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Nathan Evo

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Blog Entries posted by Nathan Evo

  1. Nathan Evo
    I managed to buy Mata Nui and Ackar, and I have been saving money for Kaxium for months. I figured I'd review Ackar, since there was already a Mata Nui review.
    All pictures here were taken from my DSi and saved to my SD Card, which was how I uploaded these onto majhost. Now relax as I rant on about this set.
    Ackar's canister is almost exactly like the other Glatorian Legends with a different picture and a major color difference.

    Actual appearance may vary.
    Enough said.
    If you buy it, one thing you should notice is the Mata red! Glory, glory, Mata red!

    Much more to it than that, though. Ackar is a combination of new pieces we've never seen previously...

    ...and old pieces in new colors...

    ...and old junk we've seen before...

    I'm not so sure about that little rod, though. ALSO IRON MAN
    ...and these four Mahritoran blades in orange found in a Power Miners set and an Exo-Force set, I think.

    Half the fun of the set is building it. If you didn't have to build it, then it would most likely be a bootleg. Not sure how they'd get it into that canister...
    Anyway, the instruction booklet is obvious. It starts by saying not to dump your LEGO Bricks on the carpet and to organize your pieces, then the instructions, then the BIONICLE Action Figure Game, then some Lego Club advertisement in six different languages showing outdated sets. Easy.

    Whoops. Sorry, Lego.
    So first you do the most important step: you put the black pegs into the Inika torso. You cannot do anything until you put the black pegs into the Inika torso!
    Next you build the legs. Oh, and remember those two red axle joints?

    You use them on the feet. Nothing deeper than that.
    This set, along with some others, may bring back some memory of the Nuva in some ways.

    For one, this guy's wearing bell bottoms.
    I wish those pieces were a little less wobbly.
    Next, you build the arms, which are vital for a

    Falcon PAWNCH!
    A few obvious steps later, you get to the helmet.

    But wait- the actual helmet isn't transparent! IT'S A TRAP!

    Oh, and so long as we're talking heads, I AM IRON MAN
    After you finish, Ackar is ready for action. Start with a good, hearty IT'S A TRAP!

    Completed Set:
    First of all, he has gray hands. I think a line from one of my comedies should speak for itself: "...but we here at the LEGO Company believe an eye-searing color scheme is a good color scheme."
    With a color difference, he reminds me of Berix.

    As for his build, it kind of conflicts. I mean, he looks like a true Glatorian, with his Thornax launcher and sword...


    ...but then he stabs himself in the back with his bell bottoms.
    As for his size, not counting the blades on his arms, he's a little taller than Mata Nui.

    Oh, by the way, I found a way to resize the Ignika.

    Photoshop not included.
    Playing with Ackar is as fun as playing with most modern sets.

    Falcon PAWNCH!
    He has thirteen points of articulation- in other words, standard stuff. However, it is possible to get the most out of it.

    All in all, he's a good set, so if you don't hate the storyline or you're not a nostalgic set weenie, buy this thing. He has gray hands, but that can be fixed.

    So thanks for reading this review. This was a pain to make. Now comment on how you hate him and that I'm a bad reviewer. Or anything else. Just don't spam.

