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Blog Entries posted by ~Allegretto~

  1. ~Allegretto~
    So they fixed Granny's hip?
    I can never understand what Granny Smith is saying XD
    those trees
    That there's a broom.
    She's not Pipsqueak, she's Apple Bloom!
    Wait, Apple Bloom = Ppipsqueak?
    Filthy Rich? XD
    Oh Diamond Tiara.
    Apple Bloom with a bonnet... I like this.
    Woah Lily's voice.
    Granny Smith is scary.
    Lol astrophysics on the blackboard.
    Why aren't Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle... not background characters?
    That was shocki-- *shot*
    Oh yay CMC!
    Oh my God Granny Smith with those jars. Reminds me of Meet the Soldier, lol.
    When did the clubhouse get a second floor? And why hasn't Apple Bloom gotten her cutie mark for it?
    I like how no one cares about Sweetie Belle getting electrocuted.
    Those ropes aren't suspicious at all.
    Those apples O.O
    How is she talking with a map in her mouth?
    I like the sepia.
    Lol Granny's mom.
    Woah timberwolves.
    Well that explains rainbow cupakes in a non-grimdark way.
    So Ponyville always had that train? Hmm.
    I forget things all the time!

  2. ~Allegretto~
    So I was browsing pony blogs and I saw Ask Posey was doing a livestream and I decided to join just because. Not only did I find a member of the pony forums I go on, but a moderator on the Keroro forums I went on before they went all intolerant-anti-brony and everything. Apparently she also runs the Ask Star Swirl blog too, and now I'm in a Skype call with her in the pony blog group that all the pony blog people go on and it's cool. B)
  3. ~Allegretto~
    Larghissimo — very, very slow (20 bpm and below)
    Grave — slow and solemn (20–40 bpm)
    Lento — slowly (40–60 bpm)
    Largo — broadly (40–60 bpm)
    Larghetto — rather broadly (60–66 bpm)
    Adagio — slow and stately (literally, "at ease") (66–76 bpm)
    Adagietto — rather slow (70–80 bpm)
    Andante moderato — a bit slower than andante
    Andante — at a walking pace (76–108 bpm)
    Andantino – slightly faster than andante
    Moderato — moderately (108–120 bpm)
    Allegretto — moderately fast (but less so than allegro)
    Allegro moderato — moderately quick (112–124 bpm)
    Allegro — fast, quickly and bright (120–168 bpm)
    Vivace — lively and fast (≈140 bpm) (quicker than allegro)
    Vivacissimo — very fast and lively
    Allegrissimo — very fast
    Presto — very fast (168–200 bpm)
    Prestissimo — extremely fast (more than 200bpm)

    Thank you Wikipedia.
  4. ~Allegretto~
    No one I talk to outside here has any idea about pony music...
    And then two people on a chat I go on didn't know who Not A Clever Pony was, then completely hated FTNLR when I showed it to them.
    I feel alone. ;_;
  5. ~Allegretto~
    You can make anything more interesting simply by adding the phrase "with ponies" at the end of it.
    For example::
    Sports... with ponies!
    Politics... with ponies!
    Being bored... with ponies!
    Source: Official My Little Pony topic
    Now what to name this law... Hmm.
  6. ~Allegretto~
    So I'm in the chat for the top 100 pony songs thing that's going on right now.
    "Number 20, For The New Lunar Republic by Not A Clever Pony!"
    Same thing happened with orchestral Nightmare Night and CMC dubstep XD
    Edit: Sunshine and Celery Stalks. Chat immediately speeds up to the speed of light because everyone is saying "OMG YES PPS"
    Source: Official My Little Pony topic
    Edit edit: We're in the top 10 now... EVERY SINGLE SONG IS CAUSING A CHAT EXPLOSION HALP
  7. ~Allegretto~
    ... but because I only got two and a half hours of sleep last night because of homework, I ended up sleeping in front of it for a few hours while my computer slipped into a coma.
    In other news, that homework was a video project that I had to upload to a certain video site, and because I had one pony picture and Princess Luna's Lullaby (Aftermath) as the background music, EVERY SINGLE SUGGESTION WAS PONIES.
  8. ~Allegretto~
    >Too much dubstep
    >Rather, not enough orchestral
    I mean, Glaze was on there like 5 times. NACP? 1. And Eurobeat Brony only twice.
    Plus, JackleApp did Griffin Village. JackleApp is not Griffin Village. Ugh.
  9. ~Allegretto~
    Is being spent frantically writing college essays two days before they're due. (And complaining about it here, it seems.)
    I dunno, I just haven't really felt that holiday spirit this year. I didn't really care about Christmas that much, and I kinda feel the same way right now. That might be those applications constantly hanging a dark cloud over my head, but still.



