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Blessed Blade

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Blog Entries posted by Blessed Blade

  1. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Title: Oh Forgot To Mention This
    Hi everyone! How are you all doing~~~~? So, hi, my name's Chloe, everyone knows me as Blade, yada yada yada~.
    Well, this is probably going to be a short entry, but....
    Oh, by the way, I'm a transgender girl, so, yeah, there's that too~ ^^
    P.S. I'm Windy's Lesbian Lover now, so <3
  2. Blessed Blade
    Alt Title: "What did I do?"
    Well. It appears as if, later today, the Wonder Trade network -may- be filled with, uh, just under a full box of Ralts. That have 2-5 perfect IVs.
    The reign of the Ralts has begun.
    (also new blog name, though it doesn't ring as well as if I hadn't gone with the location name, and with more of a reference thingy... Faraway Place, or Faraway Land?)
    /EDIT: ALRIGHT. SO. I'm starting the wonder trading thing - will have another entry with the chains for all 24 ralts.
    And this is just the first, since I'm not even done breeding. .-.
  3. Blessed Blade
    So, well, I recalled that I'd written all this stuff, then decided to rewrite it for the millionth time. But every time I do that, I always just push back the old stuff. So, I decided I'd just toss the first prologue chapters from version 3(? I forget now) of it on here. =P
    -==Chapter 0: Prologue==-
    The year is 2000. Technology has advanced quite a ways recently, as research into different aspects of the human bodies have begun. One of these aspects is enhanced abilities, such as greater strength than normal. This has allowed different government funded groups to be able to push their members past their normal limits, and train to higher levels of strength and speed than ever before. One of those groups are known as the Chaos Hunters, and act as an independent peace keeping group. Their influence has reached all over the world, and their group is known as the most successful in the training project. Every group has darkness, however.
    In the town of Terakou, a 26 year old male ran through the streets, and then panted, as his dark brown hair blew in the night wind. The man looked up and pushed his glasses up, as he looked around, prepared for anything that happened next.
    "I know you're there; come on out!" The man yelled out, as a chuckle rang through the streets, and a 27 year old man walked out from a nearby alley.
    "Bravo, Kazuki. You always were observant." The man said with a malicious smile, as his red eyes seemed to almost glow. The two stared each other down for a moment, and the red eyed man quickly drew a sword. Kazuki held his hand out, and a sword formed out of energy, as the stranger attacked him with the sword.
    "You always were impatient, Neo." Kazuki said, as the two jumped back, the cyan blade of Kazuki's sword glowing in the darkness.
    The two combatants ran down the street, as they traded and blocked blows. Neo swung his sword toward Kazuki, but he simply ducked, and sent his elbow flying toward Neo. The man staggered back, as his black hair temporarily dropped in front of his eyes. Kazuki gripped his energy sword with two hands, as Neo chuckled.
    "You always did rely on that... 'Ki' more than anything." Neo said, and then narrowed his eyes, as he whipped his sword toward Kazuki. The brown haired man quickly blocked, and then kicked out at Neo, who stumbled back again.
    "And you always relied on that extra strength those so called 'Chaos Hunters' gave you." Kazuki responded, as Neo tilted his head at Kazuki.
    Neo swung his sword out toward Kazuki again, but the man simply jumped back.
    "It's over! Your friends have sealed their fate." Neo said, and Kazuki frowned.
    "What are you talking about...?" Kazuki asked, and Neo smiled evilly.
    "You don't know? You'll see then... You should watch the show." Neo said, and Kazuki growled, and ran toward Neo, and whipped his Ki sword upwards at Neo's face. The Chaos Hunter yelled out, as he grabbed his face, and growled at Kazuki.
    "You... You will definitely pay for this. You and all your friends!" Neo yelled out, but put his sword on his back for the moment, and retreated into the shadows. Kazuki, however, frowned, and paused.
    They want me... That has to be it. Kazuki said, but pulled out a phone that was black and had some lines that glowed cyan blue. He tapped a part on the touch screen, and then held it up to his ear.
    "I just ran into a Hunter... I don't like this situation. Report back tomorrow? Alright." Kazuki said, and frowned again, and ran off out of the town.
    The next day, Kazuki crouched near the cliff that was near the town of Terakou. Kazuki raised an eyebrow, as he saw a large group of Chaos Hunters enter the town, and placed something in the middle of the town, as well as four of the corners. As the Hunters evacuated, a circle of some sorts ran the perimeter of the town, forcing Kazuki to step back in shock, as he let out a gasp. A light shot out from the device in the middle of the town, and a half-bubble then covered the town.
    "What the...? A barrier!? But... They shouldn't have that kind of technology still..." Kazuki said, and his eyes widened, as the image of the town flickered, and then disappeared with a bang. Kazuki just stared at what happened, even as the Hunters collected the devices, and returned to their vehicles.
    An entire town... They destroyed an entire town!? No... That has to be some kind of mistake... He wouldn't sign off on something like that, would he? They have the advantage with it being such a small town, but... Kazuki thought, and then shook his head and pounded the ground in frustration, but then paused, and breathed in slowly, and then exhaled.
    It's been done... There's no going back now I guess... No way of fixing this... Kazuki thought, and stood up, and started to turn around, but then looked at the empty space as a plan began to form in his head.
    Or is there...?
    Two years passed by after that incident; and no-one even cared about it, because it was such a small town, and the region had just been forming before the incident happened. However, in those two years, the town of Terakou had been rebuilt, and was currently even better than ever, as Kazuki leaned back in a chair in his office, and smiled at the notes that he was writing up...
    "Terakou Town School would like to proudly announce that they are hosting the 2002 Global School Gathering... And would also like to announce that you have been invited to the event!"
    -==/Chapter 0 End\==-
    -==Chapter 0(1): Kaze==-
    Kazuki wrote up the letters, but paused, as he took note of where each would be sent.
    I'll literally be reaching the entire world with these, but I need to at least get to the important parts. Kazuki thought, and looked at the map. Terakou was located in the upper reaches of the United States of America, however, the only current way out of the region of Terakou... Is to travel south through the desert. Kazuki, however, didn't worry about that at the moment, as his planes didn't obey that restriction anyway.
    Well, let's hope this goes as well as I'm hoping... Kazuki said, and then paused.
    Who am I kidding; this is one of my plans; it won't go well at all. Kazuki said, and then nodded, as he picked up the letters, which were sealed inside their envelopes already, and nodded.
    "Time to send these out, then." Kazuki said, as he walked out of his office, on the way to mail the letters.
    One week later.
    A young boy of around 10 years breathed in and out, as he laid on his bed. The boy was asleep, and it looked like nothing would wake him up. Looks are sometimes deceiving, however, as an extremely loud alarm started up, and blasted continuous beeps into the boy's ear, causing him to jump up very suddenly, and snap his eyes open. However, he quickly closed them again with a wince, when he slammed his head into the nearby desk in an attempt to quickly get out of his bed. The boy growled, and finally slammed his hand down on the alarm, and rubbed his head. This boy's name was Kaze Hikari. Kaze glared at the time, and then sighed.
    "Right... 6:30..." Kaze muttered to himself, as he rubbed his head again. Kaze looked at his dresser, which was covered in all sorts of objects; such as different papers he kept out, a wristband he sometimes wore, a couple music and game players, and most of all... A very special envelope.
    When Kaze received the letter, he had stared blankly at it at first.
    "In this day and age, this place sends this note in the mail? Why not an email?" Kaze asked himself at the time, somewhat confused, but shook his head, and opened it, quickly.
    "Kaze Hikari, Terakou blah blah blah, announcing blah blah blah, would like to invite blah blah bla-" Kaze had read, and paused, blinked, and re-read the line.
    "You have been invited to the event... Which will be held a week from the original mailing of this letter, on the Sunday." Kaze finished reading, and frowned as he looked at the date. It had been sent on the Monday of that week, and it was the Wednesday. Kaze shrugged, and tossed the letter on his dresser at that time.
    Kaze now walked over to the dresser, and pulled out the letter. He then looked in the envelope, and pulled out the ticket he had seen the last time he had looked into the envelope, four days earlier. Kaze sighed, and read the info on the ticket.
