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Blessed Blade

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Blessed Blade

  1. Blessed Blade
    Well this is a surprise. Wasn't expecting this. Return from my slight inactivity leave(I blame Brawl. =P) to find that I'm now a Premier Member. Nice. =)
    So; I would like to thank whoever helped me out with the Premiership. =) Not sure however how long it is.
  2. Blessed Blade
    As Kaze stepped through the portal, he had a feeling something was wrong. Everyone who was from the right dimension had quickly followed him, but seconds later Kaze found out why he felt something was wrong, as an explosion rocked the portal that was sending the group back to their true dimension. As a side-effect of the explosion, too, Kaze lost consciousness. When he awoke, he found himself lying on his back in the middle of no-where.
    Why does everything have to happen in the middle of nowhere? Kaze thought, as he sat up and rubbed his head to look around. He found himself feet away from what looked to him to be a warehouse, and also saw that there was grass all around, along with sand.
    Great. From a place that's totally cold to a desert. Just great. Kaze thought with a sigh, as he got up, and saw three people running from the warehouse.
    "There he is! One of those Ki-shooting freaks that Neo told us about!" The one in the middle yelled out, as they pulled out Chaos Hunter standard Laser guns.
    Well this definitely is my right dimension, the Chaos Hunters aren't on our side. But, how'd they know it was me? Kaze thought, as he grabbed the chainblade off his back and got into a battle stance. Kaze thought about using his Armour, but shrugged off that thought as they were just grunts, and nothing to use it against. Kaze ran at the three Hunters, and slashed at them, who jumped back and let off some shots, which Kaze leaned back to try and dodge, and sent two Ki blasts at the left and right Hunters, knocking out the one of the right and injuring the one of the left, though he just kept shooting at Kaze. Kaze decided to run at the remaining two Chaos Hunters, and slashed twice at the two, each hit with the flat side of the sword, and knocked them back, and unconscious.
    "Whew, that was hard..." Kaze said to himself, as he saw someone else walk up and draw a sword.
    "Blade Hikari I presume?" The new guy asked, and Kaze got into a battle position again.
    "What's it to you if I am?" Kaze asked, and the guy smirked.
    "If you are... You're going to die before my hands."
  3. Blessed Blade
    No Alternative Titles
    Can't type up the entry and that quick enough.
    Awesome match; I made someone DC. =P Basically, I used my annoyance inducing Swampert to scout the team, take out his Dragonite, and then toy with him after that. After my Outrage crushed him, he DCed. =P
    Lemme explain further.
    I sent out my Swampert as lead; set up Stealth Rock and roared him away as he kept hitting me for miniscule damage. He first had his Milotic dragged out, then his Blitzle, which is exactly what I wanted to see, after having noticed it in Team Preview. He switched, but my EQuake still did damage to his Vigoroth, which once again thought it could take me with Strength. I roar again, and groan as the Milotic's dragged out. It wipes me out rather quickly.
    So, I send in my Gallade. Toxic and Protect alternations allow me to predict what he'll do(Yay, predictions that are actually right! =D), though I kinda wish I had've pulled off two Bulk Ups before my Close Combat, since he succeeded with Protect twice. I outsped him when he tried to attack, one down.
    Blitzle's back out, I go to Close Combat it, the Blitzle faints me since I was getting low on health. That's fine, I send out Garchomp, one EQuake faints it. He sends out his already damaged Vigoroth, I choose 'Outrage', it may have gotten to the animation, 'Communication Error'.
    The only real regret I have is that I couldn't save the video of it. =P It was hilarious. xD
    Spore battle just now: 15-28749-74313
  4. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: Agh Why Won't You Stop?
    So, I have an odd problem... So, I have an external hard drive, been using it to store stuff in archives, so I can transfer between computers.
    Well... Uh... It won't stop the hard drive so I can remove it. And I don't want to unplug it from the computer until it's safely ejected, otherwise, things might go horribly wrong. But it won't let me; it keeps claiming something's using it, but the other possible thing that could use it, was already turned to a copy of the file which is actually on the desktop, so nothing is using it; at all!
    The only thing I could do, seemingly, is just shut the computer down, and then unplug the hard drive from the computer afterward, but that isn't something that is really best, since I want to be able to just stop and remove it, without having to halt browsing just because something decided to keep the External Drive in use...
    Also; a question to readers; is there anything in the blog theme or entry layout you'd want to see updated? I know my content blogs need changing, but I'll work on that when that's possible, for sure.
  5. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: Look At This Huge Pile Of Dust Here...
