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Posts posted by ZippyWharrgarbl

  1. OOC: I'm laughing so hard right now. No, Rylinth; thank you for this precious gift of a post.


    IC: Wilbur Flood - Dropship


    "Oh! Of course. Hopefully, by the time we return, we will have heard from that other fellow who came to join us." He felt slight concern as he buckled himself in. "I hope he's all right."

  2. OOC: I thought Striker was talking to Vex, but I could be wrong.


    IC: Wilbur Flood - Dropship


    "I think we can assist," said Flood. He turned to Furno. "Do you have any objections?"

  3. OOC: I bet it's 'Heck' because he wanted a cool, edgy name but all the good ones were blocked by the Robot Name Database's word filter, so he had to settle for the next best thing. That is what I choose to believe.

  4. OOC: I have been suffering from the very strong temptation to reply to Zib's "Can I make a suggestion?" with "No". Just to see what would happen.


    IC: Wilbur Flood - Dropship


    He sighed. "With the way my ideas have been going? I would be very glad to hear yours."

  5. OOC: Aw shoot, I'd better edit Thumper's profile to add those weapons she never uses, too. But while I'm here, I would like to request an alteration for Quark, which will be mentioned later if approved. I wish to complete the Buzz Lightyear Aesthetic and give her extendable wings. She won't be flying with them, she'll be falling with style. Arguably they could also grant better stability and control when flying in space, too.


    IC: Wilbur Flood - Dropship


    "... Yes. That... might be best." Flood didn't really want to explain to the nice people at the power station what had happened to their turbines.

  6. IC: Wilbur Flood - Dropship


    Flood took a deep intake of air and let it out in a slow hiss. "All right. We destroyed a turbine which was doing harm and may or may not have caused the power outage somehow. If it was somehow still generating power. Which it can't possibly have been, reasonably. Someone stole it for some reason. Okay."


    He took a moment to collect himself, and then spoke again. "There was a hydroelectric power station nearby, correct? And they would, theoretically, know the placement of their turbines. We could ask around there to see if the one that was here was... one of theirs. Somehow. I know our mission was to free the Beasts, though, so I'm not sure if my inclination to investigate is entirely appropriate. But we are the closest to the station, and though I do feel for the beasts and those they end up attacking, I can't help but suspect this turbine business might be more pressing. What do you think?"

  7. OOC: Sure!


    Basically, there's a big conference on the planet Invasion from Below was on. In this universe, the events of that episode were in fact a movie made by civilians, and made Hero Factory look bad. The conference is going to involve Makuro showing off an invention that could help defeat the brains (from Brain Attack). Unfortunately the friendly beasts are being attacked by brains and are in turn attacking the city.


    There are a number of groups of Heroes. There is what I have taken to calling the Makuro Posse, who are Makuro's personal guards. Currently, they are divided up- two are in a hospital battling brains (the Brain Master, who may be the same guy seen in the start of the show Brain Attack, was almost killed by an unknown assailant when Makuro arrived on the planet, it was a big mess) and there's one guarding Makuro in his hotel room, though they should either be going to the conference or are already there by now. Or preparing to go. Anyway.


    There's Fake Makuro Posse, which is made up of two Heroes sent to help free some brained Beasts and ended up with the third party member- a guy who looks, sounds and acts identically to Makuro. The Heroes are pretty sure he's a fake but he's keeping up the act. They are currently near an underground lake, and one Hero just saved himself from being sucked into some turbines.


    Team Will is currently made up of William Furno and Wilbur Flood. There's another guy, Billade, but he's still heading over. They're all aquatic-modified- Furno temporarily, Flood and Billade permanently- and have been sent to free the sea-faring brained beasts. They blew up a turbine that was in the middle of the ocean killing fish, and a third of the power went out across the city. Whoops. We just found out someone is teleporting turbines around the place. Someone just stole a wrecked one. Currently, two are wrecked- one by Team Will, another by Fake Makuro Posse.


    Finally, there is a murderer running around Hero Factory, and as such Hero Factory is in lockdown until the Heroes within can catch the killer. Until then, no one can get in or out.


    The villains seem to be doing a lot of sitting in a big spaceship and making friends. It's nice.


    Also you missed an epic battle between a T. rex and a luchador Hero. I am very sorry.