    So, I have to get on the plane at the nearest Airport. Not that far, so I think I can walk. Kaze mused, as he placed the ticket and the letter back into the envelope, and then put the envelope into his backpack. He looked at the packed suitcase he had, and nodded.
    I did want to see other places; perfect time to. Kaze thought, as he went to change.
    Kaze yawned as he walked out of his room, suitcase in hand, and Backpack slung over his shoulder. Kaze walked down the stairs from his room, and put his stuff by the entrance. His outfit didn't really have a standard colour scheme, as his shirt was black with a green stripe, and his jeans were blue. And that's not even including his silver, black, and green shoes. However, Kaze liked that outfit's colours, so he almost always wore something with those colours; sometimes taking out the blue in favour of more black or green. Kaze walked to the kitchen, and quickly grabbed a piece of toast, put some jam on it, and grabbed a glass of water. Kaze started to walk back toward the entrance, however, tripped over the carpet due to his shoes throwing him slightly off. While he caught himself, and didn't drop his toast; his drink didn't fare as well. Kaze dropped the glass, which caught a lucky spot and didn't break... However, water covered the hardwood floor anyway, and drained the glass of it's contents. Kaze sighed, and quickly ate his toast, and grabbed a towel to dry up the floor. However, Kaze misjudged where the water had been, and slid on the patch of water. He had to be given credit; he didn't fall this time either. Instead, he slid face first into the nearby wall.
    Kaze winced, as he shook his head and looked in the mirror.
    Not too noticeable. Kaze thought, his emerald green eyes reflecting back to him, as he examined his forehead, which was slightly red from the impact, but didn't look to bad. He then looked at his hair, and saw how messy it looked. Kaze frowned, thought for a second, and then checked the time.
    "... 7:30? Well; looks like I've run out of time to mess around any more..." Kaze mumbled to himself, as he decided not to do anything with his hair, and then walked out of the room. On his way to the entrance, Kaze picked up his two bags, and then walked out of the house. Kaze looked the door behind him, slung his backpack over his shoulder, and then started off toward the airport... He likely got a few looks, because of traveling alone, but he was used to that by now.
    Kaze panted, as he reached the airport, and walked in.
    One and a half blocks... Stupid faulty map... I'm sure that was more 3 or 4 blocks. Kaze thought to himself, as he walked in and looked around. Kaze had never been in an airport before, and it was bigger than he thought.
    ... This looks like it's bigger on the inside. Kaze thought, and shook his head, as he walked up to the receptionist, who raised her eyebrows at Kaze, who likely thought it was because he was traveling alone, but he couldn't have been further off.
    "I have a ticket to Terakou." Kaze said, and handed the receptionist the ticket. The receptionist scanned it, and then nodded.
    "Right this way." The receptionist said, as he went through all the normal security checks, and was then let on the plane.
    Kaze looked around the plane in awe, as he walked toward the marked seat. Kaze sat down, and put the seatbelts on, as the plane started to move. Kaze looked around, and was just about to take note of what everything was, when the pilot's voice came over the intercom.
    "This is your captain, Jack Highland, speaking." The pilot said, and Kaze about to yell hi to the pilot, when the pilot started to speak again.
    "I just wanted to mention that we will be landing in the town of Terakou very shortly." The pilot said, and Kaze frowned, confused, as he was sure that hadn't taken as long as it should have, and he looked out the window, and noticed that, sure enough, they were rapidly approaching a town with a large skyscraper-like building.
    Well that was quick. Kaze thought to himself with a blink, and he shook his head in confusion.
    Kaze got off the plane, and then looked around. Terakou obviously wasn't a city; it wasn't anywhere near big enough for that; however, it was still bigger than Kaze had expected. Kaze ran forward, as he headed toward the location that he had seen the large building in, and noticed a crowd was started to gather near the building. As Kaze neared the building, he understood why the crowd was there; as the sign near the building, as well as the one on the front of it, read 'Terakou Town School'.
    Wow... This is bigger than I expected... Kaze thought, as the crowd slowly moved forward. After a while of waiting, Kaze eventually reached the entrance to the school. Kaze pulled his ticket out, as he noticed that a person was taking the tickets. As he walked up to the person, Kaze handed him the ticket, and the person nodded, and handed him a badge with his name on it.
    "That's used for your ID, to get you into your classes." The person explained, and Kaze nodded his understanding. Kaze then walked inside, and then stopped, as his mouth dropped open in shock at how big the rooms were.
    -==/Chapter 1 End\==-
    -==Chapter 0(2): Introductions==-
    Kaze looked around the room, as he marveled at the technology that was present, which was beyond anything he'd ever seen. Which was, admittedly, not exactly all that much, but that's beyond the point. He had a weird feeling he had seen some stuff before, but chalked that up to just imagining it. Kaze noticed that more people were starting to enter the lobby, and moved out of the way, as he looked around. Kaze noticed a brown haired girl who sat on the bench and was currently reading a book. As he approached the girl, he noticed she has bluish eyes.
    "Hi; my name's Kaze." Kaze said, and the girl glared up at him.
    "Go away." The girl said, and Kaze blinked.
    "I was just introducing myself." Kaze said, and the girl rolled her eyes.
    "Well then, you seem to be finished with that. Go bug one of the other thousands of people here." The girl said, and Kaze blinked.
    "I'm sorry if I bugged you. One last thing though..." Kaze said, and the girl sighed, and then looked up.
    "Yes?" The girl asked, and reached for her bag.
    "What's your name?" Kaze asked, as the girl put a bookmark in her book, and then placed it in her bag.
    "Kali." The girl said simply, as she grabbed her bag, and then walked off, as Kaze was left standing there, blinking.
    ... That went well. Kaze thought, some sarcasm creeping into said thoughts.
    Kaze looked around, as he wondered if everyone would give him the same cold shoulder treatment. Kaze noticed a boy with black hair and matching clothes, and thought of going up to him to introduce himself; however... The boy gave him a look that said otherwise, and only reinforced Kaze's earlier thoughts. Kaze turned around, and started to walk before his head followed, and accidentally crashed into someone else.
    "Sorry about that..." Kaze said, and looked up, as he saw a red haired boy around his age, who chuckled.
    "Just don't do that again. Otherwise it's not something I really care about." The kid said, and extended his hand to Kaze.
    "My name's Sakeo Lanation." The boy said, and Kaze looked surprised for a second, but then smiled.
    "I'm Kaze Hikari." Kaze said, and Sakeo raised an eyebrow, and smiled mischievously.
    "How do you pronounce that, anyway? Doesn't sound easy." Sakeo said, and Kaze rolled his eyes.
    "Like your name's any easier. My dad named me that before he disappeared." Kaze said, and Sakeo stared at him blankly.
    "... Well. At least it wasn't Sue." Sakeo said, and both of them chuckled at Sakeo's reference, as Sakeo paused, and looked at his watch.
    "Ah; right; hmm... Gotta go; see ya!" Sakeo said, and then ran off, leaving Kaze to blink.
    Is he headed to the Cafeteria...? Kaze wondered, but shook his head.
    I am a little hungry... And thirsty. Kaze thought and walked in the direction that Sakeo headed.
    Kaze pulled out one of the maps that he had picked up at the door, and examined the map. On the first floor, there was the hospital, which literally read as hospital, but it had to mean infirmary. There was also the cafeteria, and other things, like a Movie Theatre apparently.
    ... A Movie Theatre? Kaze wondered, as he stared at the map, and then shook his head. He then moved onward, and looked at the other floors. The second floor had the Principal's Office, some classrooms, and a Library. The third floor also had classrooms, but more of them than there were on the second floor, and there was no mention of what was on floors four and five, as they were greyed out. Kaze wondered what was on those floors, but that train of thought was lost, as he turned the corner, and, for the second time in about as many minutes, crashed into someone. Kaze fell backward, and winced as he landed. He figured it might be Sakeo again, and frowned.
    "Sorry about that, Sakeo...?" Kaze said, but blinked as he looked up and saw that it wasn't Sakeo; but rather a young girl with hair the same colour as Sakeo's, and green eyes.
    "Sakeo...? How do you know Sakeo?" The girl asked, as she looked to be about a year younger than Kaze. Kaze, however, felt a bead of sweat run down his face from her question.
