white gravy stuff all over it if they could. It was awful. I ate my beef dippers and threw the rest of that garbage away. Tommorrow I either plan on not buying from them or GIVING. THEM. KARZAHNI.
    And no, Ynot, I'm not going to stop buying from them altogether.
  9. Nathan Evo
    I feel bad.
    I'm worried I'll have to close down my blog. Not just because there aren't many comments, but because of a hurtful message I saw the other day regarding it.

    No, it is NOT Photoshopped! I don't even have Photoshop on this computer! Okay, it was installed yesterday but it would probably take hours! And besides, the computer I downloaded it on (the one I'm posting this entry on) doesn't have it! So don't start suspecting I used Photoshop on an empty brick wall.
  10. Nathan Evo
    I looked in the Artwork III forum and almost all of the comic topics were GONE. My comics, VakamaTK's comics, Turaga Dlakii's Comic Emporium, they're all GONE. Strike that, they're still there, but I don't know if posting there counts as revival or not.
    But, involving mine, this is a blessing.
    Now, you're probably saying "WHAT?! Most of the topics are deleted! You're a nutcase!" No, I am, not. I am a genius. There is scientific evidence proving this.
    Anyway, I was hoping originally that I could close the topic. I'm not in the "comic-making fever" anymore. Now, I can start fresh and not worry about revival.
    If your life depends on my comics and you need to see them, they're on my majhost so you can view them there.
    (Man, I hate having a band-aid on my index finger.)
  11. Nathan Evo
    Well, judging by the last amount of comments in that last entry, I can fully say I have captured the name of this category of entries quite well.
    What I LIKE About BIONICLE:
    1. Collectibles. Toward the beginning of BIONICLE, the fact that there were so many masks to collect inside those little mask packs really made for a surprise, as you probably wouldn't know what would be inside them. Box-wise, that is. The bags probably gave it away sooner.
    2. Old sets still hold up well. The older sets have a more complex build than the sets of today, so putting them back together will still be worth your while. Even though most old sets had a distinctive lack of knees.
    3. Greg Farshtey. This guy is a real author. This guy has taken time out of his life to help develop a story for these plastic children's construction toys. He'll also answer every last pointless question you PM him with. THAT deserves respect.
    4. LEGO is trying to show us they care. They have chosen to leave the BionicleStory website up despite the fact that the line has been dead for over a year. They care about us. Well, sort of. (See Dislikes.)
    5. The fanbase. To think that nearly all of us on BZPower have joined for a common interest is just incredible when you think about it. Of course, stuff happens, like you outgrow it and all, but for the record, most of the members on here joined for the purpose of a plastic children's construction toy, right?
    1. The fanbase. No, I am not turning back on my word. It's great that we're here and all, but we could really do without the whining. Its all "WAH WAH WAH I HATE THE INIKA" this, "WAH WAH WAH I HATE THE MISTIKA" that, then "WAH WAH WAH BIONICLE ENDED LEGO BETRAYED US", and "WAH WAH WAH I HATE HERO FACTORY". I mean, really, we should have outgrown these sets by now. It's not wrong to have opinions, but we could do with some maturity. Arguing, flaming and trolling gets us nowhere.
    2. Increasing simplicity of sets. Unless you had them when they first came out, you'd probably have to consult the enclosed instruction book if you wanted to rebuild the older and more TECHNIC-like sets. The last sets, consisting of Inika torsos galore, should be easily built without consulting any sort of instruction book.
    3. Repetitive designs. Speaking of Inika torsos, how many sets had them? Way too many. Nearly every canister wave had at least one set that reused the dreaded torso. There are many innovative ways to use them, but for the most part LEGO has been lazy in designing constraction sets these days. By the way, I don't believe any set in 2009 had a Piraka torso. Of course, you're welcome to prove me wrong. I'm sure many of you would love to do that.
    4. Increasing desire to appeal to a younger fanbase. Remember Tim, the eight-year-old American boy from that designing process thing who seems to have Tahu Nuva despite the fact that he was waaaay too young for BIONICLE sets back then? Yeah, Tim sums up exactly who LEGO was trying to string up during BIONICLE's last years. Remember the BIONICLE ACTION FIGURE GAME? Stuff like it make me feel both kind of glad BIONICLE ended and that HERO Factory is truly a worthy successor to BIONICLE. The modern one, that is.