    I think that's most of it, and I'm sure someone else will chime in if I've forgotten something. Oh, and sorry about there brevity. I am on a device that makes typing painful.

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  8. IC: Wilbur Flood - Dropship


    "But... why would he want it wrecked if it's his own turbine?" Flood shook his head. "When things are this strange, you know the plot behind it is complicated and dastardly."


    OOC: Guessing Team Will has heard no news about the missing turbines update yet.

  9. IC: Wilbur Flood - Dropship


    Flood glanced over. "What I wish to know is, why would anyone require a wrecked turbine? It was destroyed utterly, and thus unable to be used for anything in its current form. And yet, they took it. Why? Evidence concealing, perhaps? But why? We know it's there. Perhaps there was something about the turbine itself..."


    He shook his head. "And I doubt it could have generated enough energy to warrant building it. Out in the open like that, it would have fallen to disrepair quickly. It makes no sense."




    IC: ??? - Lakeside


    He clambered out of the lake and wiped the water from his face as best he could. This day was just going from bad to worse, wasn't it? He glanced to the side and saw the beasts tunnelling. It was tempting to go with them, but he didn't want to be alone with those beasts. The Heroes, at least, could be reasoned with. Still, it was a possible escape route if things went south.

  10. IC: Wilbur Flood - Dropship


    "... Huh." He frowned very slightly as the turbine disappeared. "I... I think something might have taken it. I mean, there was no serious current in the area, except from what the turbine itself generated. And it seems to have been heading upriver. But I didn't see anything- or anyone- nearby... This mission keeps getting weirder and weirder."

  11. IC: Wilbur Flood - Dropship


    Flood was incredibly relieved that the mission manager seemed to believe them. However, he wasn't sure whether to find more beasts or investigate the power plant. On the one hand, those poor brained Beasts would need their help, and he didn't want them to suffer the evil parasites attached to their heads longer than necessary. If they did end up going to the power plant, he wouldn't feel right unless they got back to their original mission of rescuing the beasts.


    On the other hand, if, by some ridiculous chance, the turbine was not constructed by villains, he had some stern words to think aggressively at whoever was running the plant before asking to see their clearance certificates for such a thing. If it was a villain-construct, then visiting there would no doubt bring some answers and name-clearing to the Hero Factory, especially if they required Hero help. The hydroelectric plant was looking like the better option, but he figured it would be wise to consult with Furno on what to do.


    For now, the turbine had to be cleared out of the water. Though he had some doubts about fitting the thing in the hold, perhaps they could tie it to the craft.


    He thanked the mission manager before turning to Furno. "Do we have a length of cable aboard? We could drag or lift the turbine by attaching it to the ship."

  12. IC: ??? - In Underground Lake


    He didn't need telling twice. He turned and swam away from the mouth of the new passage as fast as he could, heading for the surface. He was sure the Hero in the passage was fine- after all, there had been no screams or any indication anything bad had happened to him, nor had his voice sounded like he was being pulled away.

  13. IC: Wilbur Flood - Dropship


    Flood felt a lot better; the way Furno put it, it sounded very reasonable. He chimed in, "The turbine in question would have violated at least three of the galactic environmental conservation laws. If it, somehow, was providing power, then it was doing so illegally, and at great cost to the environment."




    IC: Eloise Thumper, Dorothy Quark and Mara Quiver - Hero Factory


    The walk to the repair bay was uneventful. Quark glanced in and, finding it to be free of noticeable danger, waved the other two through before entering. Thumper allowed Quiver to slide off her back and looked around hopefully.


    Without turning around, Quark said, "Bulk's probably still in one of the closed off rooms, if they're still working on him."


    Thumper felt her faceplates burn and babbled frantically, "I wasn't- I mean I was just-"


    Quark turned to the rookie. "Quiver, take Thumper over to that empty repair unit. I'll find a technician. Give a shout if anything happens, all right?"


    "C-Can't you stay?" asked Quiver, worriedly. Quark's expression softened and she gripped Quiver's shoulder firmly.


    "I'm not going far. You and Thumper will be fine. You can listen out for danger, and Thumper can do something about that danger if you can't. Be brave, Mara. You're going to be fine." A rare, almost unheard of smile quirked the side of her mouth, but only for a moment. "Besides, with how Thumper has been acting lately, I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to run off and find Bulk if left unsupervised."


    "Dotty," Thumper groaned, covering her face in her hands.