    "I crashed into him, almost literally a second ago." Kaze said, and the girl giggled.
    "You seem to do that a lot." The girl noted, and Kaze sighed.
    "Yeah; it's a habit I need to stop." Kaze said, as the two of them stood up.
    "I'm Sonia." The girl said, as she extended her hand.
    "I'm Kaze Hikari." Kaze said, as he shook Sonia's hand with a smile.
    "So, Kaze Hikari... I'm guessing you're headed to the Cafeteria?" Sonia asked, as Kaze paused, and then nodded, as Sonia chuckled.
    "Alright then, I'll come with you." Sonia said, and Kaze frowned.
    "Weren't you heading away from the cafeteria?" Kaze asked, as Sonia slightly blushed.
    "Well, uh, you see... I was just wandering the halls." Sonia admitted, with a sheepish smile, and frowned.
    "I forgot to grab a map from the front door." Sonia said, and Kaze chuckled.
    "Well; I accidentally grabbed a second." Kaze said, as he handed Sonia one of the maps he had picked up.
    "Let's go then." Kaze said, and Sonia nodded, as they headed for the cafeteria.
    As the two children walked in, Kaze noticed that the guy he had seen with the black hair was sitting there. The boy glared at someone else, and Kaze looked over at the kid in question, as he seemed to yell stuff out, and seemed to be mean to the other kids who tried to approach him. The boy in question appeared to be blond, with seemingly blue eyes. The boy looked over at the kid with the black hair, and frowned.
    "What do you want...?" The boy asked with a raised eyebrow, and the other boy smirked.
    "What do I want...? I want you to shut up." The kid said, and the blond haired boy growled.
    "Why you..." The boy said, and threw an apple at the other boy. However, the kid dodged, sending the apple flying toward a new target... Kaze.
    "Uh-oh." Kaze said, as the apple hit him full force, and sprayed him, and Sonia from proximity, with the juice from the apple.
    "... Err." Kaze said, as Sonia giggled. Kaze looked back to the Cafeteria, however, as a familiar red haired boy walked to the centre of the room.
    "FOOD FIGHT!" Sakeo yelled out, a mischievous look on his face, as Sonia simply stared at him, not believing what was happening.
    "Let's go; might wanna get this mess cleaned up." Kaze said, and Sonia shook her head, and looked at Kaze.
    "Huh? Oh, yeah, okay." Sonia said, and the two walked out of the Cafeteria, and ran toward the stairs.
    Meanwhile, Kazuki was in deep thought.
    I had to bring them here... But was it really the best idea? I knew things would go wrong; they always do. But... the Hunters seem to have infiltrated the school... And that could place everyone in danger. Kazuki thought, as he heard people running toward his office.
    Huh? Kazuki thought, as that was all the time he had to think before the door to his office suddenly opened, and Kaze and Sonia walked in.
    "Uh... Mister Principal... People are having a food fight in the cafeteria; just wanted to let you know." Sonia said, before Kaze could open his mouth. Kazuki sighed, and nodded.
    "Come on, then..." Kazuki said, and then started to walk back down to the Cafeteria. Kazuki walked into the cafeteria, and the room seemed to freeze suddenly, as everyone stopped in their tracks.
    "What's going on here?" Kazuki asked, but no-one answered. Kazuki said, and chuckled.
    "I don't think the food appreciates this much... However, I have an idea." Kazuki said, and smiled, as he pulled out a mini-microphone from seemingly no-where.
    "Everyone in the school, meet me in the gym." Kazuki said, and looked at the crowd.
    "Well come on, that means you too." Kazuki said, and walked out of the cafeteria, and toward the gym. Everyone looked around, unsure, but followed quickly. When the kids entered the gym, they noticed quite a number of desks, with chairs attached.
    "Take any seat." Kazuki said, as he made his way to the podium. Kaze and Sonia picked desks near each other, and Sakeo chose the one of the opposite side of Sonia, though the girl ignored Sakeo for the moment. As the students were taking seats, however, two men dressed in black stood on a nearby balcony, hidden from sight by a curtain.
    "Hartei... Explain why we're here again...?" The taller one on the left said, as Hartei sighed.
    "The leader said to attend all speeches that so-called 'principal' gave, so we can try and figure out what he's up to. You know this, Neo." Hartei said, and Neo shook his head, his scar from two years earlier still visible on his face, as Kazuki frowned for a moment, and then smiled.
    "Welcome, everyone, to Terakou Town School!" Kazuki called out to begin his speech.
    -==/Chapter 2 End\==-
    -==Chapter 0(3): Holders of Data==-
    "It is a great honour to have you all here. If you haven't heard, this town was rebuilt recently, and this school was one of the first buildings that was built. You will find many different things in this school that you wouldn't find in other schools; such as our Movie Theatre. I'm really proud of that, took a while to get the permit to actually put that in, but I wanted it there, doesn't matter if it's a school or not." Kazuki said, and Kaze raised an eyebrow.
    "Huh; so I did see that there was a Movie Theatre on that map." Kaze whispered to Sonia, who chuckled, and both of them continued to listen to Kazuki's speech.
    "This event is running until next Saturday; so you should have enough time to memorize most of the layout of the school; or the basic locations for everything." Kazuki said, and then looked around the room.
    "Oh; one more thing; there are multiple floored apartments near the school. From the front door, they are to the left of the school. They will be where you are staying while you are here in Terakou." Kazuki added, and then paused.
    Neo looked down as Kazuki paused, and shook his head with a growl.
    "Is this really what we have to hear? It's a bunch of filler and typical principal speak. And I've heard enough of what he has to say anyway." Neo said, and then looked to Hartei.
    "If it pleases you... or the leader... Then I'm not sticking around just to hear him talk more about sleeping arrangements and what the building has to see." Neo said, and walked out of the room, through a secret door. Hartei sighed, and shook his head.
    Neo has a very short attention span for stuff like this it seems... Hartei thought, and shook his head again, before he followed Neo out of the room. Kazuki glanced upward inconspicuously, and took a deep breath before he continued his speech.
    "Since you are all going to be in Terakou for a while, I would like you all to have these devices." Kazuki said, as he pressed a button on the podium, which opened up the top of the desks to reveal a small handheld device. The screen on the device read 'Personal Data Holder V3'. Kaze picked up his, curious as to what it was.
    "As the screen on those devices says, these are the Personal Data Holders; specifically the third version of them. They have a touch screen, and are extremely handy. They have cell phone capabilities, and you can message different people. It can obviously fit in your pocket. Try not to lose them please; they were specially made." Kazuki said, and paused once more.
    "One last thing. Be careful; all of you. That is all." Kazuki said, and nodded, as he made his way of the stage.
    Kaze raised an eyebrow, as he looked through the different things on the Personal Data Holder. He noticed a music player, the phone that had been mentioned, a messaging system, among many other features that seemed very cool to him.
    "Wow; this is pretty interesting; I've never seen a device like this..." Kaze said, as he flipped through the options of the Personal Data Holder; and noticed a screen that talked about saving the IDs of other Personal Data Holders. Kaze frowned, and looked through the instructions. As he did that a plan formed in his head, and looked over at Sonia.
    "Hey, Sonia... It sounds like these devices, while they can message other people as it is... Can store the IDs of others of their kind." Kaze said, and tapped on the tab.
    "Apparently we're supposed to put the two devices on the Registration tab... And then push this sync button." Kaze mentioned, and pointed out the button in question as Sonia looked over to see what he was talking about, and then nodded.
    "Alright; let's try it." Sonia said, and flipped her Personal Data Holder onto the tab in question. Kaze nodded, as both of them pushed the Sync button on their devices at around the same time. The devices beeped, and then a loading bar appeared, and quickly completed, as a screen appeared to say that the two devices were successfully registered.
    Kaze noticed that there was a help tab for different aspects about the Personal Data Holder. He skimmed through the different topics available to read; however the only interesting stuff to him was about how to send messages, and the fact that exchanging IDs manually is another way of registering two devices. Kaze typed up a quick test message to Sonia, to try out the mail option, and Sonia nodded as she received it, and replied quickly.
