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Protax: Protodermis Master

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Everything posted by Protax: Protodermis Master

  1. Hey peeps! Let it be known for anyone visiting here that I do not come online very frequently these days. But I may be contributing to the Epic Legacy of the sword.

  2. Wassup Levvi! Haven't talked to you in a while.

  3. Yo, how come your never on AIM anymore? I guess I don't much either, but When I do you are never there.

  4. lol you were so eager for me to come back to BFC. Did you come back after you left! NO!

    jk but at least we are both here and happy at BFC.

  5. Hey Levvy! I just got Mario Kart Wii! Maybe we can play sometime if you have it. Btw, Did you see the toyfair pics? Looks like lots of vehicles/titans are comin our way! Btw, GET ON AIM!

  6. Happy Birthday, Iranu!

    DO i HAVE to get you a present? I'm broke!

  7. Hey Levvy! I'm back! And you can thank the Glatorian! They are AWESOME! Why aren't you on AIM anymore?

  8. Hey Levvy! GO on AIM more! I am going to try to make an acount on MapleStory!

  9. What the...? OH NO!!! IT IS THE HEADLESS BARRAHKSHI!!!!! OMG!!

  10. Welcome back from your vacation Levvy!

  11. I VOTE FOR RESEV!!!!!! WOOO!!!!! Sweet, I'm the tiebreaker.
  12. Well. i mean the mods wont let you be protodermis. Geez, you replied really slow. No offense. Do you have an epic for ToP?

  13. Your turn for a LOTS chapter Takhan!

  14. Im making my first songfic now!

  15. Whoa Haru! Your Eki now? Are you still making a story for Toa Haru?

  16. So is Iranu doing his Lots chapter?

  17. I GOT ICARAX!!! WOO!!!! lol :P

    Now i have every 2008 set. Except the summer sets of course.

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