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Status Updates posted by ZippyWharrgarbl

  1. That may inspire one of my lame Short Stories. Takua, the Matoran who makes others into Corn Dogs. First I'll have to look up what Corn Dogs are.

  2. That's weird, like the banana-chip-and-lolly-string sandwich I had the other day.

  3. The closest I've been is playing as Samus on Super Smash Brothers Melee, but I've seen the game and it looks wicked. I'm probably going to buy it sometime.

  4. There was a not-very-nice message here yesterday.

  5. This is getting a bit off-topic. If it had a topic in the first place.

  6. Uh, mate, my day's finished here. It's officially Sunday night.

  7. Uh, um... dunno. You pick a topic.

  8. Wags the Dog is currently breathing down your neck. XD

  9. We're gonna get married Malum! ^^ Aren't you happy?

  10. Welcome =D Oh, and I got all the Bionicle Stars! Problem is, they're more expensive here...

  11. Well, I do. And I plan on returning as a computer virus ghost thingy to TKE OVER BZPOWER!!!!! AHAHAHA *coughcough*

  12. Well, I used to love it, but I don't like Sam. Greg was a magician, for goodness' sake!

  13. Well, it's an artistic one...

  14. Well, Malum is waaay better than Ackar. Malum has that 'rogue' thing about him.

  15. Well, she doesn't like BIONICLE. So nyeh to her.

    Malum's in it. Coz he's hot like that.

  16. Well, they're epic. I love them =D

  17. What name? Mine? I don't know it.

  18. Who HASN'T done what you've done in your personal statement, Dlakii? Like, I'd be the one CAUSING the Apocalypse.

  19. Who says I'm not your goldfish? Hmmm? >=D

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