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Everything posted by Andrewnuva199

  1. OOC: Just wanting to say, I did leave some threads in my last IC for others to take some use of, them mainly being how Trigger reacts to what Stranger told him about being in Dino Attack, and how Pterisa reacts to Brickolini's pizza (because I figured deciding what food she likes might be a bit much for my own posts, but maybe that's just me.)Currently on a lack of IC ideas, but I'll put some thought into it today.
  2. IC: Stranger proceeded into the mess hall with a slight bit of curiosity at the developing crowd for the lunch line. While far from the quality of public school cafeteria food, the mess hall condiments usually weren't that popular, even after a crowd of agents fresh off a mission arrived.After spending some time in line though, all was made clear. Some popular pizza chefs were now manning the kitchen, it seemed, and their breakfast pizza was apparently quite a hit. And after nibbling on a piece he took, Stranger easily understood why.Taking an omelet and some sausages, along with another slice of the pizza, he nabbed some milk and started to look for anybody familiar enough to have a seat with. After a moment, he saw Trigger and Snake sitting near the back, and made his way over."Hello again, tough guy," said Stranger, talking more to Trigger more than anything. The mercenary looked at him with a bit of a look of contempt, then he started to smile. "I remember you," he said. "You were the guy who had a bit more sense and one of those lizards as a pet. Where is it, anyways?""The lizard thing's a bit more complicated than that," said Stranger, sitting down opposite of them. "But just know that I helped him get an early ride back, and I've let him be with some of the scientists near the pens to try and sort out communication matters or whatnot. Weird stuff like that.""Why do you even bother with it?" Snake asked, sipping from his drink."Believe me, when you spend a couple days with it in a cave and exhaust all the insults at its mother you can muster, you start to get okay with him. But enough about that mess, let's talk about something else.""Good," said Trigger. "How about how you ended up here. You on any merc jobs?""Naw, just a hunter from the Old West who likes the modern style of things. Got stuck in a city overwhelmed by lizards, and banded with a couple other survivors to fight through tooth and nail just to reach an evac point. Four times. Then I signed up here.""Impressive, especially considering what the average Minifig usually can get their hands on. I'd have a good time fighting with you on some jobs.""Yeah," Stranger said while taking a bite from his omelet, "well, I may not have issues shooting blockheads who deserve it for working with the likes of Dr. Rex, I will say I prefer shooting the creatures I can take the head off for my mantelpiece without getting put into a psychiatric ward.""Whatever suits you, I suppose," Trigger was silent for a moment as he took a bite from a slice of the breakfast pizza. "At least you aren't rushing in without legs, failing to notice the big picture of a threat, or believe you can save some Stromling just by asking nicely. I swear, those blokes that 'redeemed' that Virchaus should pray to Ole they weren't killed the moment they went in that temple.""Eh, you really need to start understanding that people aren't always acting reasonable around here. We're letting some of the planet's most notorious villains ally with us, the Second Headquarters Squad is nearly brimming with unreasonable agents and yet was still given Fort Legoredo to handle on their own, and Digger is still around even after snapping and nearly fracturing the team. From how I understand your points, half the team should've been let go ages ago. And yet here we are."Stranger turned back and pointed his thumb at the crowd of agents trying to get pizza. At the same time, he could see Andrew coming in at a brisk pace, his Martian friend and the Minifig/Mutant Pterosaur Hybrid the mission reports had mentioned coming in close behind him. The latter didn't really strike him as too odd, though glancing back at Trigger and Snake, they had raised they eyebrows at seeing her."With all due respect, Trigger, whoever hired you essentially sent you to the madhouse team."---------------"Papa and Mama Brickolini!" Andrew was saying to the familiar cooks! "It's so great to see you again!""Oh, Andrew!" said Papa. "Good to see you're looking as fine as you were on LEGO Island! I've heard you did quite well on the last mission.""Heh, 'Quite well' is a good term for it. I assume you saw how Zach was looking...""He can certainly be quite... energetic... at times," Pterisa said to Laxus as the two observed the Elite Agent converse with his fellow LEGO Islanders. The two were still winded after Andrew caught them off guard by practically dragging them over."I suppose it's just because he's getting to meet with people he knows well" said Laxus. "It's a small-knit community on LEGO Island, as I understand it, so they're more close to one another than standard neighbors these days. Plus, I've heard nothing but praise for Brickolini's Pizza, so... yeah.""You're kidding! Pepper's here too!? I've got to meet up with him at some point!" Andrew continued"I'm sure he's eager to meet with you too," said Mama. "He's admired the team so much after one of the members saved him when he got stuck back on the island after the first attacks. Do you think I can convince the kitchen staff I can bring a piano in here?""Not just that, but..." Pterisa paused. "It's quite strange how eager he is. I wouldn't figure most agent to be so supportive like he is. It's almost a little creepy, honestly.""I suppose that's just in his nature, part of the LEGO Island thing I mentioned earlier," Laxus said to her. "Plus with his knowledge of how strange Dino Attack's bedfellows have gotten, it's easy for him to accept your nature. Plus it might help that he became friends with me first. After Martians, I suppose barely anything else is stranger.""I see... But what about you? How can you just so easily take in who I am?""Hey, you should see the kind of aliens you can meet around the local space ports! Squidmen, guys with tentacles all over their heads, thin little green guys, spider people, insectoids, even creatures that naturally look like Minifig skeletons! Compared to them, you'd barely turn heads in one of the bars of the Sector 6 Asteroid colony."As Pterisa began to contemplate this information, Andrew turned back to her and Laxus and gestured them over to the food counters. The Hybrid seemed anxious again, but Laxus was able to help her walk over."Oh, you were right about making some diverse friends," said Mama Brickolini. "Good to meet you two.""it's... nice to see you... too," said Pterisa, looking a little nervous, but pleasantly surprised that they seemed to glance over her appearance."The pleasure is mine as well," said Laxus. "I've heard great things about your pizza. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm sure that'll soon change.""Oh, I'm sure you'll love it!" said Papa Brickolini. "Only the best LEGO Island has to offer, and it was a hit at Antarctica as well!"Laxus took a piece from one the many dozen pizzas left available at the counter (The Brickolinis had clearly been prepared) and took a bite.It was hard to describe, but it was wondrous, to say the least, and it made him get a tray to get two more slices to carry. Andrew and the Brickolinis laughed."See?" Andrew said to Pterisa. "No one can resist Brickolini's pizza. Go ahead and try some."OOC: I worry about not writing the Brickolin's dialogue right, thinking that perhaps it might've helped to capture their accent-based pronunciations too. But I suppose the results of that wouldn't have read too nicely.
