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About CityKin08

  • Birthday 07/18/1994

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Currently I'm in Virginia.
  • Interests
    Right now I'm really into Warhammer 40,000, I don't have anything against the other brand but I just don't enjoy it as much. I play D&D-I've just begun a new campaign, I'm a Human scout/fighter for those who are intrested. I'm in ninth grade, have about a 3.1 GPA or so, and I am an avid gamer. I play Halo 3, Call of Duty 4 (for PC), Oblivion, Dawn of War, and am intrested in Far Cry 2.
    I absolutely love machinima, like Arby and the Chief and Red vs. Blue. I like to think that I am a fairly good artist, but I do not have nearly as much talent as other, more experienced artists. I draw weapons with 'uncanny' skill I have been told however. (Note:The art on this page was done nearly a year ago, so don't take that as an indication of my skill)
    I'm a strong supporter of the US military, my father was and still is in the Navy, my sister is in the Army, and my mother was in NIS for a looong time. I hope to be able to go to Annapolis, and get an officer's commision.
    Well, there is a rather rambling account of myself and my history. LOLOLOl....
  1. The lazer thing isn't from Arby n the Chief. It's just in it. And the Soi thing isn't from that either.

  2. I left that comment in reference to Arby 'n the Chief, a machinima, seeing that other members (namely Ultimas) left similar quotes...that was pretty random though :P

  3. -=LEGENDAWY=-

    Mai ROFLcopter go SOI SOI SOI!

  4. I got you up to three stars. :o

  5. you like goth music

  6. 'goth mutch'? What?

  7. Dude, your art is awesome!

  8. I'm sorry for being ignorant, but what did he do? The joke was about a joke he left in my comments.(!)

  9. Where is tour Avatar from? It's awesome!

  10. Well I must say myself I did go overboard with the otherway to celebrate remembrance day so I left a quote that Lhikan said in Inferno 5

  11. Yoda, it ain't a laughing matter. The guy made an ignorant comment that insulted a heck of a lot of us and got called on it.

  12. fff. Well! I-I-I have NEVER been more insulted!(;p *koff*IhopeyourealizeIwasjeskidding*weez*)

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