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Status Updates posted by Phovos

  1. I don't read blogs. And I only vote for people I know. So don't spam up my comments with 'VOTE FOR ME' rubbish. Also, you have now caused me to spam up my own comments.

  2. I eat anything...

  3. I forgive Master Zeidak, I think. Thanks Michalanthropos.

    -Phovos the Raptor

  4. I forgot to say Happy Birthday to you! *gets hit in the face with Koontay's cake*

  5. I has a new banner, avie and personal pic!

  6. I hate Master Zeidak (kidding). Please ignore him.

    Although you don't if you don't want to.

  7. I have diabetes. Yay!

    I bet an insulin pump is better than 4 injections a day... But I don't like the idea of having an injection attached to me 24/7.

    Anyway, what are your plans for taking over the diabetic world?

  8. I have started an EPIC! Woo hoo!

  9. I haven't got any 2009 sets either.

    Also, I'm gonna eat you.

  10. I hope you're not scared of me...

    1. Sumiki


      No, that's Phovophobia.


      (aaaaaaaaaa ;_;)

  11. I just rated you and now you have five stars!!!


  12. I like your banner. VERY nice.


  13. I LOVE CO'ATH!! Well, because he made me a prem mem.

    Being a prem mem is cool.

  14. I LOVE RADIOHEAD! I've seen them in concert.

    I just can't remember who you are...

  15. I loved your comment on my commedy! I've added more...

  16. I might be fooling you, I might not. Who knows?

    And for those few who have asked stupid things like 'Will you go out with me?' I am so gonna eat you.

  17. I never knew that there was a Kardas Dragon called Kohrak Kal. By the way, Kohrak Kal is reading this over my shoulder, and doesn't like your name, but I told him that he is stupid.

  18. I never said ANYTHING about living in Turkey!! I live in the Republic of Cyprus. The Turkish invaded northern Cyprus in 1974, and they are the only country in the world to recognise Northern Cyprus as their own land.

    My grandmother is a refugee from Northern Cyprus.

  19. I never siad anything. I did say that I was a girl, though.

    And if anyone asks to go on a date, they'd better say goodbye to their heads.

  20. I thought I was a stupid cypriot Raptor who noone cared about. Thanks, Co'ath!

  21. I visited your profile!!

  22. I wanna eat something! Koontay, you said that you would use that avatar I made for BW!

  23. I was about to say... Macku REALLY doesn't suite you....

    Why don't you call yourself Kopaka the Raptor?

  24. I was looking at my Friends list, and wondered who you were!!!

    Why did you have to go and change your name? I liked it!


  25. I wonder if you like Linkin Park?

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