  3. IC: "Ah, good old HQ," said Andrew as he stood on the ground of the hanger with the others. "A very decent place to retreat to after a mission.""Indeed it is," said Laxus. "This place even rivals some of the space ports I've been to.""Still a little worn from the whole Cam O'Cozy business," Dr Cyborg mentioned as he observed some scaffolding around some of the walls of the hanger. "But otherwise a great home away from home. I wonder what they'll do with the place when we're done here.""Some other military-type organization might take over, I presume. Or maybe they'll renovate it into a rec center or something.""Who knows." Andrew turned to look at Pterisa, who was taking the moment to get some good observation of the hanger."Intrigued?" he asked."Er... notably. I'm surprised your team managed to get such a place set up so quickly.""The Founders got BLU to make this wonder of a construct after Kotua leveled the old place. Those guys are expert at construction, I'll tell ya.""Care to take a little tour with us?" added Laxus. "I only just joined the team before Adventurer's, so I can understand your curiosity about the place. I don't think I've see it all myself.""Uh... sure, that'd be fine." The Hybrid glanced down nervously while rubbing her neck. "Sorry, it's that I find it a bit strange, all this helping around you're giving. I'm not quite used to that, or much of anything involving social interaction.""Don't worry, we understand," said Andrew. "It's just good nature behavior for us, I suppose, helping others. Especially others who feel alienated around us."Pterisa smiled, once again with a nervous undertone. "Well, thank you for your kindness.""You're welcome. Now then, where should we start? I hear that the-""Hey!" cried out some agent near the entrance to the base, probably to some friends nearby. "They've got the Brickolinis serving pizza in the mess hall! You've gotta try it!"Andrew froze, his eyes widening, his brain flipping back to many a stops for food on LEGO Island, and his mouth starting to accumulate drool. "Okay,forgetthatidea," he said rapidly while grabbing Laxus's and Pterisa's arms. "we'regoingtoeatsomeofthebestpizzaintheWORLD!"And Andrew dashed off for the mess hall with Laxus and Pterisa in tow, pulling them along with a surprising amount of strength. The two did their best to control their surprise and keep on their feet as the Elite Agent brought them with him on his quest for good-tasting pizza.
  4. OOC: I agree, I think we don't always need a tragic backstory (you don't see me writing about a major accident that's responsible for Semick's drive to be a good leader) to have a good one. But here's a few tips I have regarding fleshing Trigger out.1. Give a general idea, but don't outright explain it. You say you want to use the "Let your mind imagine how extreme they were" stragedy? Good idea, but at least tell us some idea. What might've driven him to start this lifestyle? How extreme has he gone? Is he a criminal? What might his background with Silencia be (though that might take some private talk with PeabodySam)? Don't tell us all, but it'd be nice to get a general sketch of his background.2. Work on his character interaction. Like we've been trying to say, having him be cynical and dismissal with everyone who doesn't share his outlook or emphasis on realistic thinking is doing wonders for how our characters have treated him. Considering how outlandish this RPG's stories have gotten, it might be an interesting approach for him to start comprehending the team's extreme unprofessional behavior, major risk-taking, and downright big streaks of luck, and then either trying to get some of the lead characters to act more sensibly (possibly hindered by a need for better social skills) or just go through a character arc that could soften him up and make him a little less concerned with how many cool dudes are running the place.3. Think of a story for him to go through. Nearly every one of our major characters have had big story arcs that have refined or redefined their personality, and serve well to make them more interesting to write and interact with. Rex had discovering his connections to the start of the war, Kotua had his crazy sprees, Kat had her saga regarding her true identity, Andrew had his inner desires, Zach had his Maelstrom troubles, etc. Like I mentioned before, perhaps think of something from Trigger's past that comes back to bother him, or a development that makes him reconsider his side, or simply an ethical crisis regarding his values and reason. This one perhaps takes the most time consider, but in the long run, it's almost always worth it.
  5. OOC: We're near the end of the RPG. What's not to say some of the most important characters could face a heroic sacrifice or some other means of demise?Also, since I did remember Rex's heart attack-ish incident from one of the earlier posts this topic, I have to say his days being numbered wasn't that much of a surprising revelation.IC: The T-1 Typhoon was quiet in terms of the Minifigs inside. The pilot was concentrated of flying the craft over the ocean and reading a movie magazine, the gunner pilots, though supposed to be on alert, were catching some quick winks themselves, and the six passengers were resting quietly. For the most part.Starting to stir in his sleep was Andrew, who, after several hours of peaceful rest and rather uneventful dreams (mostly some weird tangent about Mars and street gangs) was waking up, and without a jolt for once.Euuuh.. mom, where's the pop tarts? He thought groggily as his mind started to clear up. As he became more aware of circumstance, he got a good look around at how his companions were resting.Zach and Minerva were around the console area, the former on the ground and the latter leaning against the deactivated console. Laxus had taken to lying with his legs propped up in a seat and the rest of his body lying on the floor. Dr. Cyborg was sitting upright near the the right side door. Pterisa had lied down in the corner space close to the rear gunner's port, with her wings covering her like a bat. And Andrew himself had ended up just lying in the space between the console and the radio panels. Overall, it was all rather peaceful, if a bit ridiculous.Getting up on his feet as quietly as he could, he walked over to the window on the left side door. He could barely see light on the horizon, and just under that light was the smallest inklings of coastline and the silhouette of buildings. LEGO City was close, and so was Dino Attack Headquarters.He looked back at his fellow passengers. In both his personal and social statuses, he had definitively changed for the better this trip. He had managed to get a grip regarding his desires, and had a saner head on things that wouldn't have big, crazy ideas on how to utilize some device in the middle of nowhere to achieve his desires. He had gotten closer to his friends and allies like Laxus and Semick, and had made new ones as well with people like Zach and Minerva. And he was proving to be a supportive member of the team, considering how he had stepped up to the task of helping Pterisa get used to and accepted into Dino Attack lifestyle.Looking back at the approaching city, Andrew pondered what would be next for him. There was still more Mutant Dino fighting to come, sure, but he didn't know exactly what he would end up involved in next. Perhaps he might have another personal crisis involving his inner urges? Would his companions face torments he might feel the needed to come to the aid to? Or would he have to face something totally unexpected, something that could shatter his ideas of how his future might turn out? There was nothing to do but wait and see.As Andrew's eyes glanced back at Pterisa' sleeping form, he was reminded briefly of something he had left behind last time he was at base, and made a note to take care of it once and for all when he got back.
  6. OOC: I said two hours had passed between Andrew's group's T-1 Boarding (which is around the time I presume the Outpost was still recovering from the radio sabotage) and the talk with Specs. I guessed that would be enough time for some agent or another to cook up a solution, like another radio, some transmission rewiring, a wizard doing it (I'm not being serious with that one), etc. And technically they weren't talking to Specs with a radio, but even so, I figured that the idea that there would be people in the communications room managing the technical aspects of making the call was to be expected. Just one of those things you just assumed would happen in a military-like organization like Dino Attack without asking. And such a hypothetical radio operator wasn't mentioned because we joined the call mid-broadcast, he didn't have reason to participate in the conversation, and knew when to turn off the broadcast without being asked.Like Jackson said, Trigger has potential, but his first impressions with our characters haven't been good for the most part. But do know that I have had Stranger meet him once or twice, and I've written him as being open and welcoming to Trigger and his ideals, but critical at how stubborn and rude he could get with the others. Once both characters are in HQ, I'm sure that be elaborated on.Plus, I'll be honest, I miss Zenna. I felt that she was definitely friendly and cooperative enough with other characters, and the way she was written out did feel like a Brutality Conga. Getting shot by snipers left to fend for herself for hours, stuck in the medical tent during the rampage and barely surviving, and the only reason she isn't dead is because of That Guy treating her as barely alive and you rolling with it. That's a sucky way to go. I know Raider suffered a similar fate, but he was barely as much as a big character as Zenna was. And her open, friendly idealism being replaced by a darkly emotionally removed realist is a bit of a jarring switch. Stranger's sorta like that, but I think I've mellowed him out over time, and he's a bit more friendly and willing to roll with the lack of logic realism going on.Point is, it's just going to take some time (and perhaps some character development) before our characters will realistically be on better terms with Trigger.