    "Don't you 'Dotty' me, young lady. Once this is all over and done with, you are in a lot of trouble." Her attention turned back to Quiver. "You're going to be all right. Look after each other. I'll be back in a minute."


    With a final pat on the shoulder, Quark left to find a technician. Quiver and Thumper went to the repair unit, Thumper tossing herself onto it, arms resting under her head. She turned to Quiver with a grin. "I've been here twice in one day. A new record, I think. They tell me I'm doing wonders for the recycling program."


    When Quiver could only manage a weak smile in return, Thumper extended a hand with a warmer, more empathetic expression. "Quark's right, you know. We're Heroes, and we're sticking together. We'll be fine. They're probably midway through catching the murderer already."


    Quiver nodded, though uncertainly, and took the hand that Thumper offered her.

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  14. IC: Dorothy Quark and Eloise Thumper - Hero Factory


    After bidding Jade farewell, Quark and Thumper made their way up the stairs, towards the personal quarters of the building. The halls were quiet and near deserted. Quark kept a careful eye on Thumper before finally reaching their rooms. Quiver's door was locked, with a hastily scribbled note stuck on it, saying 'No One's Home, Sorry' with a frowny face.


    Quark knocked on the door. "Quiver, it's Quark. Open this door right now, young lady."


    She waited a grand total of ten seconds before setting about overriding the lock on the door with her Team Leader authority codes. Thumper waited anxiously beside her.




    IC: Mara Quiver - Hero Factory, Storage Closet


    Quiver curled up tightly in her storage closet, shivering. She was peacefully painting when the call went out about a murderer, and the request to stay where she was. Which was fine with her. She had locked the door, left a deceiving message on it, and hid in her closet. She clutched her rifle tightly to her chest for comfort.


    She heard someone on the other side of the door. Quark? She perked up, but hesitated. Was it the murderer mimicking Quark's voice? She was sure no one would mind if she hid in here a little longer, either way. She shrunk to the back of the closet as her room's door clicked open of its own accord. Oh, it was the murderer, it has to be. Murderers could unlock doors so easily. She tried to still her shaking, as the noise of her rifle rattling against her armour was producing a sound that almost deafened her.


    Heavy footsteps thudded slowly inside, and then paused at the closet. She froze as the closet doors were opened, and...


    "Mara!" Thumper cried happily, opening her arms. Quiver sprung into them, never having felt more relieved in her life. Quark- the real Quark, not a murderer pretending to be her- was standing behind them.


    "Good to see you, Quiver. We're heading for the repair bay, and you're not leaving my sight until this murder business is all over and done with."


    Quiver then realised that the part of Thumper she was hugging had a very big dent where there shouldn't have been any. She had miscellaneous other injuries, too, like something had bitten at her and pummelled her into the ground. She looked up with alarm. "E-Ellie, are you okay? You're- You're hurt..."


    "I'm fine," Thumper grinned. "I wrestled a dinosaur!"


    Quiver's eyes grew wide. "You're so c-cool."


    "Thanks, Mara!"


    After Quiver had strapped her rifle to her back they started on their way to the repair bay, but Quiver couldn't keep up as they headed down the halls. She kept hearing noises- everyday, run-of-the-mill noises, but amplified by the sheer silence and stressful situation. Thumper glanced at her. "You all right, Mara?"


    Quark then waved a hand. "Thumper, I believe the situation calls for Mara-1 Formation."


    Thumper grinned before bending her knees enough for Quiver to climb on her back. Quiver was a little embarrassed- especially how her team leader tried to make it less unusual by having actual formation names for 'Quiver's too overwhelmed and/or frightened to move'- but she appreciated the effort. She clutched Thumper's shoulders as the bigger Hero stood.


    "Keep an audial out for danger, Quiver," said Quark, as if she'd just asked them to form rank.


    "Y-Yes," she nodded in response. They kept moving.

  15. IC: Dorothy Quark and Eloise Thumper - Hero Factory


    Quark snorted at Helen's announcement. "Well, we are certainly not staying here."


    "But Quark, they said-"


    Quark gestured to the dent in Thumper's midsection. "First of all, you look like you have just tried to block some rammers with your own body. Second, I am not leaving Quiver alone with a murderer on the loose."