    5. The BIONICLE Stars. This gets me more worked up than the Furno thing. Really, LEGO, the biggest-selling sets are NOT the fan-favorite characters. The image of a Hau behind a Skrall and Gresh, both of which were only released the year before, couldn't be more misleading if they were going for a nostalgic feel. I also recall there being a topic that questioned why people hated Gresh, which just oozed of members who did. Unless the BIONICLE Stars included one of your favorite characters, they are nothing but proof that BIONICLE had a rushed ending in 2010. In my opinion, of course.
  12. Nathan Evo
    If this doesn't get my blog more views, nothing will.
    Well, I thought of this today, even though it's kind of late for it, I suppose. Anyway:
    What I LIKE About HERO Factory:
    1. Potential. HERO Factory holds a lot of it, though it doesn't use much of it (see the dislikes).
    2. Background art. The character art on the new wave of Hero canisters makes them look worse than they actually are, but the backgrounds of Tanker Station 22 exploding looks just like where I wanted HERO Factory to take place. The backgrounds of Makuhero City on the HERO Factory website don't look bad, either.
    3. New pieces. The new wave of Heroes are a bigger gold mine of new pieces than that of any BIONICLE wave, though, being a new building system, are almost useless for the time being. Still, the wide use of new pieces are smiled upon by MOCists, but LEGO had better not let this get to their head. We don't need another Inika torso scenario.
    4. LEGO is trying to prove that they care. LEGO listened to the opinions of that of the BIONICLE fanbase to try to determine what the fans liked, and they tried to use these opinions to gain an idea of what should go in HERO Factory. Of course, they fail to realize ice and plasma don't mix well, but at least they tried.
    5. Vehicles. Sure, BIONICLE had them too, but the HERO Factory vehicles are still pretty cool. The Drop Ship even makes use of those canisters that flood up in your room. THAT'S handy.
    What I DISLIKE About HERO Factory:
    In other words, the favorite part of this equation.
    1. The story. I mean, really, this is my second biggest grudge about HERO Factory. We should have known "wider audience" meant "ten-year-olds", as the story is almost as corny as that of Takanuva's battle with Makuta. Almost. Like I said before, HERO Factory holds a lot of potential, but it fails to use it for the sake of saving money and attracting ten-year-olds.
    2. "Cool dude" villains. When I saw Nitroblast hit himself in the face with his fireball thing, I knew this was a problem. I mean, really, LEGO, do we need any more cliches?
    3. Trying too hard to replace BIONICLE. I mean, really, this goes to show exactly how desperate LEGO is to do this. The comics and movies really give it away.
    4. Reuse of BIONICLE concepts. And not the good ones, nonetheless. As cool as the Zamors that come with the 2011 villains are, they're still Zamors. In Thornax launchers. THAT WERE USED LAST YEAR.
    5. Constant reuse of William Furno. This is the biggest grudge I have against HERO Factory. Bill's a cool guy and all, but really, if we get a Furno 4.0 COUNTING THE FURNO BIKE AND ASSUMING LEGO MAKES A FURNO 3.0, then he will have been sold more times than ANY BIONICLE character. And that's not a new record I'd like to see broken. HERO Factory isn't even a year old yet.
    So, in conclusion, I like HERO Factory okay, but it's not as good as BIONICLE once was. If you disagree with any of my opinions, I won't mind, but you really should stick around, because next I'm going to do the same for BIONICLE.
  13. Nathan Evo
    So, the January 2009 catalog came today. It contains all set information that I didn't know before and DIDN'T HEAR ANYWHERE, in case you want to say that "we've" known about this for "weeks". It's not 2008.
    It says:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Tarix and Berix are both MALE 

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Zesk is NOT an Agori 

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «GregF's right. Earth is tan, rock is black 
    Sorry if this isn't allowed. Of course, I'm not sure the spoiler tags are needed...
  14. Nathan Evo
    So, in case you haven't noticed, I haven't really been working on comics lately. That's because I started working on a brand new project a while back! I'm not going to say TOO much about it, but I will say this: it's going to be a little different from my usual works.
    It's not the best thing in the world, but I whipped up a quick poster just so you have a little idea what to expect:

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