  7. IC: "Personally, no," said Andrew. "I'm sure your craft is fast, but I feel better traveling in something I'm a bit more used to, like T-1s.""Let's try that one," said Laxus, pointing to a T-1 Typhoon that had just landed."Good timing," said Dr. Cyborg.As the group of six headed over to the T-1, the vehicle's side door opened and the two agents inside began to roll down a rope ladder."We're intending to stop by an outpost for fuel and rest," one of the agents cried out, "and to exchange crews, but we're willing to take a couple of people along for the-woah!"Not surprisingly, the agent had noticed Pterisa approaching the craft along with the others. He seemed ready to say something more, but the agent alongside him, who appeared to be a somewhat older one, just held his hand out and muttered "Just go with it."Without any further word, Andrew's group climbed up the ladder, Pterisa making things a bit easier by simply flying up into the chopper interior. Inside, there was only one other agent, currently sitting in the rear gunner's port. No one appeared to be manning the central monitors, and most of them were turned off. Andrew assumed that the crew must've felt they were able to do well without them."Enh, looks like enough for now," said the older agent of the T-1's crew, already pulling the rope ladder back. "Six agents takes up a lot of space in this thing. Let's get ready to takeoff again.""Surely there's enough space for others," said Zach. "I'd be willing to sacrifice some space.""Do you want to get back to LEGO City or not?" said the agent. "Besides, there's plenty of ground vehicles for people to take if they're feeling to walk back this far. And I'd like to get some sleep, too.""The way he sounds," Andrew muttered to Laxus, "I guess it would be best for him to hit the sack."As everyone got settled somewhere in either the chairs around the deactivated TALON-9 system or on the floor of the interior, the side door closed and the vehicle's crew got in place for takeoff. Laxus, sitting with Andrew in one of the seats, couldn't help but feel reminded of them taking off with Semick in his T-1 back during their arrival to the island. It reminded him of how much time had passed and how much they had gotten done over the past few days.Glad to know we have another milestone out of the way, he thought, and that it's not much further now to the end.-------Two Hours Later--------"And that's the basics of what happened at our ends," said Semick. He and Rockford were back at Outpost 4, and although night had fallen, the place was still very much buzzing with activity. Agents were still coming and going, hoping to try and catch a T-1 back to LEGO City, reunite with friends and close colleagues, or just find a place to nap for the night. The night shift crews hadn't had so much to do since the mission began, especially since the earlier sabotage of the radio system had caused quite a bit of unorganized messes early on.He and Rockford were just about ready to call it for the night themselves, but after returning to the outpost, checking up on the returning agents and vehicles, they still had one thing to do: communicate with Specs and report to him personally about the missions' results and final addresses.Technically, only Semick or some of the other Elite Agents had to be part of the broadcast, but under the circumstances, and considering Rockford's role in the final battle of the mission, Semick had encouraged Rockford to stay up a little longer for the talk."Quite a conclusion for this one," said Specs. The communications room had rather dim lighting, so the screen showing DIno Attack's leading Founding Member cast eerie glows on the two agents' faces. "My condolences to everyone who was there in the chamber when the Darkitect showed up. Anyways, Semick, can you inform me on the status on the other Elite Agents you were alongside this mission?""Hotwire, Andrew and Rex are already on their way back," said Semick, "and just so you know, Pterisa joined up with Andrew's crew during departure. I believe Rex should be there the soonest. As for the others...""We haven't heard from Reptile since the camp ambush," continued Rockford grimly. "We'll keep a lookout, but I fear XERRD or some other enemy might have him now. And Zenna, as you might know, is in critical condition in Antarctica. I hope for her recovery, but deep inside, I feel we may never see her on the front lines again. A shame, there was a lot of unsung promise in her.""I see." Specs took a moment to take in the effective loss of the two Elite agents. "But to look more optimistically, I'd like to hear of anyone you feel should be handed the title of Elite Agent next. I'm sure there's more than a few worth considering.""Indeed there is," said Semick. "Kate Bishop could certainly use the recognition for her role in banishing the Maelstrom, and it wouldn't be a bad thing for helping out her nerve, either. Zach and Minerva did well in risking their lives getting the former to free himself from the Maelstrom's control as well as contribute to our overall campaign here. From the frequency I hear their names in the reports so far, Hertz and Dr. Cyborg have performed enough heroics and accomplishments to deserve the promotion too. And of course," Semick put his hand on Rockford's shoulder, "I think Rockford here's done enough for it too.""Really?!" Rockford said, surprised and astonished."Yes, really. You took up leading when Mur was gone most excellently, and you've been a great aid to our planning and organization since the XERRD Fortress. Why shouldn't you get promoted."Rockford felt like he would blush from humility. "T-thank you for the suggestion, Semick. And if I may make one...""Sure, why not?" said Specs."Well, while I know we don't usually do this, and though Dust was never officially an agent on our team, I feel Mr. Thutmose, for realizing how he had messed up and helping our team clear up and guide us through the Hotep III temple matter, should get a posthumous promotion as well."Specs simply stared back, his visible eyes not showing any emotion except contemplation. "We'll consider your nominations as well as our own, Semick and Rockford. Now one last thing I want to discuss is the loose ends. You've mentioned several times about the XERRD scientists you found at the temple and fortress. How many are still MIA?""According to the reports," said Semick, "A good deal of them are unaccounted for. Dr. Glados and Gonepus are the most notable ones still at large, though the former lost her trademark portal device. Some of the techies have it now and are seeing if they can make any use of it.""And Senor Palomar is still out there too," said Rockford, "but other than about a dozen or two we don't have a name or reputation on, everyone else is either dead or captured."Specs contemplated this news. "Hmm... even with those escapees, it still seems we've managed to take some good blows here. The reports we've gotten say all the missions we've called out were accomplished, though at various costs. Castle Cove was one, though the team we sent there took major causalities. The Second Headquarters Squad took Fort Legoredo and the outpost back, though they destroyed the former in the process. The Dino Island labs were destroyed, though I'm told nearly all the Brickster-Bots are gone, and the Brickster himself barely made it out of there. And you have defeated all XERRD forces and cleared out the Maelstrom, though the causalities were sizable.""Personally, I think it's safe to say we've almost won now," said Rockford. "But you can't be too sure.""All too true, Rockford, all too true. Dr. Rex is crazy, highly unpredictable, and loves to be devastating in his attacks. I wish Dr. Einstein could've made it out alive, if only to know what he might know about what that giant Mutant T-Rex is going to do next. Even with how we've limited him with his facilities, staff and source of mutation, I feel he might have something big in mind to try and tear us up as a last resort."Regardless, I've gotten all I feel I need for now, you two should get some well deserved rest. I look forward to seeing you back with the rest tomorrow, Semick.""The feeling is mutual, sir," said Semick, saluting him."Goodbye for now," and moments after Specs finished, the screen flipped off."It was good fighting alongside you, Semick," said Rockford, shaking the Elite Agent's hand. "I don't know if we'll meet again anytime soon, but I wish you luck for the rest of the war.""Same to you Rockford," said Semick. "Have fun working the outposts." Without any further words, Semick left the room and headed for the bunks. It was time to finally settle down and rest.