  2. Nathan Evo
    Yes, this day (or a few days ago, actually. I would have reported this in my blog earlier if I weren't obsessed with Art Style: PiCTOBiTs) is the day that only comes once a year. I have been looking forward to this day for a long period of time.
    Sadly, this may be the last time I ever get out this early.
  3. Nathan Evo
    I was looking up my name in the Artwork III forum (Don't, it has some spammy posts of mine from yeeeeeears ago that I don't want you seein') and WOW.
    I found comics I've never even heard of or bothered to look at, and yet with the six-shade Chimoru or even the three-shade rendition, people are using my stuff.
    I've left a huge impact, and to all who use it, I'm touched. :blush:
    *Ruins the moment*
  4. Nathan Evo
    Yes, I'm doing one last chapter of the comedy that triggered my career, unoriginality rants, stupid fanboy spammers, and even a ripoff on another forum.
    Thank you for buying our product! We assure you that your money will be spent on something stupid that we, the LEGO Company, do not need. If the launcher is silver, you have the basic product. If the Thornax does not fit, you have built it the wrong way. If the launcher is gold, you most likely bought it on eBay from some bootlegger who spray-painted it. Go and take it to a professional. He will most likely assure you it is a fake.
    Please read before using.
    1. Build your Glatorian, Warrior, or Vehicle/Creature.
    > If you found this launcher comes with an Agori that is not Fero or a summer 2009 Agori, you have most likely bought a Winter 2009 Agori wannabe.
    > If you found that your Glatorian, Warrior, or Vehicle/Creature does not come with this launcher, then Bill, the guy who works at our company, has most likely stuck them in his ears trying to look like something horrible. Thank goodness we finally fired him.
    > If you found these instructions lying on the ground, dispose of it completely.
    2. Build the Thornax launcher.
    > If you found that your Glatorian, Warrior, or Vehicle/Creature does not come with this launcher, then Bill has most likely stuck them in his ears trying to look like something horrible.
    3. Find your Thornax.
    > It should be gold and black. If it is green, then it can be boiled down to make soup. Really. We've tried, and the soup smells and tastes like burnt plastic.
    > It should be gold and black. If it is gold and 14-carat gold, then someone at the company has obviously gotten divorced, and they tried to hide the evidence. And no, it is not Bill. We have seen his page on a dating service website and his matches were a toaster and an old shoe.
    >It should be gold and black. If it is red, then it is either explosive a misprint. Dispose of it properly.
    >It should be gold and black. DO NOT PUT IN MOUTH.
    4. Place the Thornax in the launcher.
    > If the Thornax does not fit, you have built it the wrong way.
    5. Squeeze the sides and watch the Thornax fly.
    > If the Thornax does not fly over five inches, dispose of it properly.
    > In case you were wondering, Bill works at an art museum.
    I might write something similar on the Glatorian Action Figure Game.
  5. Nathan Evo
    This doesn't involve the buttermilk pie. I only saw one on sale today and I didn't buy it. Ha ha.
    So today, they had "beef dippers". Not bad, actually. But then I ask for a disposable tray, and after that, they instantly stop listening to me. I was about to ask for no mashed potatoes or peas and carrots. They both looked horrible. What happens next? Two spoonfuls of each. Seriously. I bet they'd dump that fake white gravy stuff all over it if they could. It was awful. I ate my beef dippers and threw the rest of that garbage away. Tommorrow I either plan on not buying from them or GIVING. THEM. KARZAHNI.
    And no, Ynot, I'm not going to stop buying from them altogether.
  6. Nathan Evo
    I went in the lunch line and saw that they had the buttermilk pie on sale again.
    I avoided it, that's for sure.
    I'm starting to think they have lots of leftovers. Yesterday they grounded up the hamburger meat and put it on the pizza along with blackened mushrooms.
    It wasn't bad, though.
    I wonder if the buttermilk pie today was just the leftovers from last time.
  7. Nathan Evo
    I bought a DSi today.
    I thought it would be impossible to get one. Thank goodness I had all that money saved.
    But there's no GBA cartridge so the DS Lite will come in handy.
    As an equality, some things like my iTunes aren't on my DSi so the laptop will still come in handy.
    And a DSi is not a good idea for making pic comics.
    So I bought something I do not need.
    Fun to play with, though. I'm glad I bought it.
  8. Nathan Evo
    Years ago, my parents painted my room using a sponge. Somehow, a skull-shaped mark showed up on the wall. That "skull" haunted me for years.
    Until today.
    So I'm getting my room redesigned to look like a hotel room. (I don't think it will come up looking exactly like one.) Today we started painting the walls. I grabbed a roller and painted an entire wall. Then, I crushed the skull. I painted dead over it. Now it's gone for good.
    Oh and by the way I'm not doing the kit anymore.
  9. Nathan Evo
    I've been getting bored on this forum lately. So I've decided to make my own kit. I'm not sure if it will come out anytime soon. It'll probably come out in the summer at least.
    Just for the fun of it, I've provided a sneak preview.

    And no, I did not take inspiration or dead-copy off anyone's kit here in the forum. There's one thing I did take inspiration from... and it has nothing to do with Bionicle or BZPower whatsoever.
  10. Nathan Evo
    So today I got bored. Obviously.
    So an idea popped in my head. I decided to build something.

    Hey, I did say it was awesome, didn't I?
  11. Nathan Evo
    So I was looking in a topic when I was waiting for it to load. Then, I accidentally clicked the mouse.
    Coinicidentally, the location of where I clicked went to the "Log Out" link.
    Next sight I saw was:

