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Blog Comments posted by romansoldierdude

  1. They has Mistika at Target? YAY!


    All of them? Not including titans? And I'll definately have em at Target because I live where Target first began. *grimaces at possible mention of true location*

    They had every Mistika/Phantoka including all of the Titans in full, including some of the new StarWars Lego things.



  2. Aw...that's no fun. BTW, this is the first time this summer that I've seen a movie before it gets into those cheap theaters like 5 weeks later. Blame my dad. I saw Iron Man last week, and still haven't seen Get Smart, Indiana Jones, or...um...I probably already forgot because we still haven't seen whatever the movie was. Hm. Of the blockbustery movies, I've only seen this, Iron man, and Prince Caspian!

  3. It sounds dangerously fun!


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    Um...I'll do it the short way that makes you still want to see the move. The girl Batman likes dies, Harvey Dent, the guy who arrested a ton of mob members got half of his face burned off, making him two-face, he tried to kill Camish Gordon's wife and kids, Batman killed him. And the Joker stuff was too awesome to tell. I'll need some more comments for that to happen.
  4. Um...all of the toa mistika have silver arms and legs...no surprise. In fact, that's half of the reason I want them.


    And in the pictures I've seen, Gali actually looks like the best toa mistika. The pictures they showed of Tahu and Onua do NOT look good. But I'm still getting them.

  5. Whoa, they have Mistika? Oh yeah, that news article...I wonder if Target does...




    You could have been reviewing my SSs like you said you would... :glare:


    I wants to sees the dark knight sometimes soon. Someday Soon. Like that Julien-k song.


    Whoops. Off-topic about a band no one has ever heard of. :(

  6. Yeah, the game demos usually stink. Like Tekken 14 or something. :P


    Target and Wal-mart are way too far from my house. Instead, I go to this chain store that's only in Minnesota and Iowa and I once secretly bought a hydruka and Defilak. My parents hate me buying sets... :(


    OMG weird monkey. And yes, you are a SSCC newb

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