    "These are pretty cool; could allow quick messages at any time." Kaze noted, as Sakeo raised an eyebrow, and looked over.
    "Kaze? Huh; interesting to see you here." Sakeo said; as he hadn't noticed that Kaze sat two seats away from him; due to the volume of the crowd and Kaze's earlier whispering. Kaze nodded in response, and Sonia chuckled.
    "I heard how you two met." Sonia teased, as Sakeo shook his head.
    "That kid needs to watch where he's going." Sakeo said with a joking smile, but all three looked down suddenly, as their Personal Data Holders switched on their own to the registration tab. After a moment, the screens noted that 'Akuzki' had been registered onto the devices.
    "Akuzki? What's this all about?" Kaze wondered out loud, as the other two shrugged. Kaze looked around and saw that the other students appeared to be confused as well. Kaze then thought for a moment, and turned to Sakeo and Sonia.
    "Well; I don't think there'll be much more to do here... Wanna check out those apartments?" Kaze asked, and the two nodded, as Kaze stood up, put his Personal Data Holder into his pocket, and the three walked out of the gym.
    As the three kids walked out of the school, Kaze looked left, as Kazuki had said to do. He saw the apartments straight away, and nodded to the others, and Kaze walked toward the apartments. There were multiple buildings side-by side, with bridges between the buildings that were made of what looked like glass. The three walked into the building in the direct centre of the group of buildings, and Kaze looked around, as Sakeo went up first, and asked for his room. After a second, he got the key for his room, and then walked off to find it. Kaze then walked up to the receptionist, and smiled.
    "Hi; I'm Kaze Hikari; I'm here to get the key to my room?" Kaze asked, and the receptionist nodded, and scanned through the list of names, and raised an eyebrow, but nodded, and handed Kaze a key.
    "I'll see you later, alright Sonia? I'm going to find my room now." Kaze said, and Sonia nodded with a smile, as Kaze walked off.
    Kaze walked up the stairs to floor two, and looked at the number on the key.
    The key says the room is 234... Kaze read in his head, and looked at the room nearest to the stairs. It read 238, and Kaze nodded.
    Well; at least it's not that far away. Kaze thought, as he picked up his suitcase, and walked down the hall. He got to the door that read '234', and placed his key into the lock. As he opened it, he noticed two sets of bunk beds, and Sakeo, who laid on the top bunk of the bed on the right, a confused look on his face.
    "What are you doing here?" They asked themselves at the same time. Kaze held up his key, and Sakeo did as well.
    "Well that's certainly weird..." Kaze said, as he walked inside, and placed his suitcase on the floor.
    "Lot of coincidences today." Sakeo agreed, and Kaze turned, as Sonia walked past the door, and then walked back, a confused look on her face.
    "What's wrong?" Kaze asked, as Sonia turned to him, a frown on her face.
    "What room number do you have?" Sonia asked, and Kaze frowned.
    "Room 234; why?" Kaze asked, and Sonia raised an eyebrow, and held up her key. Kaze blinked, as the numbers '234' were present.
    "... What were we just saying about coincidences? There's a ton of them today." Kaze said, and Sonia nodded, as she shrugged, and walked in, as she put her suitcase on the ground. Sonia walked up to the bunk bed under Sakeo, and laid on it.
    The three talked for an hour, trying to find out where they were all from. By another odd coincidence, everyone was from Canada; to be precise; the same town that Kaze was from.
    "What'd they do, sort us by which town we lived in?" Kaze joked, as the door opened, and everyone looked as the girl that Kaze had tried to talk to earlier that morning, Kali, walked in, and blinked.
    "... Seriously?" Kali asked, as she checked her key, and the door's number, and sighed. Sakeo, however, didn't skip a beat.
    "What country are you from...?" Sakeo asked, as Kali looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
    "Canada; why?" Kali asked, as the three looked at each other, a shocked expression on their face.
    "Yeah; definitely sorted by country." Kaze said with a nod, as Kali shook her head.
    "I'm definitely missing something." Kali complained, as she took the bottom bunk of the bunk bed on the left.
    "Sorry; we were trying to figure out how we all got these rooms. Current common link is we're all Canadians." Kaze explained, and Kali sighed, and rolled her eyes.
    "Whatever it is; it's not the best system." Kali said, and laid on her chosen bed. Kaze looked at the time, and took the only remaining bed.
    "Well; guess we should get some sleep... Tomorrow's likely to be busy." Kaze said, though he never realized just how busy that Monday would be.
    -==/Chapter 3 End\==-
    -==Chapter 0(4): Exploration==-
    Kaze opened his eyes with a yawn. Kaze knew it was Monday, as he could see the sun. However, he had no clue what time it was at that moment. Kaze looked around and noticed that everyone was still sleeping. Kaze slowly climbed down from the bunk bed, and picked up his Personal Data Holder. If he had looked at the screen, it would have confirmed that it was the fifth of September. However it also would have shown that it was 7:30 at that moment. Kaze, therefore, was unaware that his upcoming stunt would get everyone annoyed at him. Kaze quickly changed into a similar outfit to the one he had on the day before, however, this one had two stripes of green on the front. He thought for a second, as he looked at the others who still slept. Kaze then walked over to Kali. He seemed to have forgotten the fact that she didn't like him, as Kaze tapped her on the shoulder to wake her up. Kaze was reminded of Kali's opinion of him, however, as she punched him in the face reflexively, which caused Kaze to stumble backward in surprise. Kali opened her eyes, and then saw who she hit, and sighed in annoyance.
    "Don't do that again." Kali said coldly, and grabbed her bag, as she went to change.
    Sonia opened her eyes slowly after all the noise that Kaze stumbling backward into the side of the other bunk bed had caused, and raised her eyebrow at Kaze.
    "What's going on...?" Sonia asked, still half asleep, and Kaze winced.
    "Apparently Kali doesn't like to have her sleep disturbed." Kaze said, and Sonia blinked, and must've realized that Kaze had tried to wake Kali up, and sighed, as she shook her head.
    "I see. What time is it, anyway?" Sonia asked, as Sakeo leaned over the side of the bed, his hair a mess from sleeping.
    "Keep it down; I'm trying to sleep." Sakeo muttered, as Sonia laughed quietly.
    "Apparently there was a lot of that going on." Sonia said, as she explained what happened to Sakeo. Sakeo slapped his hand to his face, and sighed.
    "Way to go, Kaze." Sakeo said, and looked at his Personal Data Holder.
    "Plus, it's only 7:30." Sakeo added, and Kaze nodded for a moment, but paused as what Sakeo said dawned on him.
    "... 7:30?" Kaze asked, as a bead of sweat ran down his face. A shoe was tossed in the direction of the beds quickly, but luckily missed the three kids.
    "I think... Kali heard that, or realized it herself." Kaze said, as he stared at the shoe.
    After everyone had gotten up and changed, their Personal Data Holders beeped once, as a 'new message' icon appeared on the screens.
    "What's this?" Kaze asked, as he pulled out the device, and looked at it. His face turned from one of curiosity, to one of slight embarrassment.
    "What is it, Kaze?" Sonia asked, as Kaze sighed.
    "The classes aren't until 8:30; and it's only 7:40." Kaze explained, and Kali's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. However, before any comments could be made, Kaze noticed something else on the message.
    "Looks like we have the classes here. They look relatively normal, though there are a couple I've never heard of before. 'Advanced energy theory'?" Kaze asked, and Sonia shrugged. However, all of them checked their own Personal Data Holders, and noticed that they had the same classes.
    "Just great." Kali said, and sighed, as she shook her head.
    Kaze decided to use up some of the time before the classes, and looked at the map again. He had seen that there was a map of the school pre-installed into the Personal Data Holder, along with other stuff like a music player and some games. However, right now, he paid attention to the map, as he scanned it, and tried to figure out where all the classes were. In the process, however, he noticed something weird between two of the classes. It looked like there was a gap in how the school was designed, an empty space without an outside wall. However, Kaze remembered seeing a wall on that part of the school, and quickly looked out the window at the school to check.
    "Hmm..." Kaze frowned, and turned to the others.
    "Guys, look at this." Kaze said, and the three looked over at him. Kaze motioned them over, and Kali sighed, and walked over, as Sakeo and Sonia followed.
