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Status Updates posted by Leynok

  1. You might want to reply in the Mockery.

  2. In your signature, you say that you refuse to have a signature. Well, by saying that, you are having a signature, therefore that statement is not true.

  3. I like the character in your personal profile pic, he looks intimidating!

  4. No one told me. The names are similar.

  5. That makes sense. So, how did you get into making games?

  6. Now that I look at it more closely, it's even more confusing. :P

  7. Hello, ma'am.

  8. Look at your comments.

  9. In one of the audio-blogs, Greg pronounced Vezon as "Heyson" or something like that. It totally threw me. :P

  10. I haven't even played any real Mega Man games, just a game that was attempting to be cooler than it, but failed miserably.

  11. Look at your comments.

  12. Hey Mahu, you probably don't know but you inspired me to make bionicle games when you started Piraka Assault.


  13. Here, have a bit of blue.

  14. Congrats for getting on the front page.

  15. Since when were we talking about interests?

  16. Hello.

    I was about to ask what your native language was until I visited your profile.

  17. What! I'm not your number 1 best friend! I'm going to go off and cry...

  18. Thanks for the suggestion! =)

  19. And what is your help center going to do?

  20. May I use your banner? :)

  21. Your epic, Mindfire, is epic.

  22. You should really continue working on your game, t'was quite good!

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