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Status Updates posted by Zipper

  1. I have that "Rest in peace Matoro" banner because Matoro is dead!

  2. Pewku's a girl, not an IT.

  3. Why would I use google when everything is on this site?

  4. Who knows? He's yet to be Chronicler.

  5. Yes he was! Takua thawed him out from an icy fate. And I'm going to be researching you in my spare time. You have a lot of mysteries yourself. Hopefully, I'll be able to figure out if you're a boy or a girl.

  6. Wouldn't our previous argument make a good short story? Maybe we should post it there!

  7. Okay this is going nowhere. If we continue, we may destroy BZPower. *Takes Vahi and goes back in time when THOK-ZILLA first meets Lesovikk59*.

    Hi there! Wanna be friends?

  8. And each one can reproduce every 10 seconds.

  9. Did I forget to mention that I just had hungry hatchlings?

  10. Tasty. 20 more to go.

  11. I am THOK-ZILLA, a hybrid of Thok and Godzilla. Your clone army seems tasty. Perhaps I could put them into Hydraxon's cookies too. After I eat 9/10 of them, that is.

  12. First Takua, then Hahli. Who's next, Kopeke?

  13. Then why haven't they killled you yet? You can't control them.

  14. Look at my rank. I'm a Seeker, not Piraka. And I'm not Thok. I am THOK-ZILLA! Do you even know who THOK-ZILLA is? Me! Is your name Lesovikk 59 because you aren't Lesovikk! And I baked cookies, so I'm not evil. BTW, they're baked disks of power.

  15. Help with MNOLG 2. We need you.

  16. Exactly how far are you on converting the movies?

  17. What about my banners and the codebox?

  18. I am kienk2, creator of the infamous "Bionicle Spoilers Topic" on the bionicle messageboards. However in BZP, I am working on a revival of all the old Bionicle Commercial Videos.

  19. I forgot to mention, I'm kienk2 of the LMB, creator of the famous "Bionicle Spoilers" Topic (Now completely messed up).

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