  8. IC: Andrew smirked as Dr. Cyborg gave Pterisa his compliments. It was pleasing to see that others were taking the same stance as he was regarding the Hybrid's remaining anxiety with being part of the team."Thanks for helping out the welcoming committee, doctor," the LEGO Islander said when he was done."My pleasure," said Dr. Cyborg. "Care if I join you?""Not at all. Now let's go." And with that, the group of six (Andrew, Laxus, Pterisa, Zach, Minerva, and Dr. Cyborg) then proceeded into the hallway. With the Maelstrom now gone, Andrew couldn't help but admire the design of the structure around them. Grand arches, great stone columns, it was like everything Greece, Rome and Atlantis had thrown together in a masterpiece of architecture. And from what he could glimpse from the occasional chamber linked to by alternate corridors, the style continued to every room. It was something everyone could admire."This has to make me admire what Nexus Force does," said Laxus, "fighting off the Maelstrom with so much valor. Protecting places like this as well as common cities and other lands, that's definitively a strong cause to get behind.""Truely," said Dr. Cyborg. "And it reminds you just how much the Maelstrom can transform what it possesses, turning a place like this into some kind of infernal temple of doom, and making good people become horribly corrupt.""And a little hammy," Andrew muttered. He released a small snicker, which earned him a glare from Minerva until Zach joined in briefly."No, I'll admit that's true. I think forces of evil must have a natural urge to be playful and dramatic when they feel oh-so-superior to everything like that. But it does confuse me at times. Where the heck did that Stroming-me get the idea of that line about sticking a cupcake in his eye?" Everyone snickered."Who knows," Pterisa added in a quiet tone. Andrew was briefly surprised to hear her join in the conversation, but he quickly told himself to embrace it."Yeah," Andrew added, "all we can say is that pure evil always has some connection to craziness."After a few more humored smirks, the group continued down the halls for a bit until Pterisa said something again. "So... guessing by what you said earlier, and by the presence of your companions here, I'm to presume that the team ha several non-minifig allies?""Oh, definately," Andrew responded. "The list goes on a sizable bit.""Now you've done it," said Laxus, nudging Pterisa with an elbow. The Hybrid looked confused, but as Andrew started to ramble, all was made clear."For starters, awhile back, I believe there was an agent who had a dog that was really some alien humanoid wolf creature or something, but that was a really old uncitated report, so I'm not sure if it's true. Then there's Libo, who's a large mechanical spider-esque robot from an old secret crimefighting team akin to Alpha Team. Frozeen was in this exosuit with four arms, wings and and a skull-like face for the longest time, and General has the same kind of suit as well. Then there's this agent called Databoard was mutated into a Mutant Lizard Hybrid, and after getting his mind straight, he went around in that form for a while before getting cured. And there's an agent by the name of Sauro-Hunter (who's with a group of friends somewhere on some personal business) whose posse includes a guy with dragon wings, several tamed Mutant Dinos who are more bonded to his group than Rex's-""Okay, okay, I think that's enough," Pterisa said, her hands held out in a stopping gesture. "Guess I know who to talk to if I need more background info.""I'm one of the best," Andrew said with a smirk.Not long after that, the group reached the entrance of the temple and walked back once more in the light of the setting sun. With no battle going on, the space between the edge of the rock and the temple entrance was a bit better suited to the small crowd that had gathered to use the zip-lines and board the T-1s.Andrew took a moment to admire the pristine exterior of the temple, then turned to his group. "Bit of a crowd, but I'm sure it won't take long to board something. Though just out of curiosity, does everyone just want to head back to HQ, or should we try for a rest here at an outpost first? It's a rather long way back, but there's no hurry. Plus we might want to handle any matters of fatigue, medical attention or nutrition."OOC: That Guy, I'm not ignoring Saran, but I figure what I'm doing with my character group (exiting the temple) might not be what she's intending to do, which is I believe brief psychological analyses of the agents. Feel free to try and have her reunite with them, though.
  9. My gosh, that LEGO City game looks very remarkable. I might have reason to start arguing for a WiiU in the house...
  10. Aw well. The fans gave it a good shot.Still, are hopes are still out Hasbro might try the same idea with their Kre-O products? I'm open to give some clone brands a chance. I felt Mega Blok's Halo sets look nice (though I'm not a Halo fan myself), and the Battleship sets looked semi-okay. If Hasbro tried buildable ponies as an experiment, I would have some reasonable optimism for it working out.
  11. OOC: Eh, hold that thought. Spartan's been a bit confusing on where Sauro Hunter's (Sorry, I'm just still used to that codename) team has been ever since they ventured off-course to Mount Bricklake, but I'm pretty sure that they weren't on Adventurers' Island when several of his characters died.IC: "Well then," Andrew said, clapping his hands in a cleaning motion, "I suppose we're done here. Semick's having the T-1s winch some of the agents out of here through that hole, but from the looks of things, there's a bit of a crowd." Indeed, being able to winch up only a handful of agents at a time in about a half-dozen T-1 Typhoons was causing a bit of a wait to develop for people to go."We could just take the scenic route out," Laxus said, pointing to the hallway that they had came into the chamber through. "I think there should be a few T-1s stopping near the entrance to pick agents up. And I did kind of want to get a better look at this place in its more nice-looking state, plus I'm sure we could have some nice conversations on the way, too.""Hm, not a bad idea," said Zach. He looked at the stump where his old prosthetic hand had been. "Probably for the best, since I can't exactly hang onto any ropes well right now.""Heh. First thing we do when we get back to an outpost or base," Andrew said, "You're getting a new hand.""I might want to get looked at too," Minerva added. "I'm sure some of the medics would faint over how many beat-downs I've had to shake off this mission.""Yeah," said Andrew. "So how about we get a move on, then?"Andrew started to walk back towards the hallway, with Laxus, Zach and Minerva right behind him, when he looked back and saw Pterisa still standing where she was."There's always room for one more, Pterisa," Andrew said back to her. "Want to tag along with us?"----------------"See to it that we get agents to pick up all these vehicles and deliver them back to the outposts," Rockford told Outpost 5 over radio. "Also, just remember that everyone should be equipped for T-1s coming in from both the temple and LEGO City for the troops heading back to HQ. As the station second-closest to our recent battle area, you should expect some fair amount of traffic. Also, get some people to help Outpost 4 settle their technical difficulties before midnight. I don't want them swamped and unorganized at a critical time like this.""Understood, Commander. And we'll make sure to have a position open for Outpost Commanding. From what we've heard from the battles, you've likely earned enough prestige to have an easy time getting one.""Good to hear. Rockford out."As Rockford switched his radio frequency to Semick's T-1, he briefly reflected on what he had gone through today. He may not be a commander in the same likes as Semick or Reptile, but he had likely proved himself to be close to it at Hotep's temple. Mur was a somewhat prolific man, and he had clearly seen potential by having the former lawyer serve as a sort-of second in command. While he would likely get much posthumous praise for his sacrifice to stop that Stromling Ape, it seemed that Rockford was going to get attention for being able to pick up his lead and helping to take charge. Granted, he felt that it was more due to the team's performance rather than his lead, but he supposed that he might've done as just as much good with helping direct the team as Semick had done motivating and commanding it.He was definitely getting better handling tough agents, that was for sure. In communications with Semick, he learned that Dust's last words had included ones of regret and apology to Rockford for his actions. So he had had an effect on the Egyptian after all. It made the bitterness of his death a little sweeter. And he had managed to not be rocked by Trigger's stubbornness with trying to take command and overly criticize the strategics of the team in general. That was a good thing too, he supposed.Regardless, there was one last matter to address, letting the home team get the news. Semick had told him he was a little tired of speeches for today, and asked Rockford to send out the notice. Rockford agreed, saying he wanted a few minutes to prepare. Now the time for prep was over."You ready?" Semick said over radio."Yes," said Rockford. "Connect me to a frequency strong enough for LEGO City to get."