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Everything posted by Andrewnuva199

  1. OOC: No, what I mean is that in the events of Brikman's latest IC post (shown here) , after Rex's beatdown on French Fries (which I do agree wasn't in the detention block, more like a hallway on the way there), he was taken to the detention block and thrown in a jail cell. Andrew and co. then went and freed Rotor and George, also shown in Atton's most recent post.Your IC seems to have him walking free (when he was caught in a griplock by Pterisa at the end of PeabodySam's IC, mind you) still around the general area of PeabodySam's IC. I'm just saying it doesn't match up with the most recent posts.
  2. OOC: That guy, your post was a little confusing to read. Brikman and Atton's posts established that French Fries was already put in a jail cell in the holding area by Andrew, Laxus, Pterisa, Zach, Minerva, and Nazareno, and that Rex and Amanda had already left the scene. Rotor and George were also recently freed.
  3. IC: Before French Fries could take another step, Andrew ran towards him, grabbed him by the arm, and slapped him hard across the face. He fell to the ground, and Andrew put himself atop his fellow Elite Agent."Nazareno!" he asked the ninja, "a little help he-"He was interrupted as French Fries punched him in the face, knocking Andrew off him. The madman got up and tried to run, but didn't get far before Nazareno lunged at him, pinned him to the ground, then pulled him up with a firm grip on his arms."At least Rotor was a good leader," the ninja muttered with quite a bit of hostility. "You? Judging by that 'plan' of yours, you have less commanding skills than a blade of grass."By now, Andrew was back on his feet, and he had some anger to release. "French Fries," he told the struggling agent, "you have no understanding of the importance of certain secrets, your realist views are so extreme that Kotua would be aghast, you fail at leadership, you're more ignorant than several politicians I could name to make a point, and you're willing to turn on your allies."That alone is so pitiful that it's a wonder that you're still here. But then you go and insult the things that some of us have spent hours into trying to help, and then... and THEN... you pass the line."Andrew looked back at Pterisa, who was still a little shaken at French Fries's hostility, and tried to shoot a reassuring smile. Then he turned back to the agent of the focus of his fury. "Insulting our most recent ally, who's still trying to just find a way to live among us, and who I and my friend have been spending the last day trying to welcome in, is one thing, but what you said about Trouble..."Andrew smiled with a menacing grin as he pulled out his PDA and typed out a message.Rex,I don't know if you've heard, but the team's got a troublemaker problem, and I think you should look into it.Elite Agent French Fries is bound to be fired soon. Not only did he cause the Antarctica riots and Dino Attack Schism by ordering Zenna to announce the secret mission there to the world, but he's tried to have two agents put to death for their actions on Adventurers' Island, has tried to get the team to try a really stupid plan during the next attack, tried to have some of our comrades killed just for their looks, and is trying to use "friends in high places" to try and run our team his way.How does this involve you? He's claimed to hate your idealist, dino-taming style with a passion, and brags with pleasure that he ran over Trouble at some point.I'm going to have him put in the holding cells, so feel free to visit him there, but if he escapes, do as you see fit.-AndrewAndrew sent the message and turned to his fellow agents. "Darling," he said, "From now on, you shouldn't obey this man. Try using your own codename or something to signify independence. Now, I think we better get this guy to the holding cells. I think he might have someone wanting to see him later. Plus we can try to find Rotor and Pilot and let them go.""Minerva and I know the way," said Zach. "Just follow us."The group began moving towards the exit. As they walked, Pterisa got near Andrew and whispered "Thanks for defending me.""No problem," Andrew whispered back. He looked back to French Fries, a furious look on his face as he tried to get free, but Nazareno wasn't having a problem keeping his grip on him."You are in soooo much trouble," Andrew muttered.---------The Fire Hammer arrived at the docks. Getting out, Semick saw a couple agents around the pier that he couldn't all recognize, but could for a few, such as for an agent with glasses and a brown helmet with a glass visor. He was sparring with one of his fellow agents."You the guys they sent for ID?" asked an agent who was walking up to Semick and the guy who drove him there."Yes," said Semick. "So do I need to sign some papers or something?""No, just confirm that you can confirm them as the agents they claim to be. Now c'mon."The three agents walked up to the group at the docks. As they did so, one of the sparring agents stopped sparring and looked to them with a smile. "Finally!" he said. "You're Semick, right?""That would be correct," said Semick. "I don't think we've fought alongside each other, B, but I've seen you around enough to know who you are.""And the others?" asked the dock agent.Semick stared at the other faces. "I'll be honest," said Semick. "I don't know them. Last I heard, B was with some friends by the name of Crooks and Knuckles and the like. But I think if they're with B, they're who they say they are. If we have problems with them, they can be handled later. Now just let them go, we don't need agents being isolated out here."
  4. Oh wow, that's awesome. Great design, great cameos from the characters, a glass roof, every type of room I can think of...This is fantastic! If LDD still had the option, and I won the lottery, I would buy this! At the least, maybe I could download the model and save the instructions for another day when I had the time and money...
  5. IC: "What does he look like, anyways?" Pterisa asked. "I don't think any photos were attached to the message.""Hold on, let me see if I can get through to the database with this," said Laxus, looking down at his PDA. "The techies were working on a feature to allow the PDAs to uplink with it so people didn't have to search somewhere for a laptop.""Database access for useful information?" Minerva said jokingly. "There's an app for that, I guess."The group snickered at the joke as Laxus's PDA loaded up a screen saying "D.I.N.O. Attack Team Information Database V.34: Mobile Build V.1.45. Going to the "Search" funciton and typing "Agent: French Fries," he managed to get a bio page with a mugshot-like photo."Here, he said, showing the image on the PDA to the group. "Now we can put a face to the name. As strange as it is."Laxus glanced at Andrew, who was now looking around the mess hall. After a moment, he saw something somewhere behind Zach and Minerva's side of the table."I think I see him," he said, his voice now taking a bit of a quieter tone, perhaps to avoid a ruckus. "He's the one sitting by one other guy with a rather stuffed plate of food."The group turned to see what Andrew was looking at. Sure enough, there was an agent who matched the look of French Fries's image (though there were cases where people tended to see similarities between agents' faces. Once or twice, someone had told Andrew he looked a bit like the infamous Kotua) talking with another agent as he ate."I wouldn't advise too hasty action," Andrew suggested, "but I think we have to do something about him."