    "Look... It shows a gap, as if there's nothing at all in the space..." Kaze mentioned, and then pointed out the window.
    "But there's a wall there." Kaze explained, and Sakeo frowned, as he looked at the apparent error.
    "That is weird... Could it be an error on the map?" Sakeo asked, and Kaze shrugged.
    "I dunno; but we have time to spare... let's go check it out." Kaze said, a smile on his face.
    Five minutes later, the four were inside the school, and were headed toward the second floor stairway. Kali had initially frowned at the plan to look around, but had agreed to, since there was nothing better to do, and they had time to burn. The group headed up the stairs, and walked toward the spot that Kaze noticed. Kaze used the map to track their movement, as they approached the two rooms that bordered the spot. He saw that there was a wall where the gap should be, and walked up to it. Kaze knocked on the wall, and the sound echoed behind the wall.
    "So it's hollow... So there is something behind there." Kaze said, and then started to pace.
    "But how do we open it? Is there some secret switch we need to step on? A trap brick that makes the wall open up? Or something else?" Kaze wondered, as Sakeo sighed, rolled his eyes, and then walked up to the wall, and kicked it with the bottom of his foot. Kaze paused and looked over at Sakeo, as the wall opened.
    "... Or that too. Good job." Kaze said quickly, and then walked up to the new entrance.
    "Let's check it out quickly." Kaze said, and ducked inside before anyone complained.
    Kaze raised an eyebrow, as he looked around the room. The others followed slowly and cautiously. There were multiple bookcases with weirdly titled books. Kaze walked over to one, and looked through it, but couldn't understand anything. It was English, but it was jumbled as if someone had shifted letters; though he couldn't identify any words. Kaze put the book down, and looked to the back of the room. He saw a computer, and walked up to it. He looked at the computer's screen, but couldn't read it either, as it seemed as jumbled as the book's writing. Kaze connected his Personal Data Holder to transfer some of the data, so he could attempt to translate it later. He wasn't sure why, but it seemed important to do so. Kaze paused, and turned around, as he heard footsteps down the hall, as they headed toward the secret room. Sakeo frowned, and motioned to the two girls, who hid behind a bookcase, as Kaze and Sakeo quickly made their way over to the bookcase as well.
    Hartei walked down the hall toward the room. He thought of how Neo had acted the day before, and wondered if he would actually think of disobeying the leader's orders.
    Neo acts as if he has his own plans; but even he should know the leader wouldn't stand for that. I hope that he knows what he's doing. Hartei thought, as he neared the room. However, he noticed that the wall was open and frowned.
    How is the wall open? Neo's trying to convince Akaro that he's right about the leader's second reason for infiltrating the school... So... There must be intruders. Hartei thought, as he slowly approached the room.
    Kaze frowned, as he slowly crept back to the computer. The transfer had completed, so Kaze unplugged the Personal Data Holder, and quickly moved back to the hiding place. Kaze watched as the person started to enter the room, but paused as footsteps ran down the hall. Kaze looked around the bookcase, as the person turned around, and walked out of the room. Kaze made his way toward the entrance, as he noticed two people were there, and that they were dressed similarly. The two talked for a moment, and both of them then ran down the hall. Kaze glanced at the clock on his Personal Data Holder, and noticed that it was 8:20. Kaze motioned to the other three, and walked out of the room, to make sure no-one was in sight. After the three made their way to where Kaze was, Kaze nodded, and the group ran down the opposite way to the third floor, where their first class was.
    "Akaro. You don't agree with giving them up?" Neo asked, as Kazuki narrowed his eyes.
    "Not after what you said when we fought last. Remember where you got that scar from." Kazuki said, and Neo growled, but Hartei put his arm up.
    "It's for their own good; you know that, don't you, Kazuki?" Hartei asked, and Kazuki shook his head.
    "How is it you can say it's for their own good; when you know as well as I do what the Chaos Hunters will do to them? I don't agree with that comment." Kazuki said, and Hartei sighed.
    "Well, I was hoping you'd see it as we did. However, I would like it if you thought about it." Hartei said, and Kazuki frowned, as Hartei nodded to Neo, and walked out of the principal's office.
    "Come on, you need to see something..." Hartei muttered, as he walked toward the secret room.
    "So, some intruders got in, huh." Neo said, and narrowed his eyes, as he looked around the room with a scowl. The computer beeped, and Neo approached it.
    "It looks like someone transfered some information. It also looks like it triggered the computer-side wipe, even though the intruders never touched the file in question. Doesn't matter; they didn't find any of the important information, such as who we are. And I doubt this amateur work was of them." Neo said, as he looked over at Hartei.
    "It is however, interesting that they managed to do all this without getting caught. It looks like we'll need to step up our security..." Neo said, and smirked.
    "There won't be a repeat of this; however; I can guarantee it."
    -==/Chapter 4 End\==-
    -==Chapter 0(5): Strength and Energy==-
    Kaze panted for a moment, and frowned, as he considered what the group had seen in the hidden room, and the two people they had seen on their way to their classes.
    Those people... They gave me the feeling that they wanted to hide something... But what? What could be in that room that's so important? Kaze thought, and looked up at the teacher. He was talking about the different kinds of energy; and what their uses could be.
    "We have recently found four kinds of energy that seem to be both related, and unrelated, to existing energy sources. There is Physical Energy, Kinetic Energy, Mental Energy, and Elemental Energy. Elemental and Kinetic energy is not found in human life, however, it appears to be present in the environment, and in the case of Kinetic energy, in certain machinery. There have not been many studies about this, however, but figuring out how to use these forms of energy more effectively could be a huge advancement in human technology." The teacher explained, and Kaze looked intrigued, but as he was about to ask some questions, the bell rang, signaling that it was time for lunch.
    Different forms of energy...? Huh, that sounds cool. Kaze thought, as he stood up, and headed for the cafeteria.
    As Kaze walked into the cafeteria, he thought about the room again.
    Why wasn't that room on the map, and why is it there at all...? Kaze thought, and sighed, as he sat down at one of the tables, and waited for the others to show up.
    Guess that question will stay unanswered for the moment... Kaze looked around the room, and noticed Sonia and Sakeo as they entered the room, and waved to them, as they walked over to the table he was sitting at. Kali also walked in, and noticed the trio, and sighed, as she shook her head, but sat down at the table anyway.
    "I'm not entirely certain why I'm sitting with you three, after that incident this morning... Any of those incidents." Kali commented, as she took a bite out of an apple, and Kaze nodded, as he looked around the room.
    "Don't look now, but, there's those two food fighters again." Kaze noticed, as the two kids from the day before walked into the cafeteria, and then sat at opposite ends of the room.
    "That oughta stop any food fights..." Kaze muttered, and went back to eating his food.
    The blond haired boy looked around the room with a slight frown, and then raised an eyebrow with a mischievous smirk, as he noticed Kaze, who wasn't paying any attention to him at that moment. The food fighter grabbed an apple, and took aim, before he pitched the apple at Kaze. Only one flaw in his plan; Kaze was pushed out of the way coincidentally, because of a comment that annoyed Kali. Second problem, the apple continued on it's path, and then hit Kali right in the face. Sakeo and Sonia looked straight at the food fighter, and Sonia shook her head, as Kali stood up, and wiped off the juice from the apple, and then grabbed an orange, and hurled it at the food fighter quickly.
    Kaze groaned, as he stood up, and shook his head, as he watched the cafeteria break out into a food fight for the second time that week.
    "What is this, a daily occurance?" Kaze asked, as he dodged what appeared to be a pineapple of all things, and then looked at the food fighter. He caught an apple that just happened to be flying near, and then whipped it at the food fighter, who got hit in the cheek by it, though it mostly just hurt, and didn't manage to be smashed open. The food fighter glared at him, and then got hit by a stray tomato, as the black-haired boy smirked, and returned to eating his food, after having fulfilled his purpose in the food fight. Kaze dodged an apple or two, and then looked back to the food fighter, as a coconut cream pie slammed into his face, which caused him to step back, and then wipe off his face.
    "What a waste of a good pie..." Kaze muttered, and then hurled an apple at the Food Fighter.
