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Posts posted by ZippyWharrgarbl

  1. IC: Wilbur Flood - Estuary


    Flood quickly swam around to the Jaw Beast's head and bopped the brain's spines with his fist to free the beast. "There you go."


    Oh, and as for the romance thing: in case anyone didn't know, there is absolutely romance referenced in the canon. In the radio podcast, Hero Factory: The Musical had a romance subplot about Breez pining for Furno. For some reason. In a later episode, the actual Breez clarifies she is not romantically interested in any of her teammates. So it's a thing that can happen.


    OOC: I know it technically is allowed, but like I said, I can't really wrap my head around the idea that that would even be a possibility for super commando robots. Just saying. :P

    OOC: They're sentient, and they can have friends, so I don't see what the issue is there. On your train of thought, why would you give super commando robots personalities, or feelings, or the emotional capability to have close friends?


    That said, your preference is your preference, mate, and you don't have to have romance even remotely linked to any of your characters either way this turns out. So I guess my opinion is, since romance is a canon thing, you can have it as a thing for your characters or not. Kind of like the on and off robot food deal we have going.


    ALSO: Can't believe I forgot, romance is already confirmed for the Hero Factory RPG. It was mentioned earlier that Nex is a flirt, which is definitely a romance thing. So Dina, yeah, romance is canon here.

  3. OOC: If the listening devices are so small, how is he gonna carry them over there without dropping any? It sounds like he's going to be carrying the equivalent of a bunch of coins over to a radio thing- and, if there's a bunch, he'll probably need two hands for it. Additionally, I'm assuming that that's going to make noise; in fact, moving them in the first place probably made noise, but I think someone mentioned that possibly being misconstrued for moving furniture around.


    Oh, and as for the romance thing: in case anyone didn't know, there is absolutely romance referenced in the canon. In the radio podcast, Hero Factory: The Musical had a romance subplot about Breez pining for Furno. For some reason. In a later episode, the actual Breez clarifies she is not romantically interested in any of her teammates. So it's a thing that can happen.



    IC: Wilbur Flood - Estuary


    He definitely did not think that through, but he sure wasn't going to let an innocent creature get sucked into that death machine because of his actions. He snatched the Jaw Beast's hind leg, dropping his harpoon in the process- he could fetch it later- and pulled back with all his might. He may not have been built for physical strength, but he was a strong swimmer.

  5. IC: Wilbur Flood - Estuary


    Flood swam towards the beast, as if to meet it head-on, but rolled to the side at the last minute, hoping the creature would stun itself on the electric field or at the very least waste a few precious seconds turning around so he could get at the brain enslaving it.

  6. IC: ??? - With The Babysitting Club


    "None taken," he said with a smile and a wave of the hand. "I am rather keen to get back to the city, though. I appreciate your taking time out of what is no doubt a very important mission to help me."

  7. IC: Wilbur Flood - Estuary


    That was simply awful. Hydroelectric turbines, when made by good, sensible people who did their research, were perfectly harmless to the environment and especially often had a means of keeping the wildlife out of its blades- often, there was a building around it, so workers could keep track of and repair the machines. Having it out in the open, where any matter of aquatic life could be sucked in, was dreadful. He frowned at the corpses- those would no doubt attract more wildlife, thus drawing more creatures in- and shook his head. He doubted this thing was meant for generating power efficiently- if not for its placement, there was also the fact that the dead creatures would gum up the machine in time.


    "I don't think whoever made this had any kind of official approval," he muttered to himself.


    He turned to look for brained creatures- and saw the Jaw Beast headed right for him. He drew his harpoon and kicked a little closer to the turbine- if possible, perhaps he could use the electric field to stun the beast long enough to get the brain off him.


    OOC: Hitting the field won't kill larger creatures like Jaw Beasts, will it? I mean, since there's dead fish in the turbine, they had to get over there. Unless they were just pulled in after the fact.