    I just realized how crowded and outdated my blog layout is. =P Anyone want me to change things up a bit; in one way or another?(Or, my second option is to just move half the stuff to my profile page, since About Me can support stuff like colours now. If I could do fancy link tricks, I'd make a non-Ctrl-F-required Table of Contents. =P But even now, I could probably do more than normal.)
    I'd keep the obvious stuff here, and change up the category links(Since they obviously don't work anymore. =P), but I might move some other stuff to my profile, so I don't have to worry about multiple things. =)
  6. Blessed Blade
    This is pretty much a list of who has what item in the game. Making it now so that I don't have tons of stuff to go through later on. xD Will sort by member, though it'll be random, or based off which member I see first. =P
    Eventually, once other stuff, like magic, is introduced, I will upgrade this system to include magical abilities as well.
    Link: Unknown items
    Zelda: Unknown items
    Orion: L1 Sword, L1 Shield
    Kreena: L1 Sword, L1 Shield
    Korkoa: No items
    Lealna: L1 Sword, L1 Shield
    Siris: L1 Sword, L1 Shield
    Denkaro: Pen, Paper
    Darren: Backpack Full Of Supplies
    William: L1 Sword, L1 Shield, L1 Bow
    Tobias: L1 Sword, L1 Shield
  7. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: Any Objections?
    So. Let me explain where I've been the last few days: Playing Metroid Other M. And Metroid Prime. And Fusion. Probably will throw in the original for good measure soon. =P
    This series is awesome, and by the time I'm done, I'll only be missing Prime: Hunters, and Super Metroid. I finished Other M 100%, though. =)
    Other M stuff: Lemme first start by addressing the controversy. Here's the situation... Ridley's just been revived by the Galactic Federation, purely by accident. There's a traitor, and one of Samus' friends seemingly was trying to attack her. Ridley is alive. So, honestly, after staring down the person who... Killed Samus' parents, nearly killed her like 10 times, died about as many times, returned the same amount of times; and all this on top of her nearly dying and getting the Baby Metroid killed in the process... Is it really a surprise that she goes into shock? And to boot, she doesn't nearly lose the Power Suit simply because she loses it... She only starts to transform to normal form when she's nearly killed by being grabbed by Ridley. Which is kinda fitting, given that she transforms when she dies in like every game that's not named 'Prime'. And transforms back when she's shot like an hour or so later. So honestly, it's not that hard to believe that her reaction was, you know, normal human reactions. Especially since she pulled herself together after a certain ally got knocked off the arena.
    The game itself was awesome, though. Kinda wish it was a little longer, though. Most of it was cutscenes. =P
    Metroid Fusion: Playing this after playing through Other M all the way... It's awesome. Since Other M was the timeline insert, Fusion obviously has a similar feel to Other M, and that's very cool. Especially obvious with the Adam dialogues. Haven't beat it, though.
    Metroid Prime: Only just gotten the Wave Beam, but... It's very interesting. I can see the whole Prime Hunters similarity, and I haven't even played Hunters. =P Can't wait to see how things advance in that.
  8. Blessed Blade
    [i'm Drowning, Droooooowning!!]
    I have waaaaaay too many categories. ._.' I have even more now, since I've been going back to update my old entries with categories, since the update turned the old categories to tags. =P
    It is interesting, however, to see all the old entries, and how things have changed in the past 4 years. Serves as a very interesting comparison. I still fail at keeping up to date with my blog, though, so some things never change. =P
    That said, would anyone want to see some of the old concepts I used to have, like lyric entries? Basically, what would you guys like to see from me, aside from Blender stuff every so often? =P
  9. Blessed Blade
    So; I just got Tri, again. Have I ever mentioned it's awesome?
    Here are my stats:
    HR 34(High Rank)
    Equipment: Lagi Set(Complete)
    Fire Res+9 Talisman
    Thunderclap Longsword
    Awards: Chief's Garb(Complete 1-3* quests)
    Tidal Necklace(Defeat Lagiacrus)
    Gem of the Depths(Defeat Ceadeus)
    Scroll of the Sage(Complete over 10(?) pages of combination list)
    Farm Certificate(Max out Farm)
    Copper Medal(Complete 1-3* online quests)
    Jhen Crystal(Defeat Jhen Mohran)
  10. Blessed Blade
    Alt title: wait this thing exists?
