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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Yeah, I have everyone. I usually play multiplayer against computers when there's nobody to play with, it's fun cuz you can be the others..


  3. IT IS. I see you're a Zelda player.. Me too. I'm beast with Zelda, although I have more fun as Pikachu, Ganon, or Lucario.

  4. Dude! Did you block me on MSN or something? Haven't seen you in days. Even days when you've been on.

  5. *makes you lose the game* HAHA

  6. YES. Hobos UNITE and CONQUER. *pumps fist in the air*

  7. =O 4 stars? Who are you and what've you done with Turakii? *rates 5 stars*

  8. Your *4* favorite bands are The Ataris, Weezer, Dragonforce, Demon Hunter, and LoG?

  9. Alrite, I can email you, I just have to have your address.. I don't think it's on your page.

  10. Hello, hello, hello, how low.

  11. LULZ THATS NOTHIG!1! XD XD XD XD XD XD XP XP *americanflag*

  12. Wow, ok, I don't know what a pokle is, but it sounds.. idk. New variation! =D

  13. Yeah, Bumblebee is supremely awesome. 'specially when the mask comes down. I didn't really like the movie Megatron and Starscream tho..

  14. I'm back, for those who don't read my blog. If you don't, whyever not? Seriously. Anyways...

  15. *ferret devours cookie*

  16. Hey! Welcome to Bzp!

    I play RS also. What's your name? mines Goddard99

  17. *Disturbed's unadulterated awesomeness snuffs out the flames just by David (the singer) looking at them*

  18. >=D RAAAR. And now I have new coming-out-of-the-TV abilities! My cookie-eating skillz will be unmatched!

  19. Sorry bout not a new episdoe of the comedy, Toamatau. I had it written, then the browser crashed... :( Anyways, Tahu, I finished your avvie! I PMed it to ya...

  20. I lol'd at name. Stephanie has an A.

  21. Happy not-yet-birthday, Turakii! =D

  22. Hey, I shipped Kardas today! They said it should get there by the day before Christmas. I tried to ship it Priority, but they wouldn't let me.. =[ Anyways Happy Holidays!

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