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Status Updates posted by Icicle

  1. This isn't ####### where you can post anythign and cuss. Since this site is for 7-12 yr olds mainly. Parents wouldn't like it otherwise. Hope ya understand bro.

  2. EPIC SIG. took me a few looks to know what it was, but still EPIC.

  3. How is posting a MOC here confusing? It's easier than MOCpages IMO.

  4. Hi I'm Jtm8924 from YT You should post your MOCs here.

  5. What do you use for lighting on you MOCs?

  6. Epic sig note, my bro is so annoying with those jokes.

  7. You have a pretty epic band on your sig.

  8. Your Welcome.

  9. Welcome to Bzpower, hope you enjoy your stay. Be courtious to the Mods and Forum leaders, they are your friends. =)

  10. Did you start the Nitronian fad? Anyways I think you mite like my MOCs, I'm jtm8924 on YT

  11. ou're devastator rocks! You must be good at colossal MOCs.

  12. Greg, please read my topic, New Axles, It has a great idea for you, it saves you money, and makes us happy.

  13. Your sig is way too big, an Admin is probably going to remove it.


  15. I thought they were lazy because for the reasons in my topic. I thought creators could build whatever they want.

  16. In the topic, People told me that te creators had a limit. I always though they could build whatever they want. So I made the topic.

  17. Oh yeah, thanks for apologizing for the mean comment.

  18. How would a question offend you? Did you create the bionicles?

  19. Why did you make such a harsh post in my topic?

  20. I added a comment to myself :P

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