----------------"Bluetooth, you know what to do.""Right-o!" said Bluetooth, modifying the frequency to reach Dino Attack HQ.Semick sat back and let out a sigh as Rockford began his message. It had been quite a day, today. And as it ended, it ended with a feeling of hope in spite of how much was left."To Dino Attack Headquarters and to our Founding Members and other leaders. This is Standard Agent Rockford, acting as Outpost Commander and formally Temple Assult Ground Team Commander. I have been given the liberty by Elite Agent Semick to report the mission on Adventurers' Island as a success.This had been the ultimate test of his command skills. Leading the team responsible for fighting something perhaps much more dangerous than Dr. Rex's forces could ever hope to be. He didn't pretend to know much about the Maelstrom, but he knew that much had been at stake today."Early reports are still a little vague and blurry, but we can report that the Maelstrom's source on this island was contained in a Temple of Creation near the outlands of the island, atop a smaller island in the middle of a large crevice. Upon arrival, agents reported an Orb containing 'Pure Imagination' was keeping the Maelstrom at bay from fully extending its power.He had to give Rex credit again for remembering this temple. Even if it hadn't gone as he planned, it had clearly given them the opening needed to be able to quickly get to work at the Temple of Creation. The agents had gotten out of the battle area at Hotep's temple quickly and effectively, and once the preparations had been made for crossing the crevice to the temple and the call for battle came, everyone had responded like a good agent should."Once a red herring with a temple dedicated to Pharaoh Hotep III was cleared, at the lost of the agent who forwarded the possibility of the temple being the Maelstrom temple, teams arrived at the true temple and infiltrated to help support a team led by Elite Agent Rex, who uncovered XERRD operatives trying to absorb Maelstrom energy from a large vortex their own uses. It was found that Dino Attack scientist Dr. Einstein was among the group, having been undercover as leading XERRD scientist Walter Bishop.Looking out now at the crevice around the temple, the mist had lost the eerie purple color, and was now just as grey as the clouds above often were. Winning this battle definitely had the feel that something much more than simply another blow to the Mutant Dinos. They had done something greater, something that perhaps had ensured the fate of more than just the LEGO Planet's population."Once reinforcements showed up, among them agents carrying the Maelstrom crystal reported of before, it appears that the Darkitect, the alleged former Baron Typhonus who created and now commands the Maelstrom, appeared through the vortex and attempted to acquire the Maelstrom crystal to try and overwhelm the Imagination holding it back from spreading outside the temple. When that failed, agents were apparently forced to fight illusions based off their own deepest fears.There was the little things too that showed just what his team was capable of. How Andrew and Minerva had helped Zach to overcome possession by the Maelstrom, something that few other Dino Attack agents were able to to do, unfortunately. How Dust, though murdered by one of their (admittedly less-sane) own, recognized in his final moments his wrongs, and did his best to make amends. How Kate Bishop had proved herself at the end, in spite of the steady decline in her ability to cope with what had been happening since the XERRD Fortress assault. And of course, how Dr. Einstein had been able to infiltrate and do so much for Dino Attack's cause, up to, like Mur had much earlier, giving his own life so that so many others may live."After overcoming the illusions, the team managed to band together and use all firepower and creative will to distract the Darkitect while the Maelstrom Crystal was taken from the temple. After that, Dr. Einstein sacrificed his life to provide the 'Creative Spark' necessary to bring enough Imagination to overwhelm the Maelstrom and banish it from both the temple and possibly the LEGO Planet entirely.Clearly this war was far from over, but it still seemed like it was closer than it had ever been before. Even if the next few months would perhaps be their most darkest hour yet, something in Semick's mind told him that he had proved himself ready for it, and that no matter what, no matter how many more died, no matter how much it seemed Dr. Rex might still be close to winning, there was no doubt that ultimately, good would be the victor in this war."More detailed reports are soon to follow from agents on the scene, but for now, we can take comfort in knowing that we've accomplished the second most major milestone in crippling the Mutant Dino forces. To repeat in summary; the Maelstrom is gone from this island, and Adventurers' Island has ended in a victory for Dino Attack. Let us hope for more similar outcomes elsewhere."
  12. I want freaking Episode 3. But by now, my hopes have died down on that.I would like to get to see the preview of the new Saints Row the Third expansion: Enter the Dominatrix. Say all you want about how Volition might be making the game too silly for its own good (I will admit I liked Saints Row 2 better gameplay-wise), but I'd be interested in see how they'll execute their promises about your character having powers or whatnot (Being a Super-Saint in the Trouble With Clones DLC was fun as heck).Other than that, I guess I can wait to see how Sony and Microsoft might embarrass themselves with presentation of their "exciting new products". People are still groaning from watching the Kinect presentations from last year.
  13. OOC: Wow, now that was an impressive ending. You did Andrew's confrontation with Pterisa better than I could've thought to do. Heck, at some points you had better ideas on how to write him than I did!Hope Brikman's plans didn't get a little messed up there, though. I know he was going on a bit about how Zach's "special case" might help to bring the Darkitect down.IC: After the moment of silence was over, Andrew and Laxus took a moment to reflect upon all that had happened."Man," said Laxus, staring at the brightly glowing Imagination Orb that had been key to their victory, "That was one heck of a fight.""Yeah," said Andrew. "I'm even suprised myself on how well we did. Guess there is something to Imagination as a power source.""How the heck can stopping Dr. Rex come close to topping that?! It's a litle hard to top overthrowing the most evil entity in the universe.""Just wait and see, it'll be something to talk about, I'm sure. That maddino might just go all out crazy on us or something now that his source of Dino mutation is cut out. And who knows what he'll do then?""Good point. Regardless, this war's almost over, for sure. And that's definately good news, isn't it?""Truely." Glancing around, Andrew noticed Pterisa standing near the back of the crowd of agents that had gathered due to the need to congradulate Kate, mourn Dr. Einstein, and see if one could get a lift from a T-1 winch. Nudging Laxus's arm, he gestured towards her and the Martian got the message. The two began walking towards her.She looked much more confident than she had been several minutes ago, but did still look to be a little nervous with socializing along with the others. Andrew understood it well. Even with the biggest welcomes and embrances from others, it would still take alot to join a group that one pictured themselves as a potential emeny of for a long period of time. The example of Zach still stood out well in the LEGO Islander's mind."Hi," he said to the Minifig/Mutant Pterosaur Hybrid as he and Laxus reached her.Pterisa looked a little startled at Andrew's words. "Hello," she responded back with a bit of nervousness. "I guess I should thank you for trying to help me out back there.""It was nothing," said Laxus, "just doing our duty for our own allies.""I see...""You still feel a little nervous around the team, I'm guessing?" Andrew asked."A little. Rex's words were very reassuring, and I've already met with Specs and your other top leaders, but that still doesn't quite make me feel well about conregating with the rest of your people.""Well, let me tell you about a friend of mine. Not too long ago, I saved him and another agent from an old trap net over a cliffside. A few days and battles later, he was injected with Maelstrom energy by a XERRD scientist and made a Stroming. And he was a paticularily vile and hammy Stroming, I can tell you that much."But I remembered the old him, and had a feeling that I could understand what he was going through given some of my own personal inner experiences. So me and a good friend of his ventured deep into a temple we though was the host of the Maelstrom, intending only to free him from his corrpution. And after fighting tooth and nail both physically and mentally, we managed to free him and bring him back to normal."He's visibly worn from his experience, and he still feels responsible for all he did and who he killed as a Stroming, but our commanders were among the first to welcome him back, and they ensured him that any naysayers objecting to his return would have to deal with them."Semick and Rockford are as good men as Rex, and I'm somewhat equal to them, holding the rank of Elite Agent like most of them. Trust me, if anyone objects to you staying with us, while I can't ensure they're getting a punch in the face, I can ensure that they'll get some good retribution.
  14. Am I to assume from these two consecutive posts that this new toy is one of the many SDCC exclusives I've heard of over the years?