    Thumper's eyes widened. "Mara! She must be scared stiff! But... they did ask us to stay put... Maybe we can find Mara, and then stay put in the repair ward?"


    "Good thinking, Thumper," Quark said with as much sincerity as she could muster in her current mood. Thumper grinned with pride. Quark turned back to the pilot. "... Thank you. For not crashing too badly in Antropolis. Please find somewhere safe, with other people, preferably. The Heroes investigating will have this under control."


    Thumper nodded in agreement. "Thank you for flying me there, again! It was super nice of you."


    OOC: Rammers are a training tool mentioned in the books and are used to train in dodging. They're described as rocket-powered hunks of steel and not desireable to be hit by, for obvious reasons.




    IC: Wilbur Flood - Dropship


    Flood noticed Furno's slightly bored, fed up attitude and sunk in his chair a little. Most non-aquatic Heroes didn't really enjoy being on missions with him, whether it be the inevitable slime everywhere or his obsession with the ocean. He was the one who wanted to smash the turbine, after all, and look where that landed them.


    He was struggling to think of how to apologise for the very dull mission when the call came through from Helen, causing him to sit bolt upright. After a moment, he replied hesitantly, "We... are at least twenty percent sure that was not our doing."


    He sent Furno a worried, slightly panicked look.




    IC: ??? - On Shore of Water


    He smiled, and said, "Well, we may as well get this over with, hm? Ha ha."


    He walked in again and this time was ready for the drop. He waited for the Heroes to take the lead.

  16. IC: Wilbur Flood - With Furno


    Flood nodded. "While machine-made wrecks can be a haven for many marine creatures- some sunken ships can become the base of a new coral reef in the right conditions, for example- I wouldn't put it past this thing to leak oil and whatever else was crammed into it everywhere. Besides, it's large enough to possibly be a hindrance to creatures trying to get upstream."


    Once they were done with the rocks, Flood climbed back on the ship, ready to go. As with most places he frequented for an extended amount of time, slime was beginning to form small puddles here. He tried not to feel embarrassed; it wasn't like he could control it.


    OOC: Okay, just so I don't get confused later: the turbine, as I understand it, is in a location that allows it to be fully covered by water, but is in the mouth of the estuary, correct?




    IC: ??? - With Striker


    He glanced to the dry Hero. "This time, I think I will stay with you for a while."

  17. OOC: Okay I have another member of Quark's Hero Team. I was gonna introduce her next mission, but with a murderer prowling around it'd be out of character for Quark not to check in on her. She's the one who used to be named 'Trigger', as a matter of fact.


    Hero Profile:  
    Name: Mara Quiver

     and Abilities: Quiver is specialised as a sharpshooter, with all the highly sensitive sensors and pinpoint accuracy it entails. When everything is quiet and still, she is incredible with long-distance weaponry.

    She's quite quick and nimble, being very good at dodging enemy fire while scrambling to a safe spot to shoot from. She's also decent at hiding.

    She is learning some code and basic computer knowledge from another member of the team, but she's not very good at it yet.

     Quiver carries a long-distance laser rifle with her name carved into the butt of it. She has a smaller blaster for more close-range combat.

     Quiver is small and often stands in a slouch, drawn into herself. Her colours are dull greys and greens, which she is fond of, but her Hero Core and eyes are a very vivid, eye-catching red, much to her disappointment. She is very lean, made for long-distance striking more than up-close confrontations. Here's a mouse-drawn MSPaint picture of her, as per the tradition, wearing an expression I like to call "It's Photo Day And I Couldn't Stop Worrying About How It Would Look Even As They Took It".

    Bio: Quiver, the rookie of the bunch, joined the team relatively recently, after some time of no team wanting to take her in. Thumper and Flood befriended her and convinced Quark to allow her to join the team. She's very grateful to her team and her friends for taking her in.

    Quiver is very shy and jumpy. Her ultra-tuned sensors work against her in that way; while she can feel the breeze shift ever so slightly and plan her shot accordingly, she will also be startled by loud noises in her vicinity and sometimes even by the sound of her own gun. She is constantly anxious that she will be kicked out of Hero Factory for her self-perceived cowardice, though she genuinely loves helping people and being a Hero. She seeks to improve herself any way she can, and looks up to her teammates- they are some of the few people she feels comfortable around.