  6. OOC: I love it when things fall into place.IC: Bluetooth felt a weird range of emotions running through him. Shock, surprise, confusion, a bit of amusement. But what seemed to stand out the most was anger. Anger at this strange man seeming to take all he had said without any realization of the seriousness of the issue. It couldn't be contained.Completely out of nowhere, as the man began to snicker, the Futuron agent grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pushed him against the wall. "I. Was not. Kidding!" he growled at the man. "Two agents are going to die at dawn because of a madman with a silly name, unless people like you sober up and realize the gravity of the situation! This man is the reason lives were endangered during Digger's schism, he shouldn't even still be here! Do you understand, mister?!"The man, shocked and fearful of the sudden reacion, nodded his head up and down. Bluetooth let him go and stormed off towards the holding cells.The time for tomfoolery and distraction was over. Action had to be taken.--------As Andrew's party of three entered the mess hall, he contemplated what he had heard from Semick. Sure, it may seem just natural worry to be concerned about the town and what Dr. Rex might do next, but for some reason, the idea was sticking in his head.Thinking about it now, it did made him uneasy about how LEGO City was dino-free and recovering. As comforting as it was to see signs of the planet recovering, it almost seemed too comforting, like the reassurance given by the light at the end of a tunnel in spite of it belonging to an oncoming train.Semick was right. LEGO City, and more directly, Dino Attack Headquarters, seemed likely to be the focus of the next big, perhaps final, attack. And while it was impossible to know how or why it might happen, the important thing was to try and prepare for everything that could be conceived.The cries of someone familiar began to pull Andrew from his thought. Focusing on what his eyes could see, he could see Zach waving to him from a nearby table, Minerva, Nazareno, and another agent with swords on her back alongside him."Might as well sit down," Pterisa suggested. Andrew nodded and followed her and Laxus to the group."Been a good day for you guys?" Minerva asked as they sit down. "Pterisa, have you liked what you've seen today?""It's quite a nice building," she responded. "And I'm happy that the team has been accepting of me.""Mostly we've just be wandering around, watching movies, eating pizza, nothing special," said Laxus."Good to hear," said Zach. He glanced at Andrew's face, which was still looking somber from his thoughts about Semick's words. "You feeling alright, Andrew?""Oh, yeah, yeah, I have. It's just.... well, we talked to to Semick on the way down, and he's feeling a bit concerned about what's coming next.""What do you mean?" asked the female agent Andrew didn't recognize."Well, he's feeling anxiety from how LEGO City's been cleared to the point where the populace is rebuilding with great progress could mean something about XERRD's next attack. He's feeling that they'll try to hit us here in HQ, and that they'll try something we might not have a chance at beating.""Seems like a more or less normal concern to have," said Nazareno, "but a bad feeling isn't much to go on.""I know, but the more I think about it, the more I can't help but feel that same way. That something's coming to hit us here and hard. At the least, I suppose we can only prepare ourselves for the worse, but who knows what's going to happen next?"The group was silent as these words were thought over for a couple seconds. Then Andrew started up again. "Well, there's also other matters to think about. Did anyone else get Bluetooth's message?"Zach and his colleagues shook their heads. Laxus pulled out his PDA showed the group the latest All Agents Bulletin message. "It's a repeat of that incident with Rotor and the flight crew he wanted killed. Only this time the shoe's on the other foot, or so they say.""It's incredulous that things like this happen here of all places," said Andrew. "Somebody needs to find this 'French Fries' and have him arrested or something, and I hope those guys at the holding area are smart enough to find Rotor and Pilot and get them out of there."-------------After talking with Andrew's group, Semick had gone off to go look at the various points of the headquarters he felt might be important in case of an attack. There might not be any attack warnings coming in as of yet, but at the least, he could encourage people the start being more vigilant considering the risks.Currently he was in the hangers, talking to the mechanics and engineers about the state of their vehicle fleet. In regards to their numbers, they had been thinned out a bit after the missions, as was often expected. Several of the men were particularly annoyed that the Adventurers' Island team had lost fancy Renaissance T-2 Typhoon to gravity during the battle at Hotep III's temple, to the point where a team of mechanics had been flown out to try and get it airborne again. Semick could only wish good luck to them. Extra firepower and defense was always appreciated."So besides that," Semick said, "how are we looking?""Welp," said the guy in charge of management of the hangers, "our manufacturers'll have a few more T-1s flown in tonight, and the army's gonna have a few of their tank designers help with rebuildin' the IP scraps brought back from Castle Cove. I also hear rumors about Space Police sending in some kind flyin' warship called the Daedalus or somethin', but I'm pretty sure that's just a rumor the rookie are throwing around for fun. Otherwise, we're doing pretty swell, sir. Don't you worry 'bout nothin'.""Alright then," said Semick. "Keep up the good work."Walking back towards the headquarters proper, Semick was stopped by an agent who was running outside with a clipboard and one of those tablet devices under his arms. "Pardon me, but are you Elite Agent Semick?""That would be correct. Am I needed for something.""Just for a small task, but it requires some small travel. Our guy with the Coast Guard says some agents on the MIA list have arrived at the docks, and he's insistent we get someone to go and ID their authenticity. You up for it?""Sure, assuming it won't take long.""OK, good. And don't worry, it won't. We'll just grab a Fire Hammer, and we'll be off."Within a few minutes, Semick was then riding shotgun with the agent, heading towards the docks to check out these new arrivals.