    Kazuki walked down the halls with a frown, as he thought over what he had been discussing with Neo and Hartei earlier.
    I can't just let them get away with their plan... Not after what I know of. And definitely not with Neo involved... Kazuki thought, and then paused, as he stopped and looked into the cafeteria.
    What...? Can this really be happening now...? Kazuki thought, as he sighed, and saw that there really was yet another food fight going on. Kazuki shook his head, as he walked into the room, with a raised eyebrow.
    "What's going on here? Why are you all involved in another food fight?" Kazuki asked, as everyone paused and turned to look at the principal.
    Kaze froze, as he dropped the apple he had been holding, and looked around at the others, wondering why no-one had explained things yet. Kaze then sighed, and shrugged.
    "That guy started things again, he threw an apple aimed at me, but hit Kali instead." Kaze explained, and Kazuki then shook his head.
    "Guys. You shouldn't waste food; not everyone gets to eat, and wasting it like that typically makes it so that they have to go hungry. Anyway, I need to go now, so don't start any more food fights..." Kazuki warned, as he smiled, and turned around and walked out of the room, and then began to walk down the hallway.
    "Akaro... Come with me." Neo said, as he stood behind Kazuki, who turned around with a sigh, and then frowned, but nodded slightly, as the two of them walked to Kazuki's office.
    "Give each of the kids on this list the message on this note... Don't try anything either, or there'll be a price to pay." Neo said, as he gave Kazuki the list and note, and then turned and walked out of the office. Kazuki sighed and shook his head, but complied anyway, as he sent the message to the Personal Data Holders of the kids in question...
    -==/Chapter 5 End\==-
    Of course, that's all I wrote for the prologue; or if i wrote it, it was lost three years ago; because I'd had up to like part 2 done. (I will be changing the individual pieces to 'pages' likely in the next version, because DoaH is so confusing in that regard compared to the sequels. >_^)
  4. Blessed Blade
    *To Omi* You are awesome. *To everyone* Actually, what I said to Omi pretty much sums him up.
    Also, congrats on getting FFIV =D
    ... Ok, there's more. ... I'd guess you're an awesome DJ since you're an awesome person, and you play such awesome games. And I'll also take a guess that you're an awesome Pokemon Trainer, and I'd really like to battle with you sometime
  5. Blessed Blade
    Lawful Good Human Monk/Sorcerer (1st/1st Level)
    Ability Scores:
    Strength- 15
    Dexterity- 14
    Constitution- 15
    Intelligence- 14
    Wisdom- 13
    Charisma- 11
    Lawful Good- A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. He combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. He tells the truth, keeps his word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion. However, lawful good can be a dangerous alignment when it restricts freedom and criminalizes self-interest.
    Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.
    Primary Class:
    Monks- Monks are versatile warriors skilled at fighting without weapons or armor. Good-aligned monks serve as protectors of the people, while evil monks make ideal spies and assassins. Though they don't cast spells, monks channel a subtle energy, called ki. This energy allows them to perform amazing feats, such as healing themselves, catching arrows in flight, and dodging blows with lightning speed. Their mundane and ki-based abilities grow with experience, granting them more power over themselves and their environment. Monks suffer unique penalties to their abilities if they wear armor, as doing so violates their rigid oath. A monk wearing armor loses their Wisdom and level based armor class bonuses, their movement speed, and their additional unarmed attacks per round.
    Secondary Class:
    Sorcerers- Sorcerers are arcane spellcasters who manipulate magic energy with imagination and talent rather than studious discipline. They have no books, no mentors, no theories just raw power that they direct at will. Sorcerers know fewer spells than wizards do and acquire them more slowly, but they can cast individual spells more often and have no need to prepare their incantations ahead of time. Also unlike wizards, sorcerers cannot specialize in a school of magic. Since sorcerers gain their powers without undergoing the years of rigorous study that wizards go through, they have more time to learn fighting skills and are proficient with simple weapons. Charisma is very important for sorcerers; the higher their value in this ability, the higher the spell level they can cast.
    Well, I wasn't expecting it to be a spellcaster. Would explain why I like using the spells as Avatar in Fire Emblem Awakening, though. =P /pauses. /looks at 'ki-based abilities' NEVERMIND THEN, IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE. xP I am a Monk. =P I am so a Monk. =P
  6. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: My First Cot And Bzp Rpg
    So, yeah, shameless plug.
    The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Destiny just got approved by Than earlier this evening, and now it is ready for play. I probably should have mentioned that that was the opening IC in the topic, but, well, I left that out. My mistake.
    However, I have awesome plans for this, and I don't believe anyone will want to miss them. =D
  7. Blessed Blade
    This is pretty much a list of who has what item in the game. Making it now so that I don't have tons of stuff to go through later on. xD Will sort by member, though it'll be random, or based off which member I see first. =P
    Eventually, once other stuff, like magic, is introduced, I will upgrade this system to include magical abilities as well.
    Link: Unknown items
    Zelda: Unknown items
    Orion: L1 Sword, L1 Shield
    Kreena: L1 Sword, L1 Shield
    Korkoa: No items
    Lealna: L1 Sword, L1 Shield
    Siris: L1 Sword, L1 Shield
    Denkaro: Pen, Paper
    Darren: Backpack Full Of Supplies
    William: L1 Sword, L1 Shield, L1 Bow
    Tobias: L1 Sword, L1 Shield
  8. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: Well At Least My Arms Aren't Too Sore.
    Apparently walking over 12,000 steps two days in a row, while also attempting to train your arms isn't a good idea; you really can't do it a third day. Mainly because walking is painful that third day. >>'
    On the bright side, over the past two days, with the watts built up over the past few months, I unlocked two more Pokewalker courses, and got some more puzzle pieces for the Puzzle Swap app. Which they just added another new puzzle for. D=
    *Predicts that this will get pushed off the first page in two seconds*
  9. Blessed Blade
    First of all, let me say that it's awesome that BZP's back, even if I didn't get to blog while I still had Tri that second week. =P
    So; we're nearly there. Black's only two days away from releasing; and it's the one I'll be getting. It sounds awesome, even though I just found out they removed a very useful training tool; the Vs. Seeker. Why they did that, I have no clue, but it doesn't sound like it's entirely needed for this game at least.
    Also, the Global Link site sounds sweet. Too bad it's not gonna be released 'til the end of the month... =/ The new layout it'll be getting looks great, though. =)
  10. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: I Might Be Off For A Few Days Now
    So; yeah. I just got Pokemon Black 2 a couple hours ago, and I'm just starting it now. Between something else I had to work on, and reading up on everything, I've been too busy to actually start it. That changes now.
    Of course, the first thing I did, was go on Mystery Gift and get Genesect. =P I can't pass up that opportunity, even if it does end over a month from the time of this entry. xD
    Next, I'll activate Memory Link, and then start. I want things fully set up, so I don't need my second DS for a while. If I could set up Game Sync before starting, I would. =P
  11. Blessed Blade
    No Alternative Titles
    Can't type up the entry and that quick enough.
    Awesome match; I made someone DC. =P Basically, I used my annoyance inducing Swampert to scout the team, take out his Dragonite, and then toy with him after that. After my Outrage crushed him, he DCed. =P
    Lemme explain further.
    I sent out my Swampert as lead; set up Stealth Rock and roared him away as he kept hitting me for miniscule damage. He first had his Milotic dragged out, then his Blitzle, which is exactly what I wanted to see, after having noticed it in Team Preview. He switched, but my EQuake still did damage to his Vigoroth, which once again thought it could take me with Strength. I roar again, and groan as the Milotic's dragged out. It wipes me out rather quickly.
    So, I send in my Gallade. Toxic and Protect alternations allow me to predict what he'll do(Yay, predictions that are actually right! =D), though I kinda wish I had've pulled off two Bulk Ups before my Close Combat, since he succeeded with Protect twice. I outsped him when he tried to attack, one down.
    Blitzle's back out, I go to Close Combat it, the Blitzle faints me since I was getting low on health. That's fine, I send out Garchomp, one EQuake faints it. He sends out his already damaged Vigoroth, I choose 'Outrage', it may have gotten to the animation, 'Communication Error'.
