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Solaris: Electric Sentinel

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Status Updates posted by Solaris: Electric Sentinel

  1. "History is written by the victor. History is filled with liars." John Price

  2. Ctrl Alt Delete. Words to live by, friend.

  3. Finally back for the summer. Ah... I should get outside more.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Good to see you back, old friend. XP


      You can interact with my chars if you'd like. Most are in Le-Wahi, at Pala-Koro. And if you'd prefer for me to come to you, I have a Toa of Stone I can send anywhere.

  4. I just wanna know who's behind white chocolate. I mean, it's not really all that white, and if you know how normal chocolate is created you can't even call it chocolate. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just wondering who's behind all the rather short-sighted product names around here.

  5. I once was told to write a heartfelt message... oh, if only I had a heart.

  6. I wrote something on the 3rd of July, now I'm writing something on the 5th of July. Can't you just smell the patriotism?

    1. toa newnia

      toa newnia

      patriotism shmatriotism, my friend

  7. If you look REAL close at the sun, you'll be able to see that it IS smiling. [suppresses an evil chuckle]

    1. Mef Man

      Mef Man

      Kids, stay away from this evil man! "places arms around the innocent children"


  8. People say life is short and you might get hit by a bus, so live like it's your last day. Life is LONG. You probably won't get hit by a bus, and you'll have to live with the mistakes you make for the rest of your life because you figured that the only thing on the road that can hit you is a bus.

  9. Was walking down the road one day when it suddenly hit me. So I sued the idea for assault. That should teach those pesky thoughts a lesson.

  10. What do you mean we don't have time machines? We've had time machines for years! Yes, clocks! What, you've never noticed that they tell time? AND, they're machines. Ergo: time machines. Ignorant humans.

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