  7. OOC: Atton, just thinking of French Fries, of all people, being one to pull "I'm pulling a Kangaroo Court to kill off some agents I don't like" is like one of the greatest examples of mood whiplash and/or gallows humor I've seen in the longest time this RPG, including Zach's jokes about the late Engineer.IC: In one of the security stations, Bluetooth was assisting some men in rewiring the connections to a couple of the sentries Engineer had set up just before he was killed. The mole, who was revealed by the word going around to be Ata, seemed to have jammed its internal computer that had nigh-completely fried its programming. A couple of mechanics were working to try and reconfigure the sentries, having a bit of difficulty due to not quite understanding the late Engi's impressive methods of building them, but were steadily making progress.What Bluetooth was doing was making sure the connection would be working right once the sentries were brought back online. It was simple enough, since Futuron had far more complicated ways of connecting networks, but it was still tedious, especially since the technology was in need of replacement after the beatings a bomb drop and a schism had done to the various parts of the security stations."Okay, I believe I have all the circuit breakers reset and the connections reestablished to the ports," Bluetooth told the crew. "Once the engis get back to you with their work on the sentries, call me on my communicator, and I'll get back to you.""Alright," said one of the security agents. "Thanks for the help. The sooner we recover from that mole's sabotage, the better."Departing from the room, Bluetooth began feeling parched, and began looking towards one of the locations he thought they had a vending machine. But as he rounded a corner, he encountered an agent who looked slightly familiar, a black piece of cloth hanging on his head."Pardon me," he said, "I must be getting to lunch.""Sorry, um..." Bluetooth paused, trying to remember the guy's codename."It's French Fries," he said with seriousness. "Now if you'll excuse me-""Wait, I know you!" Bluetooth then remembered. "You're the cool dude Zenna reported as forcing to expose the Antarctica mission! How the heck are you still here?""Oh, please. That's all just a big misunderstanding our enemies created to discredit us. I've done nothing but good civil services to keep our team in the right of way."Bluetooth wasn't impressed by this man who was sounding less and less sane by the minute. "I see... what's with the cap?""Oh, that?" the agent said, removing it from his head in the process. "I just came back from judging a treason case. A couple of agents from Adventurers' Island got themselves in a mighty bit of trouble, as I'm sure you know.""What, you mean like Lutsky? He's already in the brig, suffering from a couple of mental conditions, not unlik-""Oh, no no no no no. I mean agents Rotor and Pilot of course.""What?!" Bluetooth cried. He recalled the case back at the camp where Rotor had tried to get several agents executed for disobeying his controversial order to fire on the XERRD Fortress during the final stages of attack. He knew Rotor, although given some pardon after the camp ambush, had committed enough unorthodox deeds to get back into trouble, but he doubted any trial of his should be overseen by such an oddball like French Fries, let alone one that would still see Pilot as still in the wrong for his disobedience."Yes, and they have been found guilty, and will be shot at dawn tomorrow. A fit punishment, I think, for having the bright idea of disobeying a superior's orders, or executing one's own men, or running from their posts, or freeing-""ARE YOU MAD?!!" Bluetooth cried out, barely containing himself from shoving the undeserving Elite Agent into the wall. "I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO TELL YOU HOW STUPID YOU ARE!! FIRST ANTARCTICA, AND NOW THIS!!? HOW ARE YOU STILL HERE!?!"French Fries was completely taken aback, but quickly gained some amount of composure back, and began looking displeased. "Are you in question of my judgement, agent?""You..." Bluetooth said, his frustration now only barely contained, as he waved his index finger at the man's face. "You... are so fired." With that, he ran down the hall, making a beeline for a nearby water fountain. Stopping, he took a long drink from it, beginning to let his nerves cool down and senses return.French Fries was an cool dude, but an cool dude with enough followers to be able to pull off stunts like this. He couldn't simply be taken down by a couple agents. This had to be made widespread throughout the team. And there was only one way to do it.Bluetooth pulled out his PDA and began typing out a message.Agents of Dino Attack, Elite Agent French Fries is at it again!The last time this man decided to take a major action, the Antarctica mission was exposed, causing mass riots in the refugee camps and a needless schism between our idealist and realist sympathizers that nearly crippled our leadership!Now he's taken to taking charge of our personal criminal justice system! Agents Rotor and Pilot, who both ended up on the wrong side of our prosecution system at various times during the Adventurers' Island mission, were treated to a "trial" organized, judged and ruled over by French Fries himself! He has seen it fit to declare them guilty, and have them killed by gunfire in the morning! This is a horrid choice of behavior and unruly mockery of justice, no matter who is being punished here! I implore everyone, from our lowest rank rookies to our Founding Leaders, to do what they can to stop this madman before dawn, and save two of our men from a despicable fate!-Standard Agent BluetoothHe then set it to send to all agents with the All-Agents-Bulliten alert setting, and pressed Send as hard as he could.