    The only real regret I have is that I couldn't save the video of it. =P It was hilarious. xD
    Spore battle just now: 15-28749-74313
  12. Blessed Blade
    So; yesterday; March 6th... The release date of Black and White.
    And I got it yesterday; around noon.
    The game. Is. Awesome.
    It's long, very long. If you play it, you'll see what I mean. I like the fact that the story has been very much expanded.
    For now; that's all I'll say, as I'm only up to Castelia City so far. xP
    Oh... And the GTS is standard fare. =P Ridiculous trades like usual.
  13. Blessed Blade
    So, as I mentioned yesterday in the Champion Special entry; I beat the game. Therefore, the whole eastern half of Unova opened up. That includes Black City.
    Black City is a very large city, that is, as the name suggests, covered in black buildings with differently coloured neon lights. There are different trainers outside, who use Pokemon of varying levels. You can fight said people once every day. These people use pretty much exclusively old Pokemon, in their fully evolved forms. In the central building, there are different shops, where you can buy special items, like overpriced Star Pieces and Nuggets, or the different Shards from RSE and Gen 4. I believe there's Evo Stones too; but my city doesn't have those.
    In the central building, there are also Rotation Battles available. Would've liked one to have been a Triple Battle, but ah well.
    There's a mayor, who wishes you to battle a certain number of trainers outside. However, if you don't have access to the Entralink, you have to battle over multiple days to get enough battles to please him, since it works over different days.
    So, as I was just alluding to, you need to use the Entralink to get people to go to Black City. To do this, you need to visit White Forest over the Entralink, and talk to people there. Then they'll head to your City. However, that doesn't help people who don't know anyone with White, or doesn't have both versions and two DS systems. >_>
    That being said, Black City is interesting, and is a good source of EXP, as all the Pokemon are typically in the 40s or higher; but if you only have one game, you don't have access to many trainers or shop items. I myself have four trainers; which isn't all that bad. However, if I miss talking to them every day, I'll lose access to them apparently. And since I have no other game, and don't know anyone with White; I won't be able to replace them. So, Nintendo, next time you decide to make something in Pokemon that works like the Entralink and Underground... Make it accessible over Wi-Fi!
    Post-Game Team Status Update 1:
    Katie(Zoroark) Level 55(Female) Hasty
    Wottergun(Samurott) Level 55(Female) Naive
    Lillil(Lilligant) Level 56(Female) Modest
    Darmanitan(Darmanitan) Level 56(Male) Jolly
    Gothitelle(Gothitelle) Level 56(Female) Gentle
    Eelektross(Eelektross) Level 57(Female) Careful
    Time: 88:49
    Pokedex: Unova: 140 Seen, 102 Obtained. National: 206 Seen, 132 Obtained.
  14. Blessed Blade
    This is dedicated to the GTS. Ah, the GTS, and your extremely weird trades. Where seeing a Dialga getting traded for a Bidoof is a normal day. You have fair trades at times; but they get traded so quickly most people don't know about it.
    Now why couldn't you have fixed it this time, or at least added more options to search? I mean, the Negotiation feature is fine(Even if I haven't tried it just yet); but that doesn't mean you should just ignore the normal part of it. And since Gen 5 is locked off from Gen 4 in terms of trades; there's no excuse for having it be the exact same as before.
    I must say; however; it is a very good thing they left out the 'trade time lockout' thing from searching this time. Where you had to trade like 100 things in two minutes to access the full listings of trades. Now all 7 or under are available from the start.
    Also, it's funny... Trades like version exclusive trades are traded with the snap of a finger. But a male Oshawott for a Female Tepig or Snivy(I tried both); stay pending for hours. I don't have time to breed yet, since I haven't got any hatching helpers yet(Waiting on Flame Body Pokemon... Still waiting...), but people assume that others can get Female Starters with the snap of a finger apparently. ... Granted, I'm doing the same, but...
    Current Party:
    Musharna(Musharna) Level 24(Male) Modest
    Gonzo(Sawk) Level 25(Male) Careful3
    Wottergun(Dewott) Level 25(Female)Naive1
    Darumaka(Darumaka) Level 15(Male) Jolly
    Blitzle(Blitzle) Level 25(Female) Lax
    Lillil(Petitlil) Level 25(Female) Modest2
    Side Notes:
    1: I used your suggestion, Nero. xP
    2: Thank you Black, for having this trade built into the game. This is the reason I actually went with Black, because the rest of the version exclusives I really wanted were in White. =P
    3: ... 0_o Gonzo's in Firefox's dictionary? Wow. =P
  15. Blessed Blade
    So, today, I'll focus on the menu systems in this.
    First of all, the main in-game menu. It's pretty much a revision of HGSS's touch screen menu; except, due to the C-Gear being on the screen at all times when on the normal overfield screens(Aka, not in a menu, battle, Musical thing, dressing up, or the GTS), it's been reassigned to popping up with X, like in D/P/Pt. However; this somehow works perfectly. I'm not sure if it's because the Running Shoes doesn't have an auto-on feature, or what; but it works very nicely. However, the main thing is the new global option for the menus...
    You can now exit the entire menu, from nearly any screen, by either hitting the button X, or tapping the red X on the touch screen. I cannot express how awesome this feature is to use; as it cuts down on a lot of unnecessary time wasted by having to B out of every single menu. Now, if you're done something, or just want to cut down on a couple steps, and you're not at the couple exceptions, you can hit X, and return to the overfield. This even works on the PC! That's a very nice touch they add; and they better keep it in in future installments.
    Also; since there's no space on the touch screen, either on the C-Gear screen or the Touch Menu, for the registered item spaces from HGSS... What did they do? Return it to only having 1 registered item?
    No; they instead give you 23 more spots that you can register stuff with, accessible through Y! And the best thing? That's not even limited to items anymore. If you've seen pictures of Black and White; even the Japanese pictures; you may have wondered about those icons at the bottom. Well, one's obviously return, and I've mentioned that another is the awesome new exit button... But what's that checkbox? Well, that's the new select/register option. If you hit that; you can instantly register an item to the Y menu... or; if you hit the check box on the menus, you can instantly return to that menu! Doesn't work on the PC for obvious reasons, but even still, that helps very much with things. So, now, you can have the Dowsing Machine up(I'll go over that tomorrow; it deserves it's own entree. xP), flip between the bike quickly, check the status of your Pokemon, use an item(Your bag's pockets can be registered, and as you can flip between them easily, you pretty much can register your whole back with one spot, though multiple spots allow ease of use), change settings in the options menu, and check your Pokedex, without even closing the Dowsing Machine, since you need to do that to normally access the menu, like in HGSS. However, you have to close the Dowsing Machine to save or switch Pokemon, since they didn't include registration options for either of them, even though registering the Pokemon menu makes infinite sense. =/
    Do you see how that opens up a lot of possibilities? This new registration system is extremely handy, and I hope it stays in the next Generation and onward, and even any remakes they make in the future.
    Not gonna talk 'bout the C-gear or PC here; I'll leave that for future entries; as it's got massive amounts of information. And when Global Link and the Dream World open, I'll go over those as well, since I'll actually have access to info. That'll only be from 22 days and onward though, since it's not open yet. =P
    Party Status:
    Gothita(Gothita) Level 24(Female) Gentle
    Gonzo(Sawk) Level 28(Male) Careful
    Zebstrika(Zebstrika) Level 28(Female) Lax
    Lillil(Lilligant) Level 28(Female) Modest
    Darumaka(Darumaka) Level 28(Male) Jolly
    Wottergun(Dewott) Level 29(Female) Naive
    Badge Status: 4 Badges obtained.(Trio Badge, Basic Badge, Insect Badge, Bolt Badge)
    Game Status: Up to Nimbasa City, need to move on in near future.
    Time: 29:41
    Pokedex: 55 Seen, 43 Obtained.
  16. Blessed Blade
    So; day 5 of playing Pokemon Black. May have to step up my pace to have another entree today. =P
    Now then; I said I'd do the Dowsing Machine today; but I wanna talk about Critical Captures right now.