    I dunno what to do, and I've noticed a bunch of these again, so let's start fresh and ask questions again. This might be like the third time, but I've lost count honestly. =P
  11. Blessed Blade
    Not much was revealed apparently about Megaman Univere or otherwise Megaman-related...
    except for the whole 'There's an oft-requested thing that'll be announced soon'. Yeah. And Capcom's also going to have a big announcement Saturday at 12 PDT. Yeah.
    Hmm; I wonder what 'oft-requested thing' this could be... If it's what i hope it is; it'll be epicly awesome.
    /EDIT: Oh yeah; forgot to mention that what I meant was the Megaman related stuff; and that this 'oft-requested thing' will be a Megaman announcement...
  12. Blessed Blade
    So; since I'm blanking on ideas for entries, I thought I'd default to discussing Black and White. =P
    So; Black and White look awesome. Gen 5 is getting off to an amazing start. Slightly disappointed at the features that aren't returning yet; but they'll be back, it's just a matter of time. =P
    The names could be better is some cases; but in others(Haxorus), they're pretty good.
    I'm still wondering; however; what made them switch 'Isshu' to 'Unova'.
  13. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: Now How Do You Work This Thing...
    So; just downloaded Blender onto my new computer. The problem is; I can't figure out how to actually add stuff or edit things. ._.; Or move things either; as I figured that it'd work by grabbing it and moving it around...
  14. Blessed Blade
    Gresh, last year, was awesome, everything about him was awesome. The only thing was the experimental seeming red head.
    Gresh, this year, is awesome, everything about him is awesome... he has a green head.
    Hmm... Something seems off. *Looks between the two paragraphs* Oh yes! The green head. What; does he wear coloured contacts? Or do Glatorian naturally switch their eye colours? Hmm...
    Gresh: *Starts bumping into things, hitting the wrong stuff, and attacking allies* ... I think I need glasses. *Tries some on* Nope. *Tries more on* Nada. *Tries green coloured contacts on* ....... THIS'LL DO!
  15. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: Fingers Flying Across A Musical Keyboard
    And yet another category added. I'm good at finding entries to add categories with. =P
    Anyway. This song is from Skyward Sword. It's one of the central songs, in fact. =P And I'm trying to play it on my Keyboard. I've got the main part that's played on the harp down(If I didn't, I'd have to wonder, since it's Zelda's Lullaby backwards. >_>'), however, I don't have a clue what the notes for the other two sections are, so I'm more or less just mashing the keys randomly, hoping something works. Doesn't help that it's a fast paced song. xD
    I need to eventually try some of the other tracks on that orchestrated CD, Track 8, which is this song, is probably going to get worn out at this rate. Doesn't help that it's one of my favourite tracks on the CD. xD
  16. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: It's About Time.
    Well, it's kinda been completed for a few months, but, well, I haven't had a chance to really get a screenshot. The textures aren't all on, and probably won't be for a while, but it works rather well as it is. =)
    Link to rendered image.
    I need to scale it down, if I ever use that for a test sword model, it outscales the rest of my test models by a Longshot. ... Which gives me an idea for a possible object to make next, if I continue a Zelda pattern. =P
    If you guys want, of course, you can give me requests for stuff to make. =D Speaking of which, I need to work on that tea cup that Alex had suggested a while back; I got distracted by the Game Engine stuff. xD
  17. Blessed Blade
    Hmm. I need to make a Gaming category in the future, I see.
    Anyway... Looks like I can rent Goldeneye 007 for the Wii.
    So. You know what that means? I'll be renting Goldeneye 007.

    It's not in yet, but as soon as it gets in, I'm so getting it.
  18. Blessed Blade
    So; I hooked it up so I could get a little Goldeneye practice in of some sorts(Mostly with the N64 controller; if you can get used to that, you can get used to just about anything =P). I did fairly well, considering I was facing myself.
    However... This is the first time I actually used the N64 on this TV, since I moved everything around. And it's like playing in Widescreen. And not the good way. ._.; It's definitely not like playing on my old TV, I'll say that much. =P And it took me a little while to get used to the screen, since a) I haven't played it since last year, and B) the screen's stretched, or pushed together or something.
    It was simply just weird. xP
  19. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Title: Or Should I Say My Own Laptop.
    So, got a laptop of my own last week. =D FInished setting it up Friday night, been using it to browse stuff since then.
    It's rather convenient, even if it needs to be plugged in all the time. =) Looks like it can run Blender too, but there's still the whole 'I have no mouse for it' problem. Unless I can mimic the functions, but I don't know if I want to try. =P
    Dang enter; it submitted the post on me. xD
    I've also been writing a Pokemon-related story, however, I might hold off on posting it; at least until I get further in. =)
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