  8. IC: Semick led Andrew's crew out to a balcony somewhere in the middle of the height of the building. From there, the entirety of LEGO City's skyline could be seen.Though obviously still bearing the wounds from the Mutant Dinos' first onslaughts, the city appeared to already be on the road to recovery. Vehicles could be heard driving among the streets, the equipment of busy construction crews echoed from various parts of the city, cranes sporadically rose out of the ground and gaping holes in the skyscrapers. Even a few lights were on in some of the buildings, an early response to the first signs of twilight. Progress was clearly being made, and there was no doubt that when this war finally came to an end, LEGO City, along with the rest of the world, would be restored to its former glory in a matter of months."it looks quite haunting," Pterisa observed, "but looking at it from here, and knowing of how Minifigs are moving back in, the skyline almost seems to stand out as a message of hope.""Like a monument to the spirit of endurance and reconstruction," added Laxus. "Something that's always been a big ideal for not just Minifigs, but for many worlds in this universe.""Yeah..." said Andrew. "It's quite comforting to see this city healing so well from the attacks.""Maybe... but I find that it gives me pause," said Semick. "It worries me to see so many civilians returning to life here. This war isn't over yet.""It almost is, plus as the base of our operations, we've pretty much kicked the Mutant Dinos out. Save a few stranglers the patrols are taking care of, there's not many left. It's hard to imagine them taking it back, especially considering what's been done to Dr. Rex's methods of creating more of them."Semick remained silent for a few moments, appearing to Andrew like an ominous sign. "The thing is, Andrew, I've been imagining a lot since I heard about the mole, and I'm starting to lose my confidence.""So..." said Laxus, starting to look concerned, "what you're saying is-""I'm starting to feel like our enemies are planning something. Something big, something we would have a hard time predicting, something... that serves as one last strike that could very well devastate our forces here at HQ, and this city in the process."The group was silent as they contemplated this idea. After a few moments, Andrew spoke. "Well... I can understand the worry, but... there are the facts to consider. The Maelstrom temple is cleansed, the Brickster's devastated their Dino Island facilities, most of XERRD's top scientists are dead or captured, the mole's been just about weeded out, we've cleared out several important locations... what do they have left? What could they possibly-""I wouldn't underestimate Alpha Rex," Pterisa suddenly interjected, looking quite morbid. "The other prototypes and I made that mistake before, and... well, I can only thank Dr. Einstein that I managed to end up where I am now. He may have had his many of his resources cut off, but trust me when I say its very possible that he has some secrets locked up somewhere, like I was, ready for a last resort attack on your team."After a few moments of contemplation of her words, Andred added to the conversation. "True, actually. Not only do we not know everything he has at his disposal, this former man is highly unpredictable, and I'd bet my Titanic car that a professional psychologist would diagnosis him as insane to the highest degree. Assuming the database researchers are correct, not only does he want to eradicate Minifigkind, he's got issues with General regarding love interests, has used Ole knows what methods to live eighty years or something, and has spent years with Paradox and his life as a Mutant T-Rex exposing himself to the Maelstrom.""Compound that with the utter rage he must be feeling at our latest victories," said Semick, "and he might be willing to go all out, possibly willing to let himself, his XERRD followers, and all his plans fall by the wayside in some mad urge to get revenge and utterly destroy us. In short, I'm willing to believe that we could very well be facing our hardest challenge yet very soon."Semick looked back out to LEGO City's skyline, which was beginning to take on quite a beauty as the sun began to cast an orange light on the horizon. "And LEGO City, with its returning civilian populace, could end up right in the middle of it all. A sitting duck, thinking its safe to go back in the water.""I can't just stand here and let that possibility come to fruition. We need to prepare for the worst."
  9. It's going to be interesting how they'll tackle the next big start. Granted, it'll be something bang-y, but I have doubts if it'll be anything of a multitude bigger than Return of Harmony.I know some fans were disillusioned with Season 2 compared to the first, so I do wonder how the fanbase will take the third one. It might grow, it might begin to shrink. Its hard to say.
  10. IC: Semick was proceeding down one of Dino Attack Headquarters's hallways, his mind bogged down by the days events. It was definitively ab unwelcome return to the thoughts of how he had to operate in the last days of Adventurers' Island.He had found out all he could about the mole situation. Earlier in the morning, agent Engineer was found dead in the halls from a bullet to the head. Some of the agents who had checked back on his post in a security wing revealed someone had been meddling with the security systems. Whoever it was had been trying to blind their eyes, and Engineer had clearly been killed for trying to stop him.His body was handed off to agent Medic for an autopsy. While having the security of his comrade and friend Heavy should've been enough security, the killer had managed to take the opportunity of Heavy going out for a sandwich break to strike. The heavy weapons agent returned to the grim sight of finding Medic dead on the floor. The theory going around was that the mole was simply ensuring that no signs were found for his identity.Shortly afterwards, agent Sniper was found without life signs in his sniping post. There were signs of a scuffle, and it appeared he had fought the best he could against his attacker, but he had simply been outmatched, and received a fatal stab wound for his troubles. While the agent wasn't the only long range security the team had for sure, it was obvious to Semick that losing such a skilled sharpshooter would serve as a weakness for the team.Then came the real bloodbath. Agents Scout, Soldier, and Heavy had regrouped to a "safe room", the former room of operations for a project regarding portals that had faced difficulties during Digger's schism. Through chance, Rex had ended up being brought there, and Spy arrived as well to give the group more details on the mole and warnings on what he could be capable of. It seemed that paranoia soon set in, and Soldier and Heavy began firing shotguns and miniguns at their comrades. But soon after that, the mole had struck again, and by the end of it, Spy, Scout, Heavy, and Soldier were all dead. Rex seemed to have only barely survived, the commotion the event had caused having resulted in agents flocking to the scene, and the mole fleeing before he could be discovered.The event had left seven out of the nine member Second Headquarters Squad deceased, and the emotional stress had taken its toll on the remaining two members. Just a few mintues ago, agents Pyro and Demoman held up rooms in the basement level with an insanely large blaze and a boatload of explosives, respectively. Luckily, fellow agents and some members from LEGO City's fire department were able to calm the issue, and the agents in question were brought to the holding wing for their own safety.Fortunately, these crimes were not going unpunished. Semick had managed to encounter Shadow during his investigation into the matter, and he was told that Semick had managed to catch the mole in the act. While the Founding agent didn't know himself who it was, he was able to tell Semick that the traitor was under interrogation now, and would be punished as seen fit.It calmed the Elite Agent to know that this crisis was more or less at an end. But he still didn't feel right. This event only showed that their enemies were intending to try and underwhelm the heart of Dino Attack operations itself. Granted, such an act wouldn't be surprising, and the Cam O'Cozy matter showed that XERRD had been trying to break them where it hurt before, but trying to undermine base defenses when LEGO City had been sufficiently defended from major Mutant Dino infestation for months seemed to signify that something was brewing within the enemy forces.Something big..."Semick?... hey, Semick!"A shake on the shoulder brought Semick back to the present. He was mildly surprised to see Andrew at his side, his companion Laxus and a winged Hybrid standing nearby."Ah, Andrew. Sorry, I was... occupied with something. You two been busy with much?""Mostly just helping our newest ally get acquainted with the team," said Laxus, gesturing to the hybrid. She smiled and gave a small wave."You must be Pterisa, I'm guessing?" said Semick. She nodded. "Ah, I thank you for the role you played at the Imagination Temple. You have my gratitude and appreciation, I assure you that." He took a moment to shake her hand."You're welcome," Pterisa said with a bit of gratitude herself. "My... friends here have shown me around the base and introduced me to alot of interesting activities. It's been quite helpful for my nerve.""Good to hear." Semick turned to Andrew. "How much have you heard about the mole business?"Andrew frowned. "We spent the last few half-hours watching a movie, so I can't say I've heard much. I know about what happened with Rex, Spy and the others, and what Pyro and Demoman did, but not much beyond that.""There isn't much else to tell, admittedly. I've heard Specs's got someone they're pretty sure is the mole, which is reassuring, but I can't say I'm quite at ease.""Why's that?" asked Laxus.Semick took a glance at his surroundings. "Let's take this somewhere with a bit more space. I don't want to crowd the halls or anything."