  15. IC: "Doubt that's gonna help," Laxus muttered towards Andrew in reference to Trigger's gunshots.But Andrew wasn't really paying attention, more intent on assessing the current situation. Freeing Rex and others from their illusion traps was a good step in the right direction, and he had a feeling that the others would hopefully soon follow, and Semick's decision to clear more openings in the ceiling would likely help them stay secure, but there were still other matters of concern.Dr. Einstein, however he had showed up, was down on the ground near a statue with a glowing blue orb that Andrew guessed had to do with Imagination somehow. It was an educated guess that he might've been trying to do something related to helping to stop the Darkitect. He didn't look well, and it seemed rather obvious that he was in need of some assistance.And then there was the matter that had brought the mysterious samurai's helmet close to his feet. Given all that he had seen and heard in Dino Attack, he was only somewhat surprised to see her true appearance be revealed. But clearly that hadn't been the same for everyone, and it seemed that she wasn't too happy about it either, to put it mildly. Visibly distraught at being seen right near the edge of the Maelstrom vortex with the crystal still in hand, she was in a precarious position."Ugh," Vinyaya groaned from behind him, "isn't there anyone here without a troubled background?""Plenty," Andrew responded. "It's just that the untroubled people aren't interesting, I guess. But really, none of that's important right now.""How so? If you know that a person's committed crimes in the past, how can you be so sure they won't do it again, and with you as the victim?""By judging their actions and figuring if they make sense for someone about to stab you in the back." Andrew gestured towards the samurai. "And I don't know about you, but that doesn't seem like someone we should be fighting."Andrew looked back at her, cringing at remembering just how much in control she had seemed before. Just a minute ago she had acted with as much confidence as someone like Semick. Now she was not too dissimilar to how Kate Bishop had been acting recently."She needs help. Needs to realize that her species does not determine how she gets treated."He turned back towards Vinyaya. "See if you can help Dr. Einstein down by the statue. He's not looking very well, and he just might have something that can help us stop all this. Meanwhile, I'm going to go talk to the samurai."Vinyaya looked at him with concern. "You sure that's the best idea?""Nearly an hour ago I helped a guy I barely knew reject the Maelstrom and turn back to the light. He was partially fearful of how Dino Attack might receive him upon return, but beyond a few cases here and there, (Vinyaya raised an eyebrow, wondering if he was talking about her) we've welcomed him in with open arms. I fail to see why not do the same for someone who's willing to stand up the Darkitect himself and get our own agents to get their focus back.""In that case," said Laxus, "it's best that you don't do it alone. I'll help you talk to her, maybe it'll inspire others to do the same."Andrew was about to say something, but then simply nodded. His friend had a point."Okay then, so let's stop talking and do something." Grabbing Laxus's arm, he headed towards the distraught Minifig/Mutant Pterosaur hybrid.------------------"Follow the target line Bluetooth's outlined on radar," Semick cried out on the radio, "We have to get more of an opening without hitting our own agents! And the more we can let the Darkitect know we're hammering down on him, the better!"Semick could only judge what was happening with his line of sight through the hole they had made so far, but he could infer that this ally who Andrew had managed to make contact with had made his or her move. Whether or not it had been fully successful, he couldn't know for sure, but all he did know that it had annoyed the Maelstrom's mysterious leader severely and had resulted in the ally crouching on the ground and barely moving. He could only assume that something had hurt her to some level or another.A buzz from an incoming message alert interrupted him. Two of them, actually. One from Rockford, one from Ospery. Answering them both, he said "Before you say anything, let me know how things are going for yourselves.""The Dino onslaught down here's mostly over," said Rockford, sounding a little suprised from something. "They did respond violently to us trying to stop their charge, and we've got a couple wounded, but for the most part they... just ignored us. They just charged off the cliffside like... lemmings or something.""Andrew's been telling me that they got the Maelstrom crystal Frozeen was sending the odd report about. The thing's supposed to call in Mutant Dinos like how some of our agents react to mealtimes. Guess its call was too resistible for some of them.""Guess so. Anyways, we've mostly got things reorganized back around here. If we need any agents getting to and from the temple, the zip lines should be clear enough.""Good to hear. Ospery?""We picked up some XERRD scientists who surrendered to a couple of your guys near the entrance," said the Agents captain. "We also let Hotwire go in after we treated him with our medical supplies. He suggested you might want to get your medical agents to start getting some orders from us, actually.""I"ll make a note of that. Is that all on your side?""Pretty much. We've got not much else to do since you've been hammering down on that temple.""Well, once we make a bigger hole, I want you to help out. See for yourself how its going down there and if you have advice on how to act next. From what I understand, it's mostly up to our men down there to get that Maelstrom plugged up and/or destroyed. And I don't think bombardment with our weapons is going to help matters.""Understood. I'll remain on standby.""Okay then. So I'm assuming I've answered your possible queries for a status report on my side?""Pretty much," said Rockford."You've summed up all we wanted to know," said Ospery."Alright then," said Semick. "I'll talk again once we're through. Semick out."
  16. How so?KalhikiHe's possibly in the stage where's he's being an obnoxious fan who treats the show like a religion. Or he's gotten into an aspect of the fandom best not described on these boards, or something else entirely.
  17. IC: Andrew could hear Vinyaya sigh as their group watched Zach and Minerva run off. "That makes two agents I've been given doubts about.""What, di-oh, right, the thing that Trigger was saying about Claw," Andrew responded, turning to her. "Look, I may not know much about current criminals at large, but Claw's been here for a while, and she's been nothing but a good ally. Even if she did have a criminal background, I'm pretty sure she's trying to put it behind her.""Besides," Laxus added, "strange times makes for strange bedfellows, so they say. We have pirates like Greybeard and Elizabeth for allies, for example.""Who was the last one?" asked Vinyaya."One of Zenna's allies," Andrew explained. "Haven't seen her for a while. Hope she didn't end up like Zenna herself.""I hope she recovers," Laxus added. "We could always use more friendly agents like her on the field."Andrew glanced back at the hole in the roof, where T-1s were still hovering in and out of view of. "Speaking of help," he said, reaching for his PDA, "Might be good to give Semick some details on what's been going on."Narrowing down on Semick's signal, he went to audio conversational mode and raised the device to his ear. "Semick, are you listening?"After a moment, the fellow Elite Agent's voice came through. "Loud and clear, Andrew. You've probably noticed that I got in, so I'll cut to the chase. Can you explain better what's going on? It seems that most of the agents are standing still or something in their fights.""Yeah, it's not exactly great news. MOst of the stromlings are down, but the Darkitect himself is operating through the Maelstrom vortex in here, and its got most of everyone caught up in illusions leaning towards their most personal fears, and most of the battle's halted. We've got an ally in dark samurai clothing preparing to do something to help stop them though.""... Freakin' Maelstrom, how does it work? Well, we've got the skies pretty secured from the Mutant Pterosaur attacks, so now I'm just waiting to see if I can provide support from up here. Does your samurai ally have any advice on what help we can lend?""Give me a sec," Andrew said, and he turned towards the cloaked figure in the samurai garb. "One of our commanders is leading the T-1s and wants to try and help with stopping the illusions. Do you think that's possible for them to help with your plans, or are they better off not interfering?"------------------It seemed pitiful for the Mutant Lizard to see Rex acting like this now. Whoever this dead Minifig had been, it had clearly been someone he had cared for, perhaps not unlike the Mutant Dinos he had helped guide some time ago.But what was surprising, and more than a bit annoying, was that instead of trying to focus his grief into anger for a retaliation against his enemy who had apparently killed her, the Minifig was just sitting there crying, like he had lost all hope. Where was his fighting spirit? Where was the bravery and sense of right and wrong the Mutant Lizard had heard so much about? Why was he wasting time mourning when there was still much more to focus on?The Lizard groaned and nudged Rex side, trying to remind him what he should be focusing on. But the fool didn't even seem to notice in the state he was in. He just kept lying there, staring at the former Minifig's form like it was the only thing that mattered right now.As the Lizard sighed and prepared to do something more drastic to get Rex to pay attention, it heard the sound of footsteps approaching from its left. Turning, he was surprised to see the same looking Minifig as the dead one lying before it running up to them. How could this be? Were these Minifigs twins or some-The Lizard glanced for the briefest moment back at the Maelstrom vortex, and its one good eye widened in understanding. Clearly, this entity was very devious and very good at faking things.The Minifig that it and Rex had been fighting moved to try and interfere, but the Minifig who had arrived simply punched him in the face and quickly focused back on Rex. She tried to get his attention by shaking him, but like it had been with the Mutant Lizard, it failed to pull him out of his state.Groaning, the Minifig looked towards the Mutant Lizard and said something to him. "You were fighting with him, so he must be able to notice you. Can you get him to realize he's being fooled?"The Mutant Lizard thought for a moment, trying to think of how it could best get this across in spite of not being able to talk and Rex appearnetly not seeing the actually-not dead Minifig. Then it remembered his days spent learning with Stranger, and it nodded.It turned around and poked its tail into the dirt floor. Slowly, but with as much quick pace as it could muster, it drew the letters for three words that would hopefully convey the message that Rex needed to hear.When it finished, the Lizard looked back at Rex, and thought of how it might best want to try and get his attention. Since shoving and nudging had failed, it seemed that it would have to be direct and blunt. So the Lizard swiped his tail into Rex's face."Ow, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Rex cried out, his voice teaming with grief, shock, and a little bit of anger. "Can't you see-"The lizard ignored his words and simply pointed with its tail towards its own. It watched as Rex read them, hoping he would understand the meaning behind them:ITZ A LYE
  18. OOC: It happens when Andrew's writer doesn't know where Trigger's beheading occured and assumed that he wasn't close enough to the entrance to the chamber for Andrew to take too much note of it.IC later. Debating what I should have Semick do next.
