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Blog Entries posted by ~Allegretto~

  1. ~Allegretto~
    Illustrator crashed just as I was about to finish Muharax's vector so now I have to redo practically everything.
  2. ~Allegretto~
    Prolly shouldn't have done this Christmas Eve, but 3 hours was enough. I seem to be getting faster...
    Except that I'm going to visit family later today and I won't be back for a while and I still have to do another vector when I don't even have the freaking sketch yet because my other friend has been "too lazy" to scan it for the past week.

    (Based off of
    this drawing)

    This was also a lot harder to do than TMP's ponies... maybe it's the messier lines, or maybe I'm just not used to her art style, but w/e.
  3. ~Allegretto~
    She got me a brushable Rarity for Christmas, so now I can reenact my Rarijack fantasies! (notrlytho RarityxTom ftw)
    But still I can have two ponies in AJ's truck now:

    And she also drew me an awesome pic of my OC which I need to vector as soon as I finish my queue (yay I figured out how to use my scanner):

    Also completely relevant:

  4. ~Allegretto~
    New Super Ponybeat just (like literally just) came out, a remix of the carol at the end of Hearth's Warming Eve. Sounded a bit too mellow, but I liked it. Now when is he going to finish Find a Pet...
    Also I'm going to miss this blog... I expected the Premier perks to end a while ago, but I guess I kinda forgot about it. I'm considering buying Premier for a year (oh look I rhymed), though... $11 isn't that much considering how much money I've saved up from working.
  5. ~Allegretto~
    I wish I could kick my brother off the comp so I could finish vectoring... I need to do finishing touches on Muharax's vector, and then vector another pony for a friend...
    But apparently he got one of his Steam friends to get him L4D2 (just like he did with Terraria and Premium TF2), so he won't let me use the computer even though I specifically told him I'd need it....
    Anyone know how cheap a laptop powerful enough to run Crysis Illustrator is?
  6. ~Allegretto~
    I don't really like how it kicks you out of the multiplayer menu if you get disconnected from XBL.
    All that work on my emblem lost because it was 11 PM...
    I'm not sure whether to blame my dad for having these parental controls even though I'm 17, or my brother for staying up until 1 playing TF2 and causing this to happen.
    On a side note, he still doesn't get disconnected from Steam when I get disconnected from XBL, so he's still playing until 1.
    Also, on Sopa:
    Me gusta sopa. Es deliciosa.
  7. ~Allegretto~
    *looks at 500-word response and annotations I have to do for my Lit teacher's 7000-word blog entry on Equus*
  8. ~Allegretto~
    His last album came out... I'm going to miss this.
    Art of Celestia's Dress - Remix of Art of the Dress
    Sonic Rainboom (Just An Old Mare's Tale) - Remix of the BGM during the sonic rainboom
    Hydra Pulse - Original/Remix of the BGM during the hydra scene in Feeling Pinkie Keen
    My Little Pony Theme (Farewell Party Remix) - Remix of the main theme
    Giggle (With) the Ghostie - Remix of PinkiePieSwear's Giggle at the Ghostie (Simple Joy Mix)
    Winter Wrap Up (At The Everfree Forest) - Remix of WWU as far as I can tell, although I could be wrong.
    All Powerful (Trixie) - Original
    Eurobeat Telegram - Remix of Eurobeat Brony's Singing Telegram (Postal Mix)
    Synthline's Theme - Original
    Sunshine and the Celery Stalker - Remix of PinkiePieSwear's Sunshine and Celery Stalks... and he never got to finish it...

  9. ~Allegretto~
    So at the end of Hearth's Warming Eve the three tribes join together and call the country Equestria and everypony lives happily ever after, but the flag had Celestia and Luna on them, even though they had never appeared. Spike never says who's ruling at the time, either, so the whole time period of this is weird.
    Some theories:
    All three tribes had a common religion, worshipping Celestia and Luna, and hence why they put them on the flag; not only do alicorns have traits of all 3 ponies, they tie the three tribes together in belief as well. Discord took over after Equestria was founded, but the ponies, united now, stayed strong and believed Celestia and Luna would save them. Their belief, coupled with the MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP caused the royal sisters to magically appear or something (I don't know where this is goesing. amynore.) defeat Discord, and take over. Then Luna went NMM, the events of FiM happened, a war with the zebras started and the entire country if not more got megaspelled into a wasteland, Pinkie Pie gets balefire bombed, Rarity dies from the pink cloud, Fluttershy gets turned into a tree, AJ... I don't remember, Dash goes off somewhere, becoming a traitor in the eyes of all the pegasi, Twi gets assimilated, 200 years pass, Littlepip leaves the Stable and saves everyone by putting herself in the SPP, and civil war ensues between the Enclave and everyone else (because war never changes), but now there's hope.
    The entire thing was a folk tale. Discord ruled until Celestia and Luna came along from wherever (space?), overthrew him, renamed the place Equestria, because of the story. Of course, this still raises the question of when this happens, but maybe as time went on ponies forgot how Equestria was really named. Or maybe the story came about after the royal sisters rose to power.
    As an alternative to "wherever" maybe there used to be larger populations of alicorns and draconequuses but the alicorns revolted and most of both were wiped out. This kinda messes with the alicorns-living-for-a-really-long-time thing, though
    Celestia and Luna were there in that time period, but they chose to be worshipped as gods instead of being closer to their subjects so they stayed out of things, letting the ponies interpret this as some sort of test.
    Celestia and Luna were there in that time period and caused the whole thing to troll. The ponies thought this was some sort of test. Problem? (later Luna got butthurt and got sent to the moon.)
    Celestia and Luna came along after the ponies settled their differences but before the country was named. Then they could have gotten themselves the respect of everypony else (although whether they did this by earning it or by saying "we're alicorns bow before us" I dunno), and got themselves seats in power.