  8. IC: Eloise Thumper - Pretty Proud of Herself Right Now


    Thumper glanced over to the pilot with a start. "Oh! Uh... Well, that might be a good idea. But I might have more to do here, I don't know. Thank you so much for your help today, though!"


    She offered the pilot a bright grin before turning away to sign some autographs. She didn't think this was meant to be her secret mission, since T. Pecs wasn't robbing anyone or doing anything super illegal in challenging her, as far as she knew. After the crowd had died down, maybe she would call Zib and ask what her secret mission entailed.


    OOC: Quick reminder that Thumper still has no idea that Zib was not the one who sent her to the planet. T. Pecs' terrible Zib impression is simply that convincing.




    IC: Wilbur Flood - Ocean


    Flood nodded and dove in, rolling out of the way of the Jaw Beast and heading for the energy source. He theorised he would be safe from rogue electricity charges with his slime, but he wanted to scope out the area before getting close enough for that to happen.




    OOC: What are we waiting on with Vex's group, by the way? I've forgotten.

  9. IC: Eloise Thumper - Like The Ending Of Godzilla


    Thumper's smile turned brighter, and she waved. "I sure hope not."


    Now that she wasn't trying to wrangle a T. rex into the dirt, she noticed she was pretty banged up. The dent in her middle was a bit more severe than she'd first thought, for one. There were a few other dings and dents she hadn't noted before, either. She paused. Was this the mission she was meant to go on? She assumed so, she hadn't seen anything else she had to fight. But... it was a little odd to do a secret mission in front of an audience, and cameras. She gave a grin and a slightly uncertain wave to the crowd.




    IC: Wilbur Flood - Dropship


    Flood climbed out of his seat and headed for the door. "Good idea. Maybe-" he nearly slipped, but steadied himself in time- "Maybe this time, we could try luring them away from the group."


    He paused. He looked outside, at the beasts. "... Oh. Um, Furno? We've got company here."

  10. IC: Dorothy Quark - Hero Factory


    Quark, who had settled down to finish off some reports, was silent for a moment, her mouth set in a firm line. Then, she replied, "Thumper left earlier, telling me she had been sent on a mission. An urgent one, by the sounds of it. I assume you would know more about it than I do. But no, I have not authorised anything, much less heard word from her since she left. Are you sure she's not just wrangling whichever villain she was sent for? She is very hands-on. Perhaps whoever complained mistook it for recreational wrestling."




    IC: Eloise Thumper - A Dinosaur Story


    Thumper grinned, going to stomp down on one of the prosthetics to the wild cheers of the crowd. This reptile had insulted her beyond belief, had the audacity to challenge her, and...


    And smashing his arm wouldn't change any of that.


    She glanced over to the crowd in a slight daze, stepping back from the arm. La Puno de Hierro drained her anger from her body, and Eloise Thumper looked back to her opponent. He was down. That's all that mattered. To further the fight would be against the spirit of the sport.


    "I won't," she said, and even managed to smile. Only a little, though. He had still been very rude to her. "But this is over."




    OOC: Okay, before I go assuming yet again: Can Flood see the Jaw Beasts if he looks in the water from the dropship? Also: These are brained beasts, right?


    • Upvote 2
  11. IC: Eloise Thumper - No One Puts T Rex In The Corner


    He was fallen, he was prone. She performed a full bodyslam, executed to textbook perfection. This was what she had trained for.

  12. IC: Eloise Thumper - Clever Girl


    Thumper pushed against his force with all her might, hydraulics screaming in protest. She was going to win. She was going to smack down this dinosaur and stand victorious over him to the scream of the crowd. But first, she had to get there. He was strong, on par with her, and grappling like this wasn't going to get her far. But now that she was here, how was she going to end it without relinquishing her-


    She grinned.


    And let him continue pushing forward as she dropped down.

    • Upvote 1
  13. IC: Eloise Thumper - This Time, It's Personal


    Thumper pounded her fists together, and then raced forwards to hand-to-hand grapple with T. Pecs. Her gaze was as steely as her resolve to win as she glared him down.