  19. Wow. Just comes to show how much we've come to accept to mentioning websites that aren't appropriate by BZP standards over the past couple of years/months.Welp, the price we have to pay to keep this commuinty up and the spirit of LEGO intact, amiright, guys?
  20. IC: Bluetooth heard the agent on the radio trying to give advice on the temple bombardment. Semick was too occupied, seeing as he was concentrated on keeping the T-1 fired directed properly."Sorry, but it's a little late for that!" Bluetooth responded. "We're already nearly done blasting out a hole! Any moment now, we're gonna break through!"-------------The "Stromling Inquisition" was remarkably easy to take down. To Andrew, it felt more like a petty distraction more than anything else.Regardless, after the fight, he, Laxus, and Vinyaya managed to pick up on the battle sounds better, though disturbingly, they seemed to have died down remarkably. The change in audio encouraged the three to quicken their pace.Eventually, after heading down one last corridor, the trio managed to reach the opening and into the main chamber. It was remarkable sight, both for the immense size of the chamber and the state of the battle. Except for a giant vortex with a disturbing-looking face within it and several Stromlings harassing Claw and a cloaked figure, there was hardly any Maelstrom battling going on. Most agents seemed to be preoccupied with other Minifigs, and normal looking ones like that. Some seemed familiar, like what looked to be Kotua facing Rex, a Mutant Lizard, and what looked to be Claw's body (which immediately indicated that there was something amiss here), while others were total strangers, and some weren't even Minifigs, like the agent who appeared to be running in circles from a giant butterfly.It didn't take a genius to guess that this was the same kind of illusion thing occurring that had made Andrew see the Infomaniac earlier in the temple. But it appeared that the shear shock and familiarity factor of these illusions were stopping his allies in their tracks regardless. And they weren't having the best of times facing their fears."Obviously, this battle isn't going well," Laxus said obviously. "Where should we start?""Claw over there seems to not be occupied," Vinyaya observed. "We best try with her and her... 'ally,' I suppose."Advancing over, shooting a few Stromlings that tried to get in the way as they went, Andrew was able to notice that Claw was dragging along some kind of electronic chair, and the cloaked figure was wearing a few bits of samurai armor, and was holding some kind of glowing crystal that seemed to emit feelings of dread and awe."Is that the Maelstrom Crystal I've been hearing the odd report here and there about?" He asked as they reached the two. The cloaked figure glanced at them, though due to their face garments, Andrew couldn't see their face."I'm guessing you just arrived?" said the figure, which had a feminine voice, much to Andrew's eyebrow-raising surprise."That would be a yes," said Laxus."What's the current objective here?" asked Vinyaya."Well, this crystal here," said Amanda, gesturing to said crystal, "the Darkitect is trying to get to it so it can unleash its full power. We've been doing our best to keep it away and find out how we can stop it.""Unfortunately," said the cloaked figure, "with everyone caught up in their own nightmares, our plans have steered to a halt. Can you see them?""Eh," Andrew said instinctivley, "yes, quite clearly. Why wouldn't we?" The two females simply stared. Andrew guess that they didn't have a fully idea of why either."Regardless of that," said Vinyaya, "I suppose our objective then is to try and snap everyone out of it?""Basically," said the cloaked figure."And I'm guessing it's not as easy as grabbing them by the shoulder and shaking them while shouting 'WAKE UP!', is it?" added Laxus."Trust me, I've tried," said Claw, glancing back towards Rex."Alright then," said Andrew, "I guess we're going to have start thinking on our feet again, aren-"Interruption came from above, as the steady gunfire and impact sounds Andrew and co. had been hearing for some time began to be joined by a large amount of loud cracks and creaks. Glancing up, he could see a semi-large circle starting to develop somewhere above and behind the Maelstrom Vortex. Small rocks and dust were falling from it fast, and the ceiling was also groaning substantially.Finally, it gave way. The circle of cracks gave way to form a circle of rock, which fell from the ceiling for several seconds until it impacted somewhere around the backside of wherever the Vortex was formed from. Said Vortex seemed to ripple, and Andrew was able to notice various pieces of rock getting sucked in.Turning his attention back towards the new hole in the ceiling, Andrew was able to see the light of the sky pouring in, until it was blocked by the familiar form of a T-1 Typhoon hovering above, its cockpit turned to face the battle below."Looks like Semick did it again," said Laxus.
  21. OOC: I'm not quite sure. While I understand how anxious you are, I do have some plans for Trigger in this area.What exactly do you have in mind? Other than Trigger getting hit in the head from falling debris or him getting angry with Semick's risk-taking, I don't see how that could be an issue.
  22. OOC: PeabodySam: I never really paid attention to the breed I had in mind, but have always pictured him as one of the brown ones, mostly due to that's the only piece of the Dino Attack line at the moment I have thanks to a lucky thrift store find.Also, glad that you could work him into your post. I felt it would be appropriate for him to intervene, considering the things Kotua was saying to Rex, but I was worried it might throw off your plans. Good to see things went better than expected.You got me confused about the whole illusion thing though. What qualifies Ptersia and Amanda for not seeing the Illusions of Fear?IC later. Everyone okay with me having Semick break through next post, though?
  23. In Dino Attack's defense, its official story says that the DInosaurs aren't true Dinosaurs, but Mutant Dinos. They were abnormal not only in their appearance, but in having various powers like eye beams, force fields and sonic screams. So it's perfectly respectable to enjoy Dino Attack's designs more for simply reason of Rule of Cool.Can't really speak for Dino 2010, though. And I suppose having in-story justification is good enough for people who care mostly for the sets only.
