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Year 13

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  1. Confirmed on Twitter as well https://twitter.com/LEGO_Group/status/759033520907964416
  2. Awesome stuff Tattorack. I should probably start designing that UI.....
  3. Tren Krom, I'm running the same system as you and experienced the same problem. Usually if I just wait a bit, it unfreezes and doesn't happen again afterwards. The team's working on it tho!
  4. Not until the PC version is completed first. Stay tuned, and you can support us by putting our banner in your sig! (check the first post)
  5. It's support from guys like you who confirm that we're doing something right! The team is overcome with all the great feedback, and it's only PRE-ALPHA! Keep on spreading the word (banners help!) and for those of you who made gameplay vids, WE LOVE EM! I'm doing a bit of promo work, but other than, we don't really have ppl to help inform ppl about this project. Except for you guys! So in a way, you can help us out even if you're not part of the core dev team. Thanks again guys. Now I have a inventory system to design.... JD
  6. Post a link to the video when you've uploaded it
  7. MNOG3D featured on BZPs homepage...is this a dream?

  8. Banners, people! With our pre-alpha launching tomorrow, this is a great time to show your support for the project and spread the word! You can copy and paste this into your sig. [url=http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/13995-project-mnog-3d][img=http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/black592/myavatar/mnog3d_banner.jpg][/url] More variations to come!
  9. Like Vorred mentioned, I played the staff pre-alpha yesterday and was blown away. It was the perfect combination of wonder and nostalgia presented in a new and fresh way. If this is any inclination of what the entire island will be like, it's going to be a must-play for any long-term Bionicle fans like ourselves.
  10. Thanks Xonar! I was looking for the Ussal Crab sound in particular....turns out it was labeled Manas. That's why I thought some were missing! But thanks, this will actually work for my purposes.
  11. Hmm...where the sound effects always this low quality? haha, and there aren't that many here either. unless it's less than I remembered. Is there any other sources where I can get a fuller catalogue? Or where I could download the game and take the sound effects from there?
  12. Hey is there anywhere online where I can access all the SFX from the first Mata Nui Online Game? They would be super useful to the project I'm working on right now. Thanks, JD
  13. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I would've kept everything on the island of Mata Nui. Or at least keep the tribal environment. I know this is a horrible idea marketing-wise, but I just loved the idea of sci-fi robots in a tropical island/tribal setting. It seems oxymoronic, which was what made it so delightful. When we went to Metru Nui, yeah that was cool, but it was robots in a robot city environment. Wow. Haven't seen that before. Like I said, this is probably a horrible idea because things need to be mixed up and made new to sell moar toys haha. But yeah that's what I would have changed/kept the same.
  14. Proud and excited to be a part of this project. MNOG and MNOG II were a big part of my childhood, so it's great to being paying artistic homage to my creative roots.
  15. Bionicle is the only reason I keep updated with LEGOs whereabouts.
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