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Status Updates posted by Zipper

  1. BD... don't tell me you pulled a Koosh and deleted all your MOCs.

  2. Bitil is finished.

  3. Bitil needs those half- ball joint things. I won't be able to finish him until I get Hydraxon. I just finished the White WIP. It isn't Krika, but its structure is familiar to Krika's.

  4. BTW: Where's your personal pic?

  5. But I didn't say anything to you...

  6. But it's still spam.


  8. Canceled Mantax, was late for BBC, built a mecha instead.

  9. Congratulations.

  10. cool dude.

    Once again, I tried it.

  11. Depends on how much time I have per duel.

  12. Did I forget to mention that I just had hungry hatchlings?

  13. Do you enjoy having many fans, or do you find it annoying?

  14. Does his page have music?

  15. Don't worry about stars, they're almost worthless to me.

  16. Dude you are so awesome! Still though, you need to make yourself more known to BZP.


  17. Zipper

    Dude, Mistika aren't on sale until mid-July. No need to make a big fuss over a bunch of parts.

    And dude, you are so losing.

  18. Dude, you are the oldest (not age) normal member on BZP I know.

  19. Dude. Are you still alive and mocin'?

  20. Dude.... just saw the Nexensis theme on your B-shelf... nice stuff.

  21. Ehlek, too much spam! Anyway, wassup Great Spirit! Haven't seen you in a while.

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