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Status Updates posted by Zipper

  1. Dude.... just saw the Nexensis theme on your B-shelf... nice stuff.

  2. You is alive.

  3. No, it still has to retain its Bitil-ness. I took my Radiak Redux too far by making it more insectoid, so everyone hated it even though it was way more menacing and dangerous-looking.

  4. A wasp beetle does not have digitagrade legs.

  5. Yes. Viking horns. :D

  6. You mean on the thighs? Yeah, I need silver Viking horns from Hydraxon for those.

  7. Yeah, it's Bitil.

  8. If you really want to know my next WIP, check my B-shelf.

  9. I killed Lariska for my BBC 49 entry. :( It wasn't very good anyway.

  10. What is that on your avatar? A Kakama Nuva?

  11. You'll most likely win BBC 49. Good.

  12. I'll expect him to be back within a few months.

  13. Then why does his blog name say "Gone"?

  14. NOOOOO! He left. He changed his blog name to "Gone" and erased all the images.

  15. Oops, never mind, I see it's a PBZP.

  16. Are you making Gorast? I saw something that looked like it in your B-shelf WIPs.

  17. Canceled Mantax, was late for BBC, built a mecha instead.

  18. Mantax is almost complete....

  19. No Maj.


  20. I hate you.

    I'll have a Takua shake with some pixie schnitzel.

    Fairies don't taste very good.

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