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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Makes one wonder why cats get in these positions..
  2. This'n be my favorite lolcat ever. And I've official word from Omi that lolcatspeak is ok. Oh, and check this topic out: (topic link inserted here)
  3. Yup, I do YTP. I make them myself. My name on the vid site is PvtLeonidas.

  4. Gotta make you wonder who designs these things..

    Angel and Trav's bios are up, and Dave's is updated.

  6. Oh look, somebody forgot to write EPIC FAIL on it.
  7. @Tafin: Yeah, I do. I make them as well. My name on the site that we can't mention is PvtLeonidas.

  8. I was at my church retreat this weekend, 'twas awesome. Friday night was a bonfire, which apparently still counts as one if it'd fit in a fireplace.. We got marshmallow-toasting pitchforks (They wouldn't let me use a shovel.. ), ate, and then played capture the flag (Apparently it IS possible to play it without rifles. Who knew?) Then everybody split up, I ended up playing 2 on 2 with my friend Calvin against another friend and his dad. In the end I had to explain to Calvin why a girl in our youth group was on the background of my Zune.. I did ok, he ended up on my side about it. Had to leave and go help Mom unpack and clean all the roaches and mold out of the room, tho.. Saturday.. Nothing really interesting happened 'til water polo. It's not normal water polo either, it's our-church style. The goals are on the side of the pool, and the goalie stands inside it (on the edge). Also if someone has the ball, they're fair game for being tackled, dunked, dogpiled, spun around, thrown into the goal, jumped on, full-nelson-ed, elbowed in the face, half-drowned, and having someone on the edge hurl themselves off and land on your head. So I played goalie . I actually did the best of anyone on the first day, but it left a few things lacking (such as skin on my knees). There's also a river at the recreational center this whole thing was at, so me and Calvin hurled ourselves off the dock into the water, which we found out was about 2 feet deep after we did it. Still fun. I didn't need legs anyway. That night my friend Alex came to my now roach-free room, and we were messing around with Lappy, and managed to create a fail pic from personal experience! . That'll be at the end. Otherwise you won't read the rest of this. Not like you will anyways. We also managed to FINALLY get an inside joke, we should've had one of those long ago. The day ended with zombie plan discussions, and hitting Gatorade bottles with tennis rackets. Sunday.. Was possibly the best I've ever lived through. Played ERS (the card game) for like 2 hours at/after breakfast, this dude Joe consistently dominated. Angel showed up for the sessions (), and stayed for lunch. I swear she gets more beautiful every time I see her.. *dreamy look emote* Lunch was good, we had fried chicken. She left right before the pool, tho .. Anyways, I started water polo in the goal again, but my knees had other ideas, and I had to resort to being a rank-and-file dude to pass it to. I did end up scoring a goal tho. Woot. Went to the river again after that, me and Calvin found a big rock with a ton of little crabs on it, as well as these weird rock-things that had tongues. We didn't get to ride on a jet ski.. Had dinner (without Angel.. ), it was decent, pizza, talked about fail stuff with Alex and Calvin, then packed and left. I guess it doesn't take much to make a memorable day for me.. Heck, just Angel. It's rare enough seeing her, let alone for 6 hours straight. (You can start thinking how pathetic I am now, if ya want. You're not the first.) So at the end, my existence hurt, me knees needed skin, had the best weekend of my life so far, and I discovered that violin + death metal = win. And I believe I promised you a fail pic.
  9. omgcomment! =D

    But what if gay luigi eats you for dinner?

  10. It's now official. If I see/hear someone use the phrase 'Why so serious?' one more time (besides the obligatory ones that everybody and his brother's uncle's dog will write here), I'm going to do something illegal. Went to the water park yesterday with a friend who'd never been, had an awesome time, even got a decent fail pic (two rafts jammed on the conveyor with a dude up there trying to pull them out). Had a zombie crash afterwards, tho, since I was up until 2:30 the night before.. My arm's started to occasionally twitch when I walk down the hall, like Freddy from Nightmare on Elm Street snapping his claws out of a fist. Mom says it's because I play Guitar Hero too much.. Speaking nothing whatsoever of which, Mizzy, post in Swarm, and the rest of you, answer this. 1. Have you ever heard of Anarchy Club? 2. If so, what's your favorite song by them? 3. What's your favorite TV show? 4. Freddy or Jason? 5. What's the tiredest you've ever been? 6. If a wolf walked up to you holding a pineapple, what would you do? *remembers to do my answers* 1. Yup. 2. Collide 3. Doctor Who 4. Freddy. Jason can't hurt what's in his dreams. 5. Well, it's a toss up between the second day of robotics nationals, and this morning. 6. I'd give it a treat, then it would drop the pineapple to eat the treats, then I'd take the pineapple, leaving him in complete submission to me.
  11. Don't get me wrong, I use Windows too, but it does annoy the body parts off me sometimes..
  12. My turn.


  13. Know that whatever you do in life, it'll never be as awesome as this picture.
  14. Plausible, Bfahome, but.. disabled toilets? No way that'd be in America.
  15. Oh, and if you happen to get offended by it, you suck.
  16. We had the governor coming to the school I do robotics at, so we got to do a demonstration for him. Me and my friend Spiffle got to drive the robot for the demonstration, so he shook our hands. (The governor in question is Tim Kaine, btw, he may end up as vice president for Obama.)
  17. It knows Shadow Force, Spatial Rend, and Dragon Rush. It should be able to kill you before Sandstorm kills it.
  18. It's kind of messed up that it's a good night to me when I'm up in my room, IMing 3 different people at once, listening to La Grange, eating shock tarts, and building Takanuva. But hey, it's not like anything else I do makes sense, rite? Anyway, Taka's awesome. Easily the best build of this year, since it's actually a body instead of a chassis. His joints do NOT slip at all, since he's got double-joints on everything. Unfortunately this results in most poses having his legs in such a way that it looks like he's trying not to wet his pants, but you can get around that if you do it right. All in all, he's awesome. Just like I said in the first sentence! Gotta get that topic-clincher action in there..
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