    She is trained for non-lethal shots, and greatly prefers them over the alternative. Outside of Hero business, she takes great delight in painting miniature figures- since she has very steady hands and there is no one shooting at her, she's quite good at it.

    • Upvote 2
  18. IC: Dorothy Quark - Hero Factory


    Quark's glare softened, but only by a microscopic amount. "Save the report for later. If there's a murderer, you need to get somewhere safe. Some document being submitted on time is not worth your life."




    IC: ??? - With Striker and Vex


    The explosion made him give a startled yell, toppling backwards but catching himself before he could fall. It was taking every ounce of his concentration to stay in character. He turned to the Hero, biting back quite a few insults, and gave a chuckle. "Goodness, that was quite a scare!"

  19. IC: Dorothy Quark - Not Having A Great Day


    Quark's helmet flipped open, and though she still looked like she was about ready to rip someone's head off, she was at least not shouting. She glanced at Jade, but didn't shoo her away. She seemed more interested in what Zib had said.


    As she moved the ship, she said to Thumper, "You're not leaving my side once we're in there. Understood?"


    "Yes, Quark," she nodded, looking troubled. "A murderer... That's so terrible!"


    Quark brought the ship down in the hangar and climbed out. She turned to Jade, her gaze cold. Then, finally, she said, "I will not be having you written up... this time."

  20. IC: ??? - With Vex and Striker


    He clambered out of the water, incredibly annoyed behind the masterful expression of cheeriness he wore. He was pretty sure the Heroes were just messing with him now. But what was the point? Weren't these guys meant to be professionals? He wiped his face, shook the water from his arms and said, in a voice that kept bright through rigorous training, "Well, that was a nice swim. Why are we leaving the water?"




    IC: Wilbur Flood - Dropship


    Flood aided in removing the rocks, still bothered and confused. "Maybe they were underground? But, again, why?"


    He shook his head. "Maybe we should investigate the wreck. It would give our new companion time to catch up with us, in any case."


    If it was a power source for the city, somehow, he was pretty sure Quark was going to remove his television access for a month, at the least. There was a documentary on deep-sea crustaceans he wanted to catch next week, too. He really, really hoped it was all one big coincidence.




    IC: Dorothy Quark and Eloise Thumper - Ship


    Thumper saw the iconic Assembly Tower through the window and couldn't help but smile. She turned to look at Quark, who had not said a word since they departed and was now flicking switches in a very abrupt manner. Then, she paused. Thumper asked uncertainly, "Is everything all right?"


    Quark took a very, very deep cycle of air. She then, with unnecessary force, turned a dial and fiddled with the components until they made a gentle landing in a nearby park. She sat, unmoving. Thumper hesitantly climbed out of her seat. "Quark?"


    "They've raised the shield," Quark said dully. Then, all at once, her expression exploded into the deepest, most intense rage Thumper had ever seen on anything. "Well isn't that just PERFECT! Just what this day needed, really! EXCELLENT!"


    She started shouting a string of curses, and Thumper learned about three new ones before Quark snapped her helmet into place, muffling the noise. Thumper decided that her team leader needed a moment and went back to Jade.


    "Uh, was the shield up when we left?" Thumper asked. "I don't remember it going up behind us."

  21. IC: Wilbur Flood - Uh Oh


    Flood had climbed on board the ship by this point, gloves removed and put away, and was wringing his hands, nervously glancing from Furno to the open door and back again. "It... It can't have been. I don't understand. If it were, it would be in a facility, with other turbines. It was out in the open, by itself. No environmental board worth their Galactic Wildlife Society approval certification would allow such a death machine to be made where it can kill so much wildlife like that. Not only that, but it would have worn down and stopped completely in a matter of years- months, even- with all that detritus attached to the blades. It can't have been us. Could it?"




    IC: ??? - In Water


    He kept a safe distance from that turbine. The longer he stayed with these Heroes, the more he questioned the wisdom of travelling with them. He'd take his chances outside if that Hero wasn't waiting at the water's edge. And, he supposed, if there were no brained beasts around. Still, he didn't like the look of those blades. He stayed far behind the Hero and his beastly friend.

  22. IC: ??? - In Water


    Not expecting the drop, he fell forwards rather ungracefully with a splash and a yelp. Underwater, he opened his eyes, but apart from the light from the beast with the Hero, it seemed rather dim. He swam towards the Hero. Better to be around a guy paid to protect the innocent than by himself in a dark pool.