  24. IC: "Okay men, enough delaying," Semick said into the mic. The T-1 Typhoons were finally in position, having mostly taken care of the Mutant Pterosaur attacks, and had at least one of them still protecting the bombardment formation. It was time to break in. "Let's hope everyone's still prepared."Semick gripped his controls for the front guns, the trigger only a light push from going off. "On my mark. Ten..."This is risky, highly risky."...Nine..."Semick knew what this was. Last minute doubt, possibly Malestrom trickery trying to play on his fears. He kept a straight face and did his best to ignore it.You could injure something or someone important. You could doom the planet just with a simple action."...Eight..."This was true. They delay in firing could've made people numb to Rockford's warning. But this had to be done.Like butterflies in the wind. You know what could happen."...Seven..."This inner voice had a slight point. During the preparations for the temple assult, Semick had a restless night due to his dreams. Nightmares were getting to him again, and in this case he had a rather vivid one.He dreamed of being among the last survivors of his kind. Of a failure of this mission leaving him and a few familiar and unfamiliar faces being the remnants of the LEGO Planet's population. And time was almost up."...Six..."In those last imaginary moments (so vivid!), he was holding hands with his last allies, taking in death together, morbidly accepting that the end was near for them, and the rest of the universe wasn't far behind.And that can still happen, if you make the wrong choice."...Five..."There were other options, true. Storming the temple on foot, protecting it from further exterior attack, but they weren't the immediate help he felt was needed.You realize the forces you're toying with. Reconsider before its too late."...Four..."The Malestrom was strong, Semick knew that, especially around the heart of its infection on this island. But Dino Attack was strong too. It had gotten this far in its war against the Dinos against impossible odds, and if he could use everything he had, he was determined to do it."...Three..."People like Dust or Trigger might be technically more realistic in the strategic outlook of things, but after all Semick had seen, he knew that there were acceptable times to take risks, times that might be a gamble, and if he had a chance to help his team in their darkest hour yet, he was going to take it."...Two..."You'll be dead!Dino Attack needs everything right now, Semick told his inner voice. If I die, I'll die knowing that I didn't stand down and let this happen. I'll do everything I need to if necessary."...One..."Fire!" Semick cried over the mic, and squeezed the trigger. The T-1s began, firing nearly in union, Striking hard down on the largest part of the temple where the radar readings stated that everyone was in. It was time to let them know that Dino Attack wasn't done yet.-------------The temple started to shake, slight pieces of debris falling from the ceiling."What was that?" Vinyaya asked out loud."Maybe something big just went down in the battle area," Laxus suggested."Could be Semick finally getting to blowing through the roof," Andrew added."I hope he isn't being stupid with his choice," Vinyaya muttered. "Who knows what physical state this building is in?""I'm sure he knows what he's doing. Now come on, I think the battle sounds are coming from down this hall."The three of them jogged down the hall, hoping to at least reach the battle area. Andrew was getting anxious. He wanted to get there soon. Not just because he felt that the more hands being handed to the team effort, the better, but the fact that the Malestrom corridors were looking more and more eerie by the minute. It felt like it was ready to show him some scary tall guy in a suit with no face the next time he looked down a-Andrew's heart skipped a beat for the umpteenth time today. Standing right down the hallway was a familiar Minifig in a red vest and train cap, a thick white moustace, and a pair of large glasses."The-the Infomaniac?" Andrew sputtered out."What the Megabloks is he doing here?!" Vinyaya asked. "Isn't he back in Antarctica?""I came here," the Infomanaic said, approaching the trio, "to talk to you personally, Andrew. About how you failed at LEGO Island."But while the words stung him, Andrew was already snapped out of it. With a look of annoyance, he raised his laser rifle and shot the "Infomaniac" midstep. He fell to the ground, his true visage as a Stromling revealed."What makes the Malestrom think," Laxus remarked, "that it can have some mook take the visage of some figure from our past and give us a good talking to, when the fact that someone we know taking the moment in the middle of a battle to try and chat rather than help us fight is going to fool anyone?""You'd be surprised at how the trick works on people under the right circumstances," said Vinyaya. "I think you two just might be a little too genre savvy for that right now. Now let's try and get going. I came here to save our planet, not ask alot of questions about the Malestrom's workings. I didn't expect some kind of Stromling Inquisition."Suddenly, three more Stromlings jumped out from the shadows, all three dressed in bright purple robes and gold necklaces, and at least one in a nice long-brim hat."Nobody expects the Stromling Inquistion!" said the Stromling in the hat. "Because our chief weapon is suprise! Suprise, fear, and nice purple uniforms!"Andrew just stared at the sight. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me," he groaned as he readied his rifle.------------The scarred Mutant Lizard commonly known as "Stranger's Friend" stood crouched down in one of the shadows of the chamber of the battle. Here the call of the Malestrom was strong, and the instinctual temptations great. The creature did his best to not look at the swirling vortex and the fearsome-seeming figure inside it, instead focusing on the figures in the battlefield.Most of the purple servants of the Malestrom were gone now. Most were preoccupied with the cloaked warrior now holding the crystal the chamber was so focused on several minutes ago. But it seemed the battle had taken some strange turn. Many of the Dino Attack Minifigs and their allies seemed halted by strange circumstances. Most were trapped by what looked like other Minifigs, who appeared to somehow install fear in them that was leaving them all but paralyzed. Others seemed stopped by obstacles that were holding them down by something other than just the physical obstacles. And at least some were being hounded by creatures that were triggering phobias, like one Minifig who was running in circles from a large butterfly.Still crouched in the shadows, the Lizard tried moving closer to the battle, listening to the things these Minifigs were saying. For all that was happening, the creature was still intent on finding and helping Rex. He had to be somewhere, and what these Minifigs were all saying had to give something away."....could you do this to us? Squander the fortune we....""....little Minnie can’t be happy that Oswald finally got....""....did was wrong. And the Team Commanders will....""....the heck is going on, I'm not good with computers, ask...""...dinosaurs are literally created and bred to be nothing but mindless monsters that..."The lizard's one good eye widened. It turned towards the source of the last few words.There was a Minifig on the ground, his face covered with hair growths and scars his legs spread out almost loosely, only supporting himself by his arms. Above him was a Minifig in garments similar to his, and though his face was much more plain, there was an unmissable look of hostility and hatred in his eyes.From what the Lizard could understand, the second Minifig was hounding the first about how helping Mutant Dinos was futile, how they were doomed to be servants of the Malestrom. He also rambled about how apparently their allies were useless and were fighting a losing battle. The Lizard felt insulted and enraged at this Minifig. It was despicable what he was saying to his own kind, and insulting Mutant Dinos wasn't helping its reputation either. Its crouch slowly began to ready for a charge.After some time, the second Minifig gestured its arms back behind him, and with the sound of a great rush of water, some kind of form started to emerge from the shadows surrounding the chamber. Some even came from right over the Mutant Lizard's head. The form merged together not far from the two Minifigs, and became some large, slightly Dino-ishy creature of glowing purple water. It roared a great roar, and looked down towards the Minifigs, specifically towards the one on the ground.The Mutant Lizard had no idea what was going on between the two, except for one thing: the Minifig on the ground was Rex, the "Dino Man" himself. And he was down on the ground, his values being tested to the limit, and his peril great. He needed help.Just as something above the chamber started to rumble, the Mutant Lizard charged forward out of the shadows, passing by other Minifigs in the middle of their own struggles, and leaped out into the air. It landed feet first right between Rex and his opponent, making the latter stumble back in surprise."What...?!" The Minifig uttered.The Mutant Lizard growled threateningly and crouched defensively. It was determined to protect Rex from these strange but undeniable foes.OOC: Hope none of that interrupts anybody's plans severely. And I wasn't trying to mock the whole "Malestrom reminds people of their fears" bit there. Just having a bit of fun with it in my usual style.BTW, I've been waiting to do that joke at the end of Andrew's part for so long.
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