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Phauxx Lightning

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Blog Entries posted by Phauxx Lightning

  1. Phauxx Lightning
    I have to say, what a cool element. I like "Ce-Matoran" also, better then Psi-Matoran, that's for sure.
    Anywho, I'm glad it was made. It's going to come in handy in the BZPRPG. I wanted to make a female Toa, but not use Light or water. I can't wait for next year. Ever since Tuck nuked the org's and corp's to ashes, There hasn't been that much to do on Locus-Abeo.
  2. Phauxx Lightning
    I have a Rahkshi head spinny!
    I honestly didn't realize it. I guess I hit my 4 year mark over the downtime. WOOT
    In other news, I have a soccer game today. One that I probably won't play too much of. And it's raining here. Plus it's like, 40 degrees. FUN
    Edit: Game's canceled
  3. Phauxx Lightning
    Well, we've had 2 games during are tournement.
    First game: 4-2 them
    Second game: 5-3 them
    So we lost both games.
    I had some pretty good plays, and 2-3 not so good. (I play Defense)
    The Refs, as always, make some lousy calls. One player on their team tackled me to the ground to score, and the ref said I tripped!
    We have one more game, hopefully we do better
  4. Phauxx Lightning
    *Knocks* Is ANYONE here?
    HA! you fell into my trap, since the only blog entries here that get comments are the ones where I say my blog stinks! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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