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Status Updates posted by ~Hihkan

  1. "That account is a generic Administrator account used for performing upgrades and other maintenance." -B6 There.

  2. do you like waffles?

  3. Eternal joys. Just clean up when your done.

  4. for those who are my slaves, there is a new pikmin RPG up, i command you to go. JK! :lol:

  5. Hai thar! Sorry, I've been busy procrastinating...

  6. hello. What do you think of tha amaja-ables? They're kinda like a mini-you. lol

  7. Hey, any ideazorz for the new RPG?

  8. Hey, you can't say it isn't amusing? :P

  9. Hi rogwiz... *eats pikachu*

  10. Hi! How did the thing go??

  11. Hihkan, you are awesome!

  12. Hihkan, you rule! You shou;d be world leader!

  13. I am touched to hear people think my name is orignial ^_^

  14. i command you to post the new RPG, or i will feed you to my pet Bulborb... His name is Scruffy

  15. I expect Det to like my Personal Statement.

  16. I know... I have a decent collection. I just don't have it in my sig. lol

  17. I really don't thinkg the ideas for the RPG are realistic in this case. *grabs root beer, runs off with*

  18. I was, but Pikachu's tail is longer; easier to cut off XD .

  19. I'm thinking about taking a break from comic making, and helping you guys... It'd require less of my time. ^_^

  20. It was nessesscary. Who didn't see it coming?

  21. like my new pic? LoL

  22. LoL. That's one way to put it...

  23. nah, pikachu's pokemon's icon, so pikachu it is! And Gira, it's not a saga. The saga is about sumthing else.

  24. not much zoo, just contemplating 09. ^_^

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