    So, if you've heard anything about it, it's a new feature in Pokemon Black and White. It's a difference to normal captures, but is random, and fairly rare; I've only encountered it maybe three times?(... Including last night. When the Lillipup broke out of it. With an Ultra Ball as the usage. ; ) But let me tell you what it is:
    Critical Capturing is like Critical Hits. Extremely rare; but extremely powerful. With a critical Capture, you can(Normally) capture a Pokemon with only one twitch, instead of three. And normally, it captures it, period. No Breakings(again, normally.); simply, it's caught. You can tell if your capture is a Critical Capture, because it sounds like the Pokeball was thrown at a very high velocity; it hits the Pokemon in midair, and then 'locks' the Pokemon in with a click, and then falls to the ground, shakes once, and clicks to signify it's been caught.
    However... Has anyone wondered how it all works? I think I've found it. Let's use Red as an example.
    [Route 16]
    Red: *Walks along silently* *A wild Emolga pops out*
    [A wild Emolga appears!]
    Red: ... *Sends out Pikachu* ...! (Go, Pikachu!)
    Pikachu: *Uses Thunderbolt on Emolga* *Emolga's sent to 1 HP because Red's just that good.*
    Emolga: *Valiantly uses Volt Change to attack, but does a total of one HP damage, and doesn't switch*
    Red: ... (Ah; it's ready for capture.)
    Red: ...? (What should I use?)
    Red: ... (Obviously a Pokeball, but...) *Looks around* *Spots a Wonder launcher*
    Red: ...! (Aha!)
    Red: ... (I'll use that to shoot the Pokeball out at the Emolga.) *Attaches Pokeball to Wonder Launcher* *Shoots it out at the Emolga, which sends it flying at a very high speed*
    Emolga: Emolga? Emolga mo? Emolga mo Emolga ga... (What? What's that? It's coming toward me at an unusual speed...) *The Pokeball hits Emolga hard on the head, and then transfers the now-unconscious Emolga into the Pokeball* *Since there's no resistance, the Pokeball only rocks once, to settle into a small hold in the ground*
    Red: ...! (Yes!)
    Red: ...! (Emolga was caught!)
    Red: ... (That Critical Capture worked perfectly.)

    =P Thank you, Red, for being our very nice example. Even if you don't say much. Say; have you ever met Kopaka? I think you two would be very good friends. =P
  17. Blessed Blade
    So, after much procrastinating, I may as well get down to the Dowsing Machine's entry. =P
    Simply put? This variant of the Dowsing Machine/Item Finder, by far, is the best. Gone are the days of having to activate it multiple times! Gone are also the days of having to constantly tap it, or hold the stylus down on the screen while you move around!
    No; now, all you have to do is activate it, and move around as you find items left, right, up, down, and center. =P Yes, it tracks items automatically. It may take a little getting used to, but it's by far the most convenient version yet. Even better than HGSS's version; and that's saying something. What this version does, is as you walk around, the two item finder 'antenna' things point in the direction of the item.
    "What's so different about that?" You ask? Well, for one, it updates automatically. No need to tap it, or activate it each time you wish to get an update on the position. Just walk around. As you do so, it'll automatically turn it's position to reflect where you are compared to the item. Like, say you're south east, in comparison with the item. If you walk up, then it'll slowly turn from facing Northeast, then the the east, and then southeast. If you, however, walk over to that spot, and move on top of it, it will also let you know about that, by having both antennae facing each other, and displaying a symbol in the middle. Then, you simply have to walk one square off as usual, and then pick it up.
    Simply put; this Dowsing Machine is extremely useful. Plus; it doesn't even get turned off automatically. The only things that do that is, say, when you go on Wi-Fi. You also have to disable it manually when you go to switch Pokemon, or save, but as I mentioned the other day, the rest can be handled by the Registration Menu. =)
    Party Status update:
    Tynamo(Tynamo) Level 27(Female) Careful
    Lillil(Lilligant) Level 39(Female) Modest
    Gothorita(Gothorita) Level 39(Female) Gentle
    Darmanitan(Darmanitan) Level 39(Male) Jolly
    Gonzo(Sawk) Level 39(Male) Careful
    Wottergun(Samurott) Level 40(Female) Naive
    Badge Status: 6 Badges obtained.(Trio Badge, Basic Badge, Insect Badge, Bolt Badge, Quake Badge, Jet Badge)
    Game Status: Just reaching Twist Mountain.
    Time: 48:15
    Pokedex: Seen 88, Obtained 67.
  18. Blessed Blade
    Alright, so, time for Day 7's installment. Problem is; I'm not sure of what to write about. >>;
    SO! I'll just go on some more about Twist Mountain.
    Great design, Twist Mountain. Really helps show off everything, while also providing a challenge.
    However; could you have provided that challenge without it being from the really annoying Boldore, with their sturdy preventing one hit kills? There's nothing worse than running into it a hundred times through a trek around Twist Mountain; each requiring two hits compared to the one hit KOs of the rest of the Pokemon. xP
    On the bright side; I caught a Cryogonal while searching for that missing entry point! 1% chance of running into it; and I definitely didn't pass that up. =P Was hard to catch, however. Ate through my Ultra Balls.
    Party Status Update:
    Eelektrik(Eelektrik) Level 42(Female) Careful
    Darmanitan(Darmanitan) Level 42(Male) Jolly
    Kate(???) Level 42(Female) Hasty
    Wottergun(Samurott) Level 42(Female) Naive
    Gothitelle(Gothitelle) Level 43(Female) Gentle
    Lillil(Lilligant) Level 44(Female) Modest
    Badge Status: 6 Badges obtained.(Trio Badge, Basic Badge, Insect Badge, Bolt Badge, Quake Badge, Jet Badge)
    Game Status: I've reached Icirrus City, but I've only caught the Pokemon there, and headed back to Twist Mountain. I haven't gone to the Gym yet.
    Time: 58:29
    Pokedex: Seen: 96, Obtained: 80
  19. Blessed Blade
    So; day 8. I now have all 8 badges. The Pokemon League is looming ahead. So; while the rest of the Pokemon world is in peril; I'll take a slight rest to blog. =P
    First off. Dragonspiral Tower. It's amazing. Seriously. I kinda wish it had've been expanded, and had some twists to the puzzles like you'd see in a Zelda game; but Pokemon was never supposed to be Zelda, so I don't care about that. =P But it's a really awesome area. And as you're kicking Plasmaaaaaaaaaaa off the Tower, you think of how it opens up awesome opportunities in that way. =P But what's really amazing are two things.
    First off...
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Did the player character just think something?! That's big, so I'm keeping it spoilered for now. But really; if that happened like I think it did... That's a major step forward, all on it's own. 
    And secondly... That cutscene at the end was amazing. We get to see Red Eyes in all his glory. =P ... Oh? What's that? It was Zekrom? Oh, whoops, wrong series. =P But seriously; that scene was awesome. And that was only a one or two second one. If we actually get RS remakes; I definitely want to see some of the Kyogre/Groudon scenes like that. And if it incorporates some of the Emerald things into it; then the awakening/fleeing scenes could be just like the one from Dragonspiral; and there's no reason it couldn't be. And while I really would like the Player Character to be shown in said scenes as well, it still works, because it could be from the PC's perspective.
    Second, the story. It's one of the best storylines in the Pokemon series, period. I have to say, it even rivals the first Mystery Dungeon game, though technically that's not all that had to do. =P
    Third... Opelucid. I like how it looks; and the fact that it's got two separate variants to it. Kinda small though. =/ The Gym's awesome though; they really went all out on it's design. =D
    Anyway; that's it, for now. But I'm reaching the endgame soon, so we'll see. =D
    Party Status Update:
    Gothitelle(Gothitelle) Level 49(Female) Gentle
    Eelektross(Eelektross) Level 49(Female) Careful
    Darmanitan(Darmanitan) Level 49(Male) Jolly
    Lillil(Lilligant) Level 50(Female) Modest
    Wottergun(Samurott) Level 50(Female) Naive
    Katie(Zoroark) Level 50(Female) Hasty
    Badge Status: All 8 Badges obtained.(Trio Badge, Basic Badge, Insect Badge, Bolt Badge, Quake Badge, Jet Badge, Freeze Badge, Legend Badge)
    Game Status: Right outside of the Badge Check Gates.
    Time: 71:23
    Pokedex: Seen: 119, Obtained: 94
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