    IC: Wilbur Flood - Estuary


    Flood laughed at Furno's 'all wet' joke. "Well, I doubt such a weak tide would move such heavy stones, but we may as well move them back. They're good shelter. Not so much in drier parts of the beach, but they shelter animals like crabs. If they had been in rockpools or other, damper areas, that would have been a different story. Chitons and sea urchins are among many organisms that make use of stones for shelter."


    He considered the rocks on the ocean floor before swimming for the dropship. "I'm sure we can leave these three here, at least for now. I won't be able to get them on the ship."




    IC: Dorothy Quark - Ship


    Quark hung up the call and, with a last glance at Thumper, walked slowly to the ship's console. She dropped herself into the seat and did a rudimentary check on the systems. She paused at a certain dial, and turned to the pilot. Without breaking eye contact, she slowly corrected the dial before starting the ship's engines. She turned back without a word.




    IC: Eloise Thumper - Ship


    Thumper leaned over to Jade. "She didn't yell at you. Maybe... maybe you cheered her up a little?" She smiled hopefully.


    She was not sure if Quark was okay or not. On the one hand, she wasn't frowning or yelling, but on the other, the deathly silence and strange, tight-lipped expression she wore made her worry a little.

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  23. IC: Wilbur Flood - Estuary


    Flood ceased doing flips and twirls. "I... suppose. Shall I return to the ship and dump the rest of them in the water? It should be all right. It didn't look like anything was using them for shelter back on the beach."




    IC: ??? - Near The Pool


    He glanced at where the Hero had dived in, and then at the Hero still waiting on the shore with him. He had a very, very bad feeling about this pool of water. Nevertheless, it was this or wait at the shore forever. He sighed, stepped in, and followed after the Hero, though at a slower pace.

  24. IC: Eloise Thumper - Dropship


    Thumper's eyes widened in horror and she grabbed the pilot's shoulders. "No, you have to fix it! I already made such a big mess and Quark's gonna have to write reports and stuff about it already, it's not fair she has to deal with the gimble-thingies too!"




    OOC: Dangit, knew I missed something. Sorry, Nato.


    IC: ??? - With Vex


    He sighed sadly. "I was hoping I misheard."

  25. IC: Dorothy Quark - Market


    After waiting a good long while, she finally lost patience. "Fine! I'll do it myself. Leave you to your lollygagging."


    She regretted not being able to hang up any more forcibly than sending a very aggressive signal. She stomped back to the ship to see the other two already strapped in and ready to go. She stood at Thumper's side. "Let me look at your communications database."


    Thumper could do that, at least. Quark had to hold her arm device almost against the Hero's head, it was murder trying to get a signal through all that armour plating. Finally, she got access to it. It didn't take very long to find the call from earlier in the day and download it to her device.


    "Let's hear this guy," she grumbled, setting up the audio file. "Mission Control is going to want to know if there's an imitator out there talented enough to fool Heroes."


    She stepped back and turned up the volume, expecting a masterful rendition of Nathaniel Zib's voice. A bellowing, growly, bombastic voice exploded from the little device's speaker instead.


    "La--er, Eloise Thumper! It's the one, the only, ZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIB! ahem. According to my missionawhatzit, there's something evil goin' down in the Antropolis Market Square. Be there, or you'll be the square here. Erm. Zib out."


    Quark didn't speak for a few moments. She stared at the floor, and then at the roof, cycling deep breaths of air. She closed her eyes, counted to ten, and then opened them to stare at Thumper. There was no rage in her expression, not yet. She just neutrally waited for an explanation.


    "I thought he sounded sick," Thumper offered. "He's not usually as hoarse."


    Quark's eyes closed again. She turned, took two steps away, and called Mission Control.


    "Zib. It's Quark again. Never mind about the imitator calling Thumper. There is nothing to worry about. I will include the sound file in the report. Which I want to never be mentioned again. I will contact the city and Thumper will pay them for the damage to the marketplace."




    IC: Eloise Thumper - Confused


    Thumper leaned over to the pilot and whispered, "Did that... not sound like Zib to you? I mean, the guy on the other end said he was Zib, so..."


    OOC: A big thank you to Dina Saruyama for supplying me with an Original 100% Official T. Pecs Recorded Message. That's right, folks, this was a collaborative effort.

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