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Phauxx Lightning

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Blog Entries posted by Phauxx Lightning

  1. Phauxx Lightning
    My friends Birthday party is coming up soon.
    He wants to go airsofting in his backyard.
    I really haven't done it that much.
    And someone is bringing a SNIPER RIFLE.
  2. Phauxx Lightning
    That RPG has become a Ghost Town. It's been SO inactive lately. That sucks.
    On top of that, I've got writer's block. Haven't been in a RPing mood at all, for weeks. That sucks.
    Also, I can't think of an awesome/clever/makes you think/original RPG for the next contest. That sucks.
    AND, I've been using "That sucks" way too much this entry. ARRGGHH.
  3. Phauxx Lightning
    -Cad Bane's Speeder
    -General Grievous's Starfighter
    -Plo Koon's Starfighter
    -Hoth Wampa Cave
    -Hoth Rebel Trooper Battle Pack (x2)
    Everything else:
    -Nerf Stampede (x2)
    -Despicable Me
    -Lots of Golf Balls and tees
    -Sketch pad (x2)
    -Steampunk Jango Fett figurine
    So, an artist makes these figures of movie characters out of metal and such, giving them this really cool steampunk look. Add to the fact that it was Jango Fett the guy was modeling, and it's Epic. B)
    So yeah, I made out pretty good holiday-wise.
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