  11. Now that's a nice name. Now he's made of two famous British franchise!
  12. OOC: Yes! Finally I found HTTYML! Quite a good start there, PeabodySam.IC: The rest of the movie went by rather predictably and with quite a bit of cheesy entertainment. "Dino Cop" as the character liked calling himself, used various skills and tricks of a T-Rex to (literally) take a bite out of the crime (Joike: "'I one-uped you, McGruff!'") emerging in the city after the earthquake. Stepping on getaway cars (Andrew: "And not crushing the criminals in the process! That takes skill!"), intimidating most crooks just by showing up (Pterisa: "So does his stare make the crooks forget they have guns?"), and somehow being able to "go undercover" by shrinking to the size of a hatchling (Laxus: "Oh, ho, ho, it's magic! You know...").Then there was some weird, contrived business about a corrupt corporate executive using some stolen devices to cause the earthquake that started the whole mess to gain profit (Andrew: "It's all computers! I don't have to explain it!"), which ended up seeming like a tacked on plotline to somehow to make the movie viable for a franchise, likely due to the many leftover plotlines, such as the end of the film being Johnny Thunder finding a tomb in Peru with another flask of dinosaur DNA (Laxus: "'Pippin, I do believe this is the start of a beautiful franchise.'")"More like the start of a bad case of Sequelitis," said Joike as the end credits began to roll."Oh, the joy of cheesy movies," said Andrew as he stretched his arms, having gotten a little cramped from sitting so long. He turned to Pterisa. "Now what do you make of that experience?""It was... quite unique. But definately fun.""Good to hear. When you have a sense of humor, it becomes very easy to interact with others.""Wise words there, my friend," said Laxus, looking at the table full of empty pizza boxes, soda cans, and an empty popcorn bowl. "Let's get some of this food stuff cleaned up and return that bowl to the kitchen. Then we should try to see what's been happening. Maybe Semick is back already.""Betcha that mole everyone's talking about's been active," said Joike as he picked up one of the boxes. "Not a good thing to be losing people, but hopefully the more this guy does, the easier it becomes to catch him.""Hopefully," said Andrew, picking up some of the cans and putting them back into their box for easy portage. "Eh, I don't like thinking about it, especially after such a nice time we had here.""Well, as much as I guess we all want to think of good things," said Pterisa, "we have to accept that bad things will come again quickly.""All too true," said Laxus. "But I say if we can still find something to poke a little fun at, and we still have hope, things can turn out okay in the end, no matter how bad it gets.""Yeah..." said Joike. "But let's finish clean up here before we sound just as cheesy with our philosophy as that movie was, okay?"-----------------Bluetooth watched Semick walk into the base with concern.He had heard everything about the Second Headquarters Squad over Semick's radio chat. It was horrifying, not just the team's deaths, but the fact that there was a murderous mole loose in the base now. Bluetooth himself was barely taking it in, but he could only imagine the stress and horror it must've put on Semick.The Elite Agent had told him before how much he hated espionage, how he was dissapointed to have to realized that some of the men he watched over and fought alongside with in the team actually plotted against him. With the Stromlings, it was one thing, as they were simply part of a force heckbent on destroying the universe. But to know that some of his men actually believed that Dr Rex's ideas were good ones, or at least lacked enough trust in Dino Attack to go and join the "winning side", was a devastating blow to Semick's faith in his comrades.Bluetooth felt very sympathetic with him. Knowing that your best ally could be a traitor was never something pleasant to take in, and something told him that this case would be no exception. He could only hope that the team would be able to handle it well.
  13. OOC: Drat. I was writing mostly from the idea of trying to come up with lines you'd expect to hear on MST3K, and the idea lampshade hanging like that slipped my mind, perhaps due to how not-completely-abnormal we've made it in the RPG. Some corny line about the stickyness of the serum made more sense to me at the time, mostly due to using it based on something I heard in a funny video I saw of a guy plaing Half Life: Blue Shift while on caffine.