  14. IC: Eloise Thumper - The Idiot Hero


    "And yet, it's still terrible." Thumper charged, aiming to crash tackle T. Pecs' leg with a guttural yell.

  15. IC: Eloise Thumper - Attack of the Luchadores


    Thankfully, Thumper bounced a few times before landing in the crowd in the lap of a grey-armoured robot, so she didn't crush the poor person. She jumped to her feet and marched back towards the T. rex without so much as a glance back, though she bellowed, "Don't think you've won yet! And don't you endanger the lives of our audience for your amateur moves!"



    OOC: The robot Thumper landed on is Silvia Raine. Hopefully she is less bored by the dinosaur wrestling match before her now.

  16. IC: Eloise Thumper - Return of the Reference


    Thumper was jostled towards his jaws, though she managed to give his back a heavy thump with her fist in doing so.

  17. IC: Eloise Thumper - Ruiner of References


    His teeth ripped at her arm but didn't catch, and she hoisted herself up. She waited until he fell forwards again, lined up her strike, and performed an elbow drop into his back.

  18. IC: Eloise Thumper - That Movie With Robots In It That Was Literally Titled 'Robots'


    The tail struck her, sending her flying yet again, but she was back on her feet in an instant. "I'm not calling you brave, yellow-belly!"


    It looked like this fight could go on for a while, until one or both combatants fell in exhaustion. She had to find an edge. Her gaze zeroed in on the tiny arms clicking furiously at a control panel on his chest. She had to hit that panel.


    Her gaze lifted. No. Not yet. First, he would feel humiliating defeat by her hands, with the advantage of his fists. Then, she would take that from him, even if it was temporary, in vengeance.


    She roared again, and this time when she jumped there was no accompanying strike; she attempted to find purchase on his back in order to climb up.

  19. IC: Eloise Thumper - Rockin' Robo


    The kick sent her skidding across the ground, finally rolling to a stop by some tables and chairs. The chairs could fold. She grinned and grabbed one, running straight for T. Pecs. "Don't you run from me!"


    She then proceeded to jump and attempt to bring the chair down on his flank.

  20. IC: Eloise Thumper - Me Too But I'm Afraid Of What Will Happen If We Stop


    Thumper dropped to the ground and backed up. Once he was up, she ran, using her momentum to slide under his belly, roll to her feet and uppercut it with a shout.

  21. IC: Eloise Thumper - Pacific Rim Only The Evil Critter Is A T Rex


    The impact was hard. Thumper actually thought she might have felt her Hero Core rattle. She threw his leg off and rolled to a crouch before quickly assessing the damage; a very nasty dent in her torso. Well, she was still moving, she'd be fine for as long as it took to crush this dinosaur like a trash compactor.


    While he was still climbing to his feet, she yelled and ran at him, jumping from the ground to deliver a knee to his chin.

  22. IC: Eloise Thumper - Five Pistons of Fury


    As soon as she hit the ground, she was scrambling to get up again. Being down made you prone, and she really couldn't afford that right now.

  23. IC: Eloise Thumper - Rage Against The Machine, But You Are Also A Machine So The Saying Loses Some Of Its Punch


    His jaws were yanked from her hands, but she used the opening to attempt to use both fists to punch him in the side of the snout.

  24. IC: Eloise Thumper - Crouching T Rex Hidden Robot


    She, in turn, grabbed his jaws- one in each hand- and attempted to force him sideways.


    "Nope," she grunted, feet digging into the pavement. "Wanted to know what kind of place sold such filthy-looking things. Or maybe it's just because you're wearing them!"

  25. OOC: They're selling popcorn because it's robot popcorn, duh.


    IC: Wilbur Flood - Dropship


    Flood frowned. "I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that's due to the brains, not the beasts. Which means this must be something they want. Or, maybe it's new. I couldn't see it on the map, and without it this seems to be an ideal spot for fish to feed."

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