    Don't click anywhere before the page loads, folks.
  12. Nathan Evo
    I found a website that kind of has a video-game music archive. Though they aren't the originals, they are pretty cool songs. I liked one so much I actually saved the target.
    This is a big deal, people.
    Oh, and if you're looking for a link, then sorrry. (Yes, with three "r"s. (Yes, I copied off VTK.)) The website has forums. Major no-no on BZP. This is why I didn't put the site name.
  13. Nathan Evo
    On this day in history, I ate the worst slice of pie I have ever eaten in my life.
    It was "Buttermilk Pie" if I remember correctly. I guess the cafeteria thinks buttermilk pie is essentially melted butter and old milk for the filling.
    A friend of mine wanted to get the pie (but this was before I decided to get it!), so after lunch I told him to be glad he didn't get it. I gagged twice today thinking about it.
    Hopefully, your school cafeterias are (or were, if you are an older member) better than this.
  14. Nathan Evo
    I'm stuck in my house and I'm being forced to clean it.
    I'm on one of my infamous three-hour breaks. >=D
  15. Nathan Evo
    I looked in the Artwork III forum and almost all of the comic topics were GONE. My comics, VakamaTK's comics, Turaga Dlakii's Comic Emporium, they're all GONE. Strike that, they're still there, but I don't know if posting there counts as revival or not.
    But, involving mine, this is a blessing.
    Now, you're probably saying "WHAT?! Most of the topics are deleted! You're a nutcase!" No, I am, not. I am a genius. There is scientific evidence proving this.
    Anyway, I was hoping originally that I could close the topic. I'm not in the "comic-making fever" anymore. Now, I can start fresh and not worry about revival.
    If your life depends on my comics and you need to see them, they're on my majhost so you can view them there.
    (Man, I hate having a band-aid on my index finger.)
  16. Nathan Evo
    Yup, I've. . . considerably come to a point where I can upload my latest Chimoru revamp onto majhost. This is here so you can download it in case Dark709 doesn't add it to the front page.
    Quick secret: I thought up of this when I did the tri-shade Chimoru and thought "What would be overdoing it?" So I made the idle pose for the Matoran and this happened.
    Use as you like and give credit where credit's due.
    Update 3/4/09: I've PMed the whole thing to Dark. Now I'm waiting for approval. If he approves, I'll be able to revamp his expressions. Next update in the meantime is the alternate green-and-lime Matoran color schemes.
    Update 3/9/09: I have permission from Dark to revamp the expressions. They will come in next update along with some new masks. For now, the next update is the original green color scheme on Matoran and Metruan bodies as well as some installments by Philbert and VTK.
    Update 3/20/09: The expressions are finished, as well as new masks. I've also corrected Gatotak's name mispronouncication.
    Update 3/29/09: Since I did them in the three-shade kit, I have been at war with these sprites. They are proof Dark did not "whip these up in at most a week". They were a brutal pain to make in the three shade kit and they were a pain to make now. The full Toa Nuva spritesheet is now finished. In addition, a new fan-made mask spinny is up.
    Update 4/19/09: After a large hiatus, I have decided that the next update involves "Chickmoru", Mercenus' (right?) female Matoran spritesheet. Also, now, you can find the new walking poses for Chickmoru as well as my 360 Kakama Nuva and Akaku in two-shade. You can also find the original Chimoru colors in six-shade. I'm working on some comics I need a six-shade Rahkshi on, so it'll be next.
    Update 4/26/09: I recently recieved a PM from Mercenus telling me not to use anything of his due to the leak of Chimoru 2.0, but since I don't have it he said I could continue with what I was doing, which means the movie-style Makuta Teridax could be next. Additionally, the six-shade Rahkshi and Vahki are done. Also, a two-shade non-Gimplifried kraata has been added to the bonus section. Can't believe I didn't post the little guy earlier. I have him in three-shade as well, so I got him from there. Right now, I need to work on Dark's new uber-colorful Matoran spritesheet. It'll be a long, tough battle...
    Update ?/??/09: The new Matoran spritesheet is done.
    Update 5/6/09: Version 2.0 of the six-shade kit is up. This one is a lot bigger than the last one. Not to be confused with Mercenus's Chimoru 2.0, which I won't be doing for a long, long time. For now, just settle for VTK's Mctoran, Chimoru Alpha, and two versions of Mata Nui.
    Update 5/22/09: The Toa Inika and Matoran spinnies are up. I can't think of anything obnoxious or witty to say this time, so the Bohrok are next.
  17. Nathan Evo
    Looks like I finally managed to find game-making software! Too bad I didn't buy it yet.
    Expect a game before I'm 21.
    I've started on the sprites. It's a cartoony RPG nightmare. (If you've ever seen the "wall decoration stance" from TMUCW: Episode VIII, it's essentially that)
    Pics later. Maybe. As well as those motorcycle pics.
  18. Nathan Evo
    So, last week, I bought the Race Rider (LEGO Racers motorcycle). I built the chopper-style one and crammed Axalara Lewa on it (barely).
    I'm going to get another one this week so I can put Onua on it. Or Pohatu or Antroz.
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