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Miss Magpi

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Miss Magpi

  1. XD the brooms~ niceeeee!! Garland looks so awesome!! Great Job on these hun!
  2. Miss Magpi

    Lego Chocobo

    Oh Em Gee~!!!!! Thats so cute ^^
  3. Very, very, very, weird..... BUT you loved it!! Pyooon~ Glad you had a good day. Save your energy... the real celebrating starts next weekend ;D
  4. I'll have to get a pic of what they really look like! They are so beautiful and I love that vase <3 You are so wonderfully sweet and made everyone at work jealous
  5. You have too much spare time. I cant even try to read all of this but we discussed most of it and i agree with you.
  6. It depends on the state you live in and what type of job you want. In our state, if you are under the age of 16 you are required to have working papers for companies that don't pay under the table. Some exceptions to the laws have to do with family owned businesses and such and it gets complicated. Other than that most places just wont hire until you are 16. If you are younger than that, I might suggest working as a busboy at a restaurant that pays under the table. That was my first "real" job at 14 and the money is good.
  7. I'm glad you like it hun! I wish I could have afforded the theater poster sized one We'll have to sneak into the Kendall theater and steal you one
  8. This is one thing i can totally agree with you. i work in a PHARMACY and people treat us like we are a service desk and get ticked off when we have no idea where gillete fusion razors are and what the sale on them is this week. I deal with this every day. The only way to cope is to learn your store over time and "try" to help.
  9. Miss Magpi

    Tricky Cops

    Yeah... because you do so much work at my house sleeping ;D
  10. Hey hun, I like your new avie but her shoulder blades freak me out!

  11. Miss Magpi


    But it is mmm mmm good! We need to stock more of a variety at CVS so i can have more options for lunch!
  12. Hello to you too.

  13. Better than CVS who just plain steals your soul
  14. Miss Magpi

    My Spoils

    Take a picture in a mirror
  15. Thanks for sanding my living room!

  16. I don't. Am I not allowed to view people's profiles?

  17. Omi as in Omicron. He is a staff member of BZPower. Moderates Sets mainly and he writes news reports.

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