    Personally, I'm leaning toward 5.
  10. ~Allegretto~
    For the finale, most people wear Santa hats and put ribbons on their instruments.
    I had a Santa hat... and a string of LEDs on my flute.
    In unrelated news, my av randomly changed back to Calamity earlier today but it's switched back. Looks like my account has made peace with being called Clammity but having an av of Velvet Remedy.
  11. ~Allegretto~

    Also have a terrible gif I made because it's 2 in the morning and I'm hungry but I won't be able to use the computer tomorrow because I have a really long concert that I have to play in.
    Also the outlines on his wings look terrible bleh I'm sorry
    Also also I'm sorry for doubting you Illustrator can you ever forgive me
  12. ~Allegretto~
    Also, list of ponies to vector:

    Eeko, since I'm already half done
    LNU because I really want to vector those portal guns for some reason

  13. ~Allegretto~
    We may be divided
    But of you all, I beg
    To remember we're all hoofed
    At the end of each leg
    No matter what the issue
    Come from wherever you please
    All this fighting gets you nothing
    But hoof-in-mouth disease
    Arguing's not the way
    Hey, come out and play!
    It's a shiny, new day
    So, what do you say?
    You gotta share
    You gotta care
    It's the right thing to do
    You gotta share
    You gotta care
    And there'll always be a way through
    Both our diets, I should mention
    Are completely vegetarian
    We all eat hay and oats
    Why be at each other's throat?
    You gotta share
    You gotta care
    It's the right thing to do
    And there'll always be a way
  14. ~Allegretto~
    But I really need to do homework now because I've been putting it off all night so imma go.
    Who am I kidding, I'm going to be here all night.
    Also, while I'm here, I seem to never be able to finish writing any music.
    I started off by writing So Many Wonders (EuroSky Mix) as a flute solo; finished that one.
    Went on to WWU (EuroSpring Mix) as a duet; didn't even get to the chorus.
    Started Night of Pony for 4 parts, didn't finish the second measure on the first part.
    Wrote Find A Pet for 2 flutes representing Fluttershy and Rainbow, but didn't make it to the flying squirrel
    And now I'm on Becoming Popular (Canterlo-Disco Mix) for 5 flutes/4 flutes and a violin/3 flutes, 1 violin, and 1 Kazumi Evans, and I'm right at when Rarity starts singing Becoming as popular/as popular can be/Making my mark/making my mark on high society. Trying to figure out that bass line, but it's really hard when you have SIXTEENTH NOTES COVERING IT UP MOST OF THE TIME D:<<<<<<

    also also i keep forgetting to write time signatures and it's really annoying
    also also also i'm wasting even more time aren't i
  15. ~Allegretto~
    Reshelf day? XD
    A birthday present to himself?
    I like how the gem is heart shaped.
    You know, Spike's advice kinda makes sense...
    20 carats? 20 CARATS???
    Oh Rarity, using Spike's love for you for your own fiendish purposes.
    Well, I guess trading the gem was worth it.
    Lol at Dash's present.
    Ooooh, Twi. Spike just called you out.
    Spike at the counter XD
    Sapphire Shores cupcakes?
    A hat... in a bag of groceries. Well, it looks good on him.
    No, Spike. Don't look at that ball.
    Lickety Split? Woah.
    Junebug's voice is kinda weird.
    Well, looks like Spike's learned his less-owait never mind.
    Yep, Spike definitely learned his lesson.
    O_o O_o O_o O_o O_o
    Easily distracted Spike is easily distracted.
    O_o O_o O_o O_o O_o
    The doctor's mane looks like an orange muffin.
    Why are they all trying the same st- woah the vet actually worked.
    Spike want!
    He's broken out the other side, hasn't he?
    Stealing leaves...
    Dash's reaction XD
    I like how they referenced Dragonshy here with Fluttershy's fear of huge dragons.
    King Kong?
    Hey, the water tower from Boast Busters!
    Oh nope, Godzilla.
    So full-size Spike won't have wings?
    How is Pinkie holding those binoculars
    Twi's cloak looks a lot like her Gala dress.
    O_o at that frame.

  16. ~Allegretto~
    I've barely touched the 360 in the past 2 weeks, and most of the time don't stay up too much past midnight playing.
    My brother plays TF2 until 2 in the morning, all day every day.
    So why do I get automatically disconnected from XBL at 11 and not him from Steam?
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