    On another note, I'm considering changing my name because I've switched from FO:E to Ask Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie (
    ), but I don't really know what. Suggestions?

  10. ~Allegretto~
    >Wake up at 11:30 in the morning after going to bed at 2
    Okay tonight I am totally going to go to bed before 11.
    Well, maybe midnight
    In other news I found out my tablet has an alarm so I set it to 6 AM and put it as loud as possible so Find a Pet (Candy Mix) will actually wake me up unlike NPR.
  11. ~Allegretto~
    I'm planning (which means it may never get done ) to play a medley of a ton of songs this fandom has done (on flute), so I want to have like 2 songs from each major artist. Right now I'm thinking (asterisked is "idunnolol i'll just put this here"):
    Eurobeat Brony: Luna and So Many Wonders (EuroSky Mix)* (or Cupcakes (Sweetbeat Mix), I don't really know which)
    PinkiePieSwear: Flutterwonder and Giggle at the Ghostly (Simple Joy Mix)
    JackleApp: Summer and Autumn*
    WoodenToaster: Nightmare Night and Beyond Her Garden
    The Living Tombstone: September and Sister Hate
    Stormwolf: The Beginning of Order and * (Because he has more orchestral remixes than originals :X)
    d.notive: Let Your Mane Down and The Final Trick
    Jeffthestrider: No Strings Attached and
    Zahqo: Luna's Ruse and Griffon Wings (Because he has nothing else)
    RainbowCrash88: Fighting is Magic: Applejack's Theme and Twilight's Theme from Fighting is Magic
    Acoustic Brony: Crepuscularity and *
    Not A Clever Pony: Lower The Moon and For the New Lunar Republic
    Makkon: A Waltz for Trixie and Rainbow Rhapsody (maybe replace one of these with Celestia Origins Extended Battle Theme, but I dunno)
    Foozogz: Find a Pet (Candy Mix) and Sparkle (Season Rebirth)
    ArtAttack: I Think I'm OK and Still Shy
    Dr. Dissonance: For the Solar Empire! and *
    Alex S.: Party With Pinkie and CMC Theme Dubstep Remix

    Also planning on tossing Night of Nights and Avast in there just because.
    So, anyone I missed or songs I need to change?
    Source: Official My Little Pony topic
  12. ~Allegretto~
    It's awesome
    It's awesome
    It's awesome
    It's awesome
    It's awesome
    It's awesome
    The customization is amazing



    (Compare to


    Also, my classes:

    Puppysmiles (With a red/pink lens and yellow smiley face reticule)
    Calamity (With a green lens and yellow radiation reticule)
    Mort (Which is my brother's class so I can't give it bones or a skull reticule :X)

  13. ~Allegretto~
    I lied.
    So now I'm getting a MG HD Color Unicorn:


    And a year of Premier, because I couldn't convince my dad to get me Lifetime.


    Unfortunately the Unicorn isn't coming with the MS Cage but I didn't really care about it anyway and besides, it has everything else.

  14. ~Allegretto~
    I love you. Platonically.



    Of course, I had to take out the text because of the bars, but still...


    Also banner and av changed to Ask Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie until I can finish my vectors.

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