  14. OOC: Funny thing, Avmatoran, in my half-baked mental reconstruction of Dino Cop as an hour and a half movie, I imagine it to follow similar trends to the plot of Robocop, a movie with a cyborg main character.IC: Dino Cop, in spite of all the acclaim and being directed by Stephen Speilbrick himself, was a pretty cheesy flick that made for great riffing material.So somehow in the middle of nowhere ("Funny, it looks like plain old Egypt to me," Andrew had remarked), Johnny Thunder and Pippin Reed (then during their Hollywood phase) managed to find a flask in an Egyptian temple containing some kind of liquid with concentrated dinosaur DNA ("Now what does this have to do with a temple of gloom?" Joike had said). After escaping the temple's collaspe (Andrew had given Johnny a line of "'I really should expect this more often, this is practically becoming part of the routine.'"), it had ended up in a lab where it would end up in a lab ready to be studied by Professor Genome ("Gee, I wonder what he studies?" Pterisa had joked, getting into the spirit of things. "Hamsters?") and guarded by newly arrived Police Lieutenant Ty Rex with his number one weapon: his catchphrase "Nothing is what I do best." (Laxus, as Rex: "'As opposed to actually doing anything. That I don't do well.'")As luck would have it though, one quiet afternoon during guard duty, the city the lab was in was struck by an earthquake, and Rex was trapped as the lab collasped (Joike: "Oh gosh, why did they use so many windows on a building in an area where a large-scale earthquake can happen, aaaaah!"). As he lay under the rubble, his only concern remained the safety of the DNA as he fell unconscious (Andrew: "'I suppose... getting rescued and being able to see my wife and kids again would be nice too... but the DNA...'") and said DNA dripped over him... (Pterisa: "'It's... so... sticky...'")Later, as rescue crews and officials began investigating the wreckage of the lab, in one of the films memorable moments, a tyrannosaurus rex emerged from the rubble wearing Rex's Police cap, and proclaimed to all "You can call me Dino Cop!", much to the shock of the in-film observers (Andrew (as Mayor Brickman and Professor Genome faint): "Well, they sure took that lying down.")Around that time, Dr. Cyborg dropped in on the moving-riffing party, and paused things to say in jest that the movie could've used more cyborgs, projecting a rather sub-par image on the screen to make his point. The group poked fun at him, but did enjoy the joke."Though I will admit," said Laxus, "a cyborg dinosaur would be something cool to see.""Only in the movies," said Andrew. "If we saw it on the front lines, it would be significantly less cool, to say the least."----------------LEGO City was finally in view. Semick sat up more as he brought the T-1 in for the final approach.He could only wonder what developments he might have been missing in the past few hours. He had neglected to get any updates during most of the travel time, having wanted to take use of one of the few moments he could get for relaxation. But the time for kicking back was over, and it was time to get back into the routine.He switched on the radio, and switched frequency to Dino Attack headquarters. "Dino Attack HQ," he said, "this is Elite Agent Semick, reporting on my upcoming return to headquarters. There are still clear landing pads available, I presume?""We report several clear spaces within the hanger, Semick," said the voice at the other end."Good. How's things at HQ gone? Anything pertaining to our possible next mission?""Well..."
  15. OOC: Atton, I think you might've wanted to address the fact that PeabodySam's post on the Silencia/Trigger story ended with Silencia about to strike at Trigger and his partner when they were trapped in an overturned vehicle that had just caught fire. Your post starting with them just entering the hotel room thus leaves one with many a questions.Though that could work if you decided to edit your post to make clear that the story of how Trigger got away from Silencia is something so tense, so lucky, so frightening, so defying of the odds, that we the readers don't get to see it, and the escape falls under "noodle incident" catagorizing.
  16. OOC: Sounds like an interesting guy, that guy. I can kinda see parallels of how Rockford went through his process of grilling Dust about his past and motivation.And now for something completely different.IC: Entering the recreation room, Andrew immediately spotted Pterisa and Laxus (they weren't hard to miss, admitedly) near the pool table. Laxus was appearently teaching the hybrid a thing or two about the game, and was helping her to hold the stick right to hit the white ball. After a few seconds, he moved his arms away and let her take a shot. She awkward thrust the stick through her fingers and hit the ball strong enough to make it nearly bounce off the table as it hit the triangle of various other balls. The back 8-Ball ended up immediately flying into the hole opposite of where Pterisa was standing, and she smiled with a sense of accomplishment."Ouch, tough luck," said an observing agent."Wasn't that what I was supposed to be doing though?" she asked. "Hit the one ball to send the others into the holes?""Every one except the 8-ball. I know with seeing it everywhere you might think that's a good thing, like it would get you a nice bonus or something, but actually it's what costs you points and such.""Oh." She looked a little annoyed with herself now."Hey, don't worry about it," Laxus reassured her. "You're just a beginner. You'll get all the rules eventually, just like with any other sport or game.""Yeah, and besides," Andrew said as he walked up, "All that matters really is enjoying yourself. And you were enjoying yourself a moment ago, right?""Well, yes, I was.""Then that's all that matters. Now actually, I was wondering if you two were interested in doing something else. Ever hear of movie riffing?"Pterisa, unsurprisingly, shook her head, and Laxus thought for a moment before shaking as well. "Well," Andrew continued, "it's a little something you can do with a bad movie, some friends, and a good sense of humor. C'mon." Andrew gestured towards the TV, where an agent was tinkering a bit with the TV settings.The odd trio walked over to the TV, and Andrew said to the agent "Hey Joike, that thing looking alright?"The agent turned towards them, showing his high-top haircut and somewhat sleepy look in his face. "Sure, just doing what I can to improve the picture and sound. Apparently all the constant viewing is starting to wear the thing out.""Well, I'm thinking of maybe killing some time by riffing the Dino Cop films. You still have the box set down here?"Joike smiled and crouched down by the storage cabinets. He opened one and produced a box with a T-Rex in a cop hat on the side."Alright!" said Andrew. "Now the fun can really start."Joike handed him the box, which had a surprising bit of weight to it. "You can put a movie in. I just want to go get some popcorn and pizza from the mess hall.""Oh, maybe get some soda packs too!" added Laxus. "All that food could make us thirsty sooner or later.""Good point. I'll be right back." Joike then headed out the room. Andrew pulled the DVDs out the box and quickly located the first film in the series."Joike's a pretty fun average Joe," Andrew said as he took the DVD out and turned on the DVD player. "Really likes his movies. He was working at some institute as just another face in a jumpsuit, doing a good job cleaning up the place, but his bosses didn't like him so they had him shot into space onto a satellite they ran to continue janitor duties there. Allegedly he occupied himself up there for a few years with watching bad movies and riffing on them with the help of some robot friends. He has some pretty interesting stories to tell.""I can believe that," said Laxus. "You need any help getting the TV to DVD mode?""Yeah, I might," Andrew said as he closed the DVD case, the movie now inside. "Check the remote box. Use the black one to change the video source to 'DVD Mode,' the silver one to 'SA-CD/DC'; and the RCX-branded one to 'Objective 4'.""That sounds... rather complicated just to watch a movie," Pterisa observed with a confused look."That's how DVD watching evolved over the years," Andrew said with a shrug as Laxus worked the remotes. "I know what you mean. Back during the VHS years, all you had to do was switch to channel 4 and hit the On button on the machine. Now it's like operating a security system.""Nice comparison," said Laxus, "I know of a few places on the Aero Tube system back on Mars that operate like that." With one final push of a button, the TV finally displayed the main menu for Dino Cop, the theme music playing through the speakers."Alright everyone, we've got everything for movie sign!" said Joike, who now arrived carrying a bowl of popcorn and two boxes of Brickolinis' in one hand, and a twelve-pack box of cola in the other."Ooh, c'est magnifique!" said Laxus as Joike piled everything onto a table in front of the TV."So..." Pterisa said as Andrew and Laxus sat in the couch, and Joike in a nearby chair, "what exactly do you do when you 'riff' a film?""Oh, it's simple," said Joike, cracking open a can of cola. "Just watch the movie, and when you see something that you can come up with a witty remark, comedic misunderstanding, pun, joke or pop-culture reference, just say it out loud. Beats having to just sit there and take the badness of the film in. Push the button, Laxus?""Sure," said Laxus hitting the play button. Finally taking a set besides Andrew on the couch, Pterisa reached for a slice of pizza as the movie began.LEGO STUDIOS PRESENTS, the film began with a deep rumbling of drums and horns."A magnum opus of drama and epic storytell-," Joike said as the text quickly changed to display the title DINO COP. "Oh nevermind, wrong movie.""It sounds like something Barney would call himself if he did an episode on the police," Laxus remarked.Andrew did his best to contain his snickers so as to not disturb the joke-making process, but did end up grinning quite a wide grin. Glancing over to Pterisa, he could see she was grinning slightly as well, though it didn't quite look like she got the Barney joke.This looked like it would be a fun hour and a half.
  17. OOC: I agree with Jackson. Though if I may add one other thing...Atton, just take a few deep breaths and a sip from your favorite drink. I understand that the Second Headquarters Squad dropping like flies is hard for you, but understand that its part of the overall developing story for the finale. Whatever's going on with Specs appearing to be the traitor will be explained and whatever injustice is going on will likely be punished on its own time. While it's good to see you care about these characters, its not necessarily our job to address everything that goes wrong.And I understand you like bringing in realistic factors of investigation and time passage and all that jazz. But understand that when writing good stories, sometimes realism becomes a lower priority, and that contrived coincidence is going to be brought in to keep the story on track. Besides, this is a LEGO Universe we're talking about. We have an entity of purple stuff trying to spread chaos everywhere, "creative sparks" existing in every Minifig's body, space travel and alien life being commonplace, an island that can be completely deconstructed into bricks that fly into a big portal in the sky, and of course, an entire planet being overrun by mutated dinosaurs being produced by one madman and his organization of mad scientists on one island through what were supposed to be secretive means.
  18. OOC: *slow clap* Excellent twist there, PeabodySam. Though I kinda spoiled it for myself when I jumped to this page and immediately saw Atton's post at the top. No real harm done, though.IC: it hadn't changed at all, physically.The injection needle, the one Andrew was positive had been used on Claw so many months ago, had sat in his closet gathering dust and a bit of ash ever since he came back from LEGO Island and found it. He had been led to it by those dreams, those strange dreams which seemed to spring up irregularly and vaguely about past, present, future, and a whole bunch of things he couldn't begin to understand.Andrew held it in his hand, having stopped by his room to finally do something with it.It was weird, how things had gone since he had last touched it. First there was the bring-up of the DNA Device, that thing that had been connected to Reptile's history that had seemed to be related to his own goals, but had turned out not so. In retrospect, Andrew couldn't really understand how he could've envisioned somehow finding a way to work it, though he supposed if things had worked out differently, an opportunity would've opened somehow. Fate had a way of doing that with Dino Attack.Then there was the factor of the Maelstrom. A curious thing, that was. Andrew had gotten the idea it could've been used to power the DNA Device or some other form of transfiguration, but after some time and fantasy dreaming, it had hit him during the fortress "infiltration" of the gravity of the situation. Trying to use the Maelstrom for one's own desires was pretty much how the Mutant Dino war started, and it was clear to him then that if he continued on his path, he'd likely end up in a position far, far, far from his desired one.And then came the a strike of irony and an opening through the looking glass. One of his comrades, a fellow LEGO Islander, no doubt, gets ensnared by the Maelstrom and becomes a highly notable figure in the then-emerging new enemy force. The image of his plain, spectacle-wearing, red-headed face getting tainted by red eyes, purple hair, and an arm fused to a gun was like a gross mockery of what Andrew had wanted to do... and what he might've become. That alone was plenty of motivation to join Minerva in saving him.The moment where that other Stromling Zach had been with (What was his name? Alma? Omaha?) tried to take his mind had been a little enlightening, though also a little confusing. He supposed the important thing that had come out of that was that he had finally convinced himself (and his "consciousness" or whatever) of the importance of not getting distracted by desire and focusing on the task at hand. And that he might want to look a bit more into this after the war if he wanted to understand these freaky "desires" better. And that he might be involved with some weird interests in his future.And now came one last factor. Pterisa, the Minifig/Mutant Pterosaur hybrid who showed up out of nowhere at the Maelstrom temple. First hiding her identity under the veil and helmet of a strong lightning-shooting samurai, her reveal had shown not only her form, but her concerns with being accepted among standard Minifigs, displayed dramatically by her nervous breakdown.Andrew had never really thought about how, if he had managed to acquire physical changes, he would go about trying to return to her daily life. Thinking about it more did bring about both many practical concerns about his living arrangements and social concerns about how others might take it. True, it was silly in this day and age to think scientists would drag you into a dark room to be dissected, but there were legitimate concerns to be had about how others might treat you, based on whatever fears or prejudices they might have.He supposed now that helping Pterisa now with her semi-formal entry into Dino Attack as an ally to the cause was a reflection of his desire to ensure the best acceptance she could get into the team. The more he could do to help her ease into the normal environment of Dino Attack, and the more he could ensure others wouldn't be treating her with hostility or extreme refusal, the more he could put those concerns about non-Minifig acceptance to rest.So what did all this have to do with the needle? Simple. The needle he was holding represented who he had been before Adventurer's Island. What his goals were and how he was planning things. It was quite similiar, yet quite different from who he was now. And now it was time to take care of that.After one last look, Andrew looked at the trash bin in his room and tossed the needle in there. It clanged on the interior side and landed on some papers he had tossed a while back when he first arrived.Technically not the best disposal method, Andrew thought, but it serves well for symbolism purposes.And with that, Andrew left the room and headed for the Recreation Room. He had told Laxus and Pterisa he would meet them there after handling his business in here, and he was anxious to get down there. He had something in mind, and it involved the Dino Cop box set some agent had left in the Recreation room recently.
  19. I feel envious. It's going to take months for us Americans to get these new waves. Especially since I'm really anxious for the wave 5 blind bags. At this rate, I can't get my hands on those for another year or something.
  20. IC: "Are we all set to go?" said Semick to his crew."Everything's packed up and in top working condition, Semick," said Bluetooth, tuning the TALON-9 system to full awareness."Good. Now get yourself comfy, Bluetooth. We have a long flight ahead of us, and who knows what HQ will have in store for us once we get back."The sun was now just reaching out of sunrise phase as the rotors on Semick's T-1 Typhoon started up once more, pulling the craft up from the landing area of Outpost 4. From below, Semick could see agents waving, and he was sure Rockford was among them somewhere. He was a good agent, that one, and he hoped he would do well both in and out of service.He steered the craft in the direction of LEGO City, and started flying. The jungles of Adventurers Island soon gave way to desert, and then, pure blue ocean. Semick leaned back and took a nice deep breath. Now was the time he could truly relax for a bit.He would need his energy for whatever was to come.----------------"This morning sure took a somber turn fast," said Laxus."Tell me about it, unfortunate events just can't leave us alone," said Andrew."I suppose it's ironic in a way," said Pterisa. "Just recently, your group and allies were sabotaging Dr. Rex's base of operations. Now the tables are turned.""Looks like it."The three were now walking around Dino Attack Headquarters, as promised to Pterisa for her welcoming tour. Agents were taken aback to see her, but Andrew and his companion's presence in the situation helped to push down most concerns, including some of the odd concerns about her being the murderous traitor, since she hadn't left Andrew's side since the Maelstrom temple."At least Brickolini's is still a small mercy," said Laxus. Andrew had managed to get two extra boxes of the breakfast pizza for the go, and the group was finishing it off rather quickly (Pterisa had been as receptive to it as Laxus, if not a little more. The taste of Brickolini's was truly charming for all species, it seemed). Laxus was just taking the last slice from the first box, Pterisa finishing off the second-to-last."Couldn't have been better," said Andrew. "I do wonder though what the main goal of this saboteur is. I mean, I know that two of the Second Headquarters Squad is dead, but there has to be other factors, hasn't there?""Some of those technical agents were talking about malfunctioning cameras," said Pterisa, finishing her slice in a few big bites. "So they're making sure that whatever they want to do, they can't be seen.""Yeah, there was something about turrets, too," said Laxus. "It seems they're going for the classic objective: breaking our defenses.""But that's a bit unreasonable," said Andrew, tossing the empty pizza box near a recycling bin and taking a slice from the second one. "Our team has a boatload of techies and engineering wizzes. The only way to really keep us out of condition is doing substantial damage, which takes a lot of time and effort.""Unless..." said Pterisa, "... they're using some method developed specially in a way that your experts can't comprehend yet." Andrew and Laxus were silent as they took the idea in. That wasn't something pleasant to think about."Well..." said Andrew. "The best we can do now, I suppose, is start increasing the guard for our security systems and vehicles and keeping an eye on which agents are doing what. And the Second Headquarters Squad better watch themselves, because even if Engi was just trying to stop the traitor, and Medic was trying to find what killed him, there might be reason for the rest of them to be killed, especially if they try to go after the culprit.""You'd think they'd be able to overpower this traitor easily," said Laxus. "Those guys are apparently known for their strength in fighting.""The element of surprise is a powerful thing," said Pterisa. "I know that from experience, and whoever's doing this knows this all too well.""On that note," said Laxus, reaching for another slice of pizza, "I suppose Spy might be considered the culprit here, though that may seem like an easy target.""Anything's possible," said Andrew. "But to push away from that subject for a bit, we're coming up on the main dormitories now. You might be surprised at the quality they put into these rooms, Pterisa."
  21. OOC: Ah, okay. Figures I don't check it for things like that, especially since I was working on the page not too long ago when I finished vectoring a sketch I made of her.Also, been playing around with LEGO Dino sets I've managed to acquire recently. One thing I did was make some Minifigs of a few of our characters in a style similar to that of the D.I.N.O minifigs (is that what their group is called or what?). Might make a bit of canoncial sense, since I bet some of our characters might return to take the reigns of Dino capturing come the events of that line.
  22. OOC: Well, that was sudden. For Rex, that would definitely be a good case of mood whiplash.Wanna do another IC, but I still want to have PeabodySam handle the "Important" issue of whether or not Pterisa likes Brickolini's Pizza. Which might also have to do with some slight concerns I might have regarding the fact I feel a bit odd writing with the character without much input from the person who actually created her and I might be miswriting her a bit, but that's hopefully just me being overly panicy or something.
  23. OOC: PeabodySam's a busy man, and he often doesn't have the time to respond to everything when he finds time for a post. Not to mention he's gone till late tomorrow night. Just cool your jets and think